Guys I am genuinely concerned

guys I am genuinely concerned
how can this be stopped?
I'd like to hear from both sides, right and left, what are some real solutions that can be given to the terrorism problem?
It's clear something must be done. Letting more foreigners into western countries certainly isn't, and deporting/killing people because of their religion/race goes against most civilized countries' ideals and rule of law

Btw I am outraged because people in my country literally do not give 2 shits about these attacks. they always go "but we get like 20 people murdered in here every day!!!" and "the other day same thing happened in Irak and no one cared" or worse "they deserve it because of their imperialism and wars on the middle east!!!" and shit like that. Disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:

pray for Yugoslavia

the only solution

Use Magic, pray to Kek

All our racial holy war against nonwhites.

I don't see this ending without mass deportations. The muzzies keep poking and prodding, and the French are getting tired

deport them all, only solution

Try reverting to your primal instincts and losing your humanity in the process.

T. Chink


three step solution:
1) Stop all muslim immigration
2) Repatriate those muslims here
3) Colonise musilim nations, take their oil profits for reparations and make them live like 2nd class citizens.

The ultimate team...

If that happened there would be no middle east left in existence!

>how can this be stopped?
You can start by addressing it as the Muslim problem.

All of the world problems are because of the tension between US and Russia. If both were friends they wouldnt supply weapons to any terrorist organization or middle eastern country. Get your facts right burger, not your fats.

It can't be ended without additional violence, France is a good example of this, they have muzzies over there since the dawn of time and apparently you can't remove their terrorist genes.

>The japanese truck, a highly aggressive and ravenous species of truck, had found its way to the heart of europe, where the native populations had no natural defences against the creatures.
The population of france had been decimated in a matter of weeks as the trucks started to thrive.
the UN called for intervention from the japanese government only to receive "we don't know how to deal with them either" as a response.
There's nothing you can do

There's isn't. There's too many muzzies and guns right now. The left and right are going have to compromise on all western countries.

Btw have any Muslims EVER come forward prior to an attack and stopped one of these from occurring?

Seems to me that they are keeping these thing a little bit too quiet prior and do not condemn attacks as firmly as they should after, and are more concerned with taqiyya and possible repercussions against their kind instead of sending condolences to the victims.


they only bring destruction

Zero tolerance for non-integration. You want to move to the West, you have to fucking act like Westerners. No Mosques. No hijabs. No treating women like shit. First offense, you get a warning, second offense you're on a plane back to whatever war-torn shithole you came from. No more pussyfooting around and pretending like tolerance is the answer. Integration is the answer. Two cultures living side by side in the same country has and will never be peaceful. There has to be one united culture within a country and people who refuse to assimilate need to find somewhere else to live that fits with their way of life.

This is the only answer and I am so astonished that neither the left nor the right are pushing this very simple idea. Not "mandatory background checks" or "stopping immigration", but simply making integration mandatory. I don't give a shit where you're from or which God you believe in, as long as you act according to the rules and customs of the country you move to.

Close borders + Appease muzzies + fluoridate drinking water in muzzie communities to sterilize them.

Halt immigration of Muslims completely no exceptions. Exceptions can possibly be made for a very small amount of Christians/Jews/other religious people and non religious people.
Deportation of any current Muslim who is even suspected of harbouring extremist views and sympathizing with fundamentalists.

Remember, this is mostly a thing to do with religious more so than it is to do with race. Most Muslims coming from the cultures they do, are not compatible with Western society and will not integrate. The exception maaaaybe being second or third generation Muslims who grow up here but have more Western influence and sort of hold onto religion as more of a thing to make their parents happy. Overall though, France needs to seriously stop bending over backwards for these people.

>how can this be stopped?
bathroom rules: if it's brown, flush it down.

>deporting/killing people because of their religion/race goes against most civilized countries' ