No rekt? - Rekt thread

no rekt? - Rekt thread

Attached: 1525928207096.gif (380x260, 1009K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 20190913_163918.jpg (599x480, 36K)

Attached: andy sixx.jpg (609x655, 330K)

Kenny Rogers

Attached: enema.webm (320x400, 1.14M)

Attached: poltard_irl.webm (480x600, 1.51M)

Attached: Slingshot.webm (360x202, 1.56M)


at least the old mad tv parody of him

mad tv

and gay

It's not fake.
Do your fucking research, dumbass.

Not fake at all. This guy makes a ton of crazy projectile weapons and tests them. He lived but that ball bearing hit him good.

Attached: 1568446481118-b.webm (640x360, 439K)

Attached: turkey chase.webm (848x464, 1.9M)

You are the most gullible fucks ever.

Your the dumbass look at the comments fucktard

Attached: 1561400992662.webm (384x480, 1.42M)

Chickens are assholes.

that's what you get for doing stupid fucking trends

Attached: 1HeliHelikopteri.webm (352x356, 1.89M)

may the cull of the stupid continue

Attached: 32001221.webm (640x640, 819K)

His last words were:

Attached: 1MartyrPerk.webm (497x302, 147K)

more thots getting rekt plz

Attached: cultural enrichment.webm (266x480, 1.83M)

chicks are assholes

here's an exploding thot

Attached: 0211445565.webm (576x720, 196K)

You fucking retard


Vic Morrow

Attached: h8B3044B8.jpg (500x412, 36K)

That's a rooster dumbass

Explain the camera then retard
Did it faint from seeing blood?

>6 hours after eating hot wings

Why do retards keep posting fake shit

And why didnt he touch the wound. His hand hovered over it. He didnt want to break the tube or whatever was there.

why do you bitch yet contriboot nothing ?

Attached: 32002155478.webm (480x872, 878K)

Fat white guys on sex tours.

Roosters are chicken cocks, hens are chicken hens.
Both are chickens.
You are a moron, KYS.

Attached: crazy priest.webm (232x600, 1.25M)

Attached: Crazier Priest.webm (362x640, 530K)

Attached: didnotthinkthisthru.webm (292x220, 888K)

you got eggnog in my goat milk

Those little girls' reactions

Wannabe Vic Morrow

Backwards logic
Posting nothing is better than posting fake shit, and does not lessen the faggotry of fake shit being posted

That was the most lame fake acting fall back I have ever seen in my life. You idiots probably BeLIEve what you see in the news too!


Attached: 1EisenWalzFabrik.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

Attached: 1Käärmesss.webm (320x240, 185K)

We are not suicidal. Maybe we are just angels that want to go home.

Attached: 1Tienylitys.webm (276x480, 478K)

Mission failed, we´ll get 'em next time.

Attached: 1Vapaapudotus.webm (480x848, 1.5M)

Some pure material

Attached: 1itsepuolustus.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

fake, not the real Jörg
didn't say "let me show you its features!"

It would have been better if that was a pitbull puppy.


Bet it's the same faggot posting all this fake garbage

>mfw i try biking through the middle east to prove they are a peaceful nation and find out the hard way why thats a bad idea

Gotta go for the neck

i bet you bitch about movies and your faggot ass never made one......see, it works both ways. kid

Attached: 1569029477417.png (960x819, 53K)

He couldn't wait to get to the bottom to take a Tamil or Hindi poo.

white makes right

Least it was quick.

Attached: SPEAR.webm (426x206, 158K)

The white man stands as the defender of the righteous in the winds of nigga.

What a waste.

For fuck's sake. This threat has no good posts anyway and mine are the among the best no doubt.
Stop bitching that everything is fake. I have just stolen these off these kinds of threats, I don't know if they are real, just thought they are funny.

Attached: 1aasianruokaa.webm (208x360, 1.81M)

Maybe would have put on a bigger fight

Onko tuo rautaa vai?

how to spot a retard

Other car shouldn't have braked. It's only a nigger.

This is a skit from mad tv you fucking retard

>you do not like the type of dog which I like
>you are therefore a retard
Sup Forums logic.

All of you are wrong. That is most definitely a real live chocobo.

Fucking smoothbrains, the lot of you.


Where's the money, Lebowski

No kyllä kaaaai.

Attached: 1Hyppyritunneli2.webm (480x480, 272K)


Attached: 1551609045796.webm (426x238, 312K)

silence ho

That perfectly framed shot of his forehead at the end. That perfect slow camera relocation to the ground.
Oh yeah, totally real dudes.

Attached: 1560727215601.png (625x626, 53K)

not posting the sequel

Attached: 1569670554007.gif (480x270, 1.91M)

fake as fuck. She doesn't have a c-collar, oxygen, backboard, or any kind of stability.

Source: Am EMT fag

Takes cover behind a woman. A true modern thinker

it is fake..he explains in another video how he did paint

Shouldn't have tried to fuck it, bound to rile it up a bit

>putting his cubicle monies to not so good use

I had it, the gif just was broken.

Based user

He took CONCEALMENT behind the woman that he can make a stylish and professional appearance with his gun drawn.

Me again replying to my own posts to post videos.

Attached: 1puukaatuu.webm (270x480, 1.22M)

Attached: 1566995174580.webm (480x360, 1.84M)

Attached: Osama.webm (480x360, 821K)

isnt this the tunnel from that one JoJo arc with highway star

That seem incredibly russian.
Gotta be russia

wouldnt know. Dont watch gay cartoons.

Attached: 1GtA.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Made me lul more than anything in recent ylyl threads
Bet you if you look close enough you'll see the moment one or more realize that probably happened to them too

was laughing my ass off on them

I especially love the fuckers applying for their Darwin awards that get creamed when he backs up. Puts a smile on my face

It takes a brave man to execute a prisoner in cold blood.

>when you're about to loose your 5 star wanted level

Imagine him letting go

When Fruit by the Foot attacks.