Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about? The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.
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>QotT What do you think of Mystery Science Theatre 3000?
>News user visits /lbg/ for the first time: user identifies schmucks: user opines on Michael Mann: user is searching for letterboxd users: Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.
Remember the following: >Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste >This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.
I like it. A lot of episodes are pretty milquetoast commentary, but it's a nice way to watch a b-movie without having to slog through it alone. Would you guys log those "MST3K" episodes on Letterboxd or the actual film that was showcased?
Joseph Harris
Yo hit a nibba up with some recs
Dylan Ramirez
What Lynch flicks are worth watching and which should I skip? I've only seen Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive
Christopher Taylor
>worth watching none >and which should I skip all of them
Henry Hernandez
I log it as the mst3k version
I also think mst3k fucking sucks (though I have only watched a couple)
Liam Scott
Jack Flores
Josiah White
Final Sacrifice, Soultaker, Manos: the Hands of Fate, Mitchel and Space Mutiny
Joseph Ward
The naked kiss, black cat white cat, shadows in paradise, paris qui dort
Jayden Stewart
Ian Davis
Congrats, you made the OP again, pathetic faggot piece of shit. I'm sure it brings you great satisfaction when it already starts with your walltext shitpost.
Colton Phillips
The Forbidden Request, 47 Nights, Forgive Us of Our Trespasses, Bondo's Club of the Dead, Fate of the Deadly Seven
Gabriel Morgan
Brayden Morris
>I don't watch tv, it's anti-art
Connor Perez
I still need a thorough explanation why D.W. Griffith is largely ignored by /lbg/. Look at pic-related. I need an explanation why the only films watched by him or acknowledged by him are the ones on the TSPDT list. He made over 500 films.
Logan Wright
John Allen
I also need a thoroughly researched answer for what was the first art film and an explanation as to why it wasn't Intolerance, a film which crosscuts between several centuries, pioneers flashback, tracking shots, camera movement, and is done without adaptation and no script.
Ayden Jackson
Justin Peterson
Not an answer
Brandon Ramirez
Joseph Foster
I also need a thoroughly researched and well-argued reason as to why True Heart Susie is on the TSPDT list as opposed to Dream Street, Sorrows of Satan, Isn't Life Wonderful, or A Romance of Happy Valley
Liam Moore
And any truly proud Americans in this shithole of a general praising eurotrash and ignoring a great American pioneer would do themselves a proud favor for their country by offing themselves.
Before doing so, you ought to hear the words from one of D.W. Griffith's own Euro-American contemporaries.
And especially for those living in Southern states, Birth of a Nation is required viewing. There are no exceptions. It was the first great motion picture. Nothing else prior is close. Everything about motion pictures stems from Birth of a Nation, and it is a stirring tribute to those not given a voice proper. It is an American masterpiece.
D.W. will not be removed from history in favor of eurotrash like Viktor Seastrom, Yevgeni Bauer, or Carl Dreyer. Griffith was the one that made film art. He was the first.
Eli Johnson
Without Griffith, you would not have movies today. Griffith was the first to prove with accentuation of formalist qualities only possible in the medium of film, you could incite uproarious feeling, feeling that is still felt to this very day with the controversy of Birth of a Nation. Feeling is not felt on a grand scale by Ingeborg Holm today. No, it is felt by Birth.
the autist says that /lbg/ doesn't watch griffith's movies, but he forgot that corncord clubbed a corner in wheat.......
Brayden King
When is he going to start making good films again? Then stab him for JG Ballard and me.
Sebastian Long
>but he forgot that corncord clubbed a corner in wheat....... Elaborate, baboon. If you're capable.
Austin Howard
Yeah I didn't like High Rise either.
Nolan Price
A community of /lbg/ members decided to all watch a Griffith short together and discuss it. But you would have known that if you started browsing this general more than a week ago.
Robert Robinson
He was probably busy looking up info on Letterboxd users who left 5 years ago.
Caleb Wood
Get fucked, retard
Colton Hill
Things are so fucked nowadays here that bullying Synt seems uninteresting
Cameron Hall
I'm Synt's boyfriend and I won't tolerate bullying against my beloved Synt!!!
Jacob Barnes
Watching one short doesn't mean anything. He made over 500 films and had influence on all of your inferior directors that you hold in high regard (seastrom, Eisenstein, abel gance, rosselini, orson welles, john ford, Renoir)
William Kelly
Whatever, fucking retard. You know nothing of cinema, nothing of art and even nothing of /lbg/.
