I'm not sure I understand Shame

I'm not sure I understand Shame.

Most so-called sex addicts are either women, or men addicted to porn and prostitutes. All this guy has to do is jump in a car from a ride offered to him by a woman, and he gets laid. Or the girl who just comes up next to him in the bar. Or the girl who fucks him on the second date. Or the girl he easily brings up to the hotel. I'm not even sure he paid for those prostitutes at the end.

I don't even know anyone who can pull this off in real life. But is it really problematic at this point? What's the point of feeling lonely when you get so much love and attention?

What's the premise of the movie?



Because it's shallow shit. It's not love and attention but on the surface vapid shit. Sex isn't everything, love and fulfilment means more.

>tfw whenever someone talks about Shame I think for a second they're talking about the Bergman film but they're really talking about this middle-brow flavor of the month trash heap.

>its a virgin confuses love and affection for sex
sex is just sex until you are with someone you actually care about, lil dude

>I don't think I'm an animal that mates just like any other animal
>I think my special snowflake thoughts make it something different

loooool okay

He's rich, good looking and in an urban environment. More importantly he spends pretty much all his free time on picking up women. If you spent every afternoon and every weekend out in public hitting on women, you'd probably get a decent response at least once a month even if you got nothing going for you.

At the very least you'd quickly learn what not to do. You'd get a lot of rejection, but that's just the name of the game. It's not like addicts maintain their dignity.

wtf are you even talking about?
i never said that people dont just fuck like animals
thats actually the point i was trying to make but you are just too stupid to comprehend what you read
see what i was getting at is the fact that OP said
>What's the point of feeling lonely when you get so much love and attention?
implying that random hookups equal love and affection
which it doesnt
which is what i was inferring

damn nigger you are dumb