Luis Nelson
High Tier MD Blue Velvet Eraserhead Lost Highway Twin Peaks FWWM
Mid Tier Wild at Heart Inland Empire (watch last...) The Elephant Man
Low Tier The Straight Story Dune
Parker Wood
I see all of your ratings. I see the low ratings you give to Griffith's films while praising eurotrash. And most of you are American. You're disgusting. You're filth. You deserve to be removed from the country.
Jayden Smith
>When a user lists Sup Forums in the bio
Tyler Ortiz
Daniel Smith
Twin Peaks
Austin Ross
>Low Tier >The Straight Story There you did wrong
Hunter Rogers
I know plenty more than all of you. It's evident in my well-researched answers, some that can already be seen posted in this thread. You just bitch and cry when I prove each and every one of you to be ignorantly wrong.
Asher Jones
t. Synt's boyfriend
Angel Phillips
In all your sad presence on this board and this general, you never made anything but shitposts. Every single thing you ever posted is a shitpost born of your stupid mind.
Anthony Flores
Oliver Hughes
What does that have to do with me?
Thomas Rivera
I honestly didnt believe in the possibility of watching something worst than Hidden Figures so soon after that
Cameron Nguyen
It means you're the boyfriend of Synt (and enjoy sucking his cock), you fucking idiot. Try to keep up.
Jaxon Foster
Brody Bell
True, Cameraperson is terrible. I guess you mixed the stars
James Scott
pleb n proud huh i see
Jayden Miller
No I mean why am I, Synt, getting associated with the Griffith conversation? It's got nothing to do with me man.
Cooper Peterson
Because anything thats not modern/postmodern is bad except few exceptions, and you betcha DWG is not one of them
Eli Johnson
There's no 'Griffith conversation'. Poor /lbg/ dealing with some sick autist shitting up the place for weeks and your deluded bland ass calls it the 'Griffith conversation'. Fuck you
Grayson Johnson
It's the autistic poster spammer acting up again.
Dominic Murphy
Ryan Watson
When did you finally get honest with yourself and admit you prefer him to John Ford?
Kayden Clark
/lbg/ is for shitposting professionals
Aaron Jackson
Jace Harris
Niggers and posters give you satisfaction.
You will get neither. Only arguments and condescension, baboons.
Ian Johnson
>Because anything thats not modern/postmodern is bad Elaborate. The form and morals in Birth of a Nation are very much modern today with all the apes running wild after getting a snippet of power.
Christian Torres
81080306 Your little niggers and posters of films you never saw do not give us satisfaction. Your delusion of arguments and childish condescension do not give us satisfaction. Nothing you post has any value.
Gabriel Bailey
Because he is fucking boring.
Adrian Williams
Lol there's a literal conversation on Griffith taking place in this thread right now you spastic. And they're calling me bland now! I love being a spectrum of hatred to the point of contradiction.
Andrew Miller
Im talking aesthetics you little racist shit
Joseph Scott
Only plebs find long takes and realistic modes of acting boring
Brandon Scott
Cabiria did that ealier
Josiah Brooks
Your stupidity is something special. There's nothing of the sort like a 'griffith conversation' here, there's just continued shitposting. And you have always been a bland faggot.
David James
Griffith has nothing on slow cinema, his long takes are way different, i know youre trolling but just stop
Benjamin Carter
Elaborate on aesthetic. Form-wise, most importantly, D.W. Griffith's work were very modern and ahead of their time. Innovations in flashbacks, cross-cutting, mobile camerawork, nonlinear narrative, and cited preexisting elements of neorealism exemplify this.
Owen White
By this rhetoric, is the autist also a Sup Forumstard?
Adam Peterson
bruh if you wanna speak to yourself and eventually get some reactions just go to twitter
Wyatt Price
Cabiria had no flashbacks and lacked crosscutting, montage, closeups, as well as nonlinear narrative. It's also a poorly told story with far too many intertitles and stiff camerawork.
Hudson Butler
At least I know the definition of conversation.
And I think you call me bland because I give you nothing to meme with. Does that infuriate you? like once in a while when I post I usually attach at least a question try in vain to generate discussion. occasionally it works - better than other users who literally post the same lines each time.
maybe I am bland - I just wanna talk about some films instead of create a cult of personality like the rest of some of you tryhards. Best thing is I don't even have to try anyway because you seem to like building one for me.
Jackson Taylor
why are so many fags triggered by actual film discussion
do we need constant archivespam to be good?
Henry Kelly
>Griffith has nothing on slow cinema, his long takes are way different Elaborate with citations and research.
Because evidently here, Griffith has all the elements of realism and deep focus photography in confined space as well as iris shots, masking, and night time photography Griffith even experimented with color for the last scenes.
Fascinating, faggot. You don't know the definition of a real 'conversation', and also lack the knowledge to identify what is purely shitposting- as is the case with what's happening here. Quite a lot like what you practice with your bland, irrelevant posting in this general. No doubt your condition is now of a lesser evil however, a simply stupid one.
Elijah Garcia
there hasn't been actual film discussion in these threads for at least 3 years
Jackson Johnson
Being very ahead of its time still doesnt make his work modern, thats not how art movements work. Its just an opinion, but i trully dont like classical cinema, i find it stiff and little inventative, the russian avantgarde movement is good but besides that i really only start enjoying cinema again during the late 30's/early 40s. and even then is only part of those small movements that try to play with how do you make cinema.
I think my main grudge iwth Griffith is while his stuff is pretty much ahead of its time in america (I wouldnt call him inventative since everyone knows he mainly just did things the yuros also did)
I also dont like melodramatic movies and i think Griffith is far way to emotional, thats also what i meant by modernist/postmodernist movies, they just tend to be way less corny in that sense.
Adrian Long
Michael Brown
>I give you nothing to meme with you're existence is a meme
Parker Davis
He actually likes Griffith because he doesn't like "movies that are inspired by plays." He's a fucking spergtron.
Connor Morris
That has nothing to do with slowcinema tho. I recommend you reading a PHD" thesis named "Screening of Boredom" or something like it, you can google search it and you be able to find it.
Slow cinema is not called that way because the shots last long, griffith shots last long because Vertov wasnt around when he was making movies and everyone's shots used to last that long.
Kayden Rodriguez
>the russian avantgarde movement is good but besides that i really only start enjoying cinema again during the late 30's/early 40s >(I wouldnt call him inventative since everyone knows he mainly just did things the yuros also did)
Elaborate on why otherwise you're a pleb because Griffith already developed the modern principles of editing in his biograph shorts. He also pioneered realism in film acting to separate it from the theater. You can see it when you contrast his shorts in 1908 with films being made elsewhere at the time. Griffith also created the foundation for neorealism as cited here
Noah Taylor
>Realistic modes of acting >Black face white people and make them act like monkeys. You're a little shit.
Carson Myers
Principles of editing were created by Meliés, who you're trying to deceive? You're just saying tons of stuff without giving any actual proof and hoping people fall for it. He also didnt pioneered realism in film acting and you should stop putting fake info in your posts.
Hudson Hall
Acting is one of the least important elements of cinema.
Owen Edwards
>Meliés created special effects back in 1902 with editing the negative >"B-BUT GRIFFITH INVENTED FILM EDITING"
Jacob Hall
>griffith shots last long because Vertov wasnt around when he was making movies and everyone's shots used to last that long. You don't know anything about film history. Griffith pioneered film editing. He has long takes but he also invented quick crosscutting and parallel action. He knew when to hold shots and when to cut to emphasize psychological effect. Him and Robert Flaherty are cited as the prime pioneers of the evolution of cinema and film grammar
Next time actually post a source when you want to pretend you know anything, little shit. Now go run some bathwater and take a plunge with a toaster.
Jason Barnes
Being influential to someone doesnt mean he created the foundation to a whole fucking movement, stop being so fucking dumb. Griffith and neorealism are nothing alike
Ethan Nguyen
>The pleb thinks i havent read Bazín lmao
Alexander Barnes
Melies didn't invent crosscutting. Griffith did. Melies also didn't invent the closeup.
Nicholas Bailey
Griffith didn't create film editing. He developed it to new uses.l
How can someone be so dumb? lol
Joshua Rivera
I started watching this last night and turned it off 37 minutes in. I didn't want to subject myself to it any longer and decided there are better things I could be watching. Hey, got ten minutes longer into it than I did Vampire's Kiss. So, there's that.
Andrew Parker
Neither did Griffith, Close up was invented by that english guy who shot the robbing of the train from '03, Griffith first movie was in '08. Also Griffith didnt invent crosscutting also, it was first used in that Firemen rescue thingy i dont remember the name.
Thomas Butler
>Griffith and neorealism are nothing alike See here. He's cited as a prime influence for neorealism by De Sica and Rossellini because his 1924 film's use on on-location shooting, realism, and empathy for polish immigrants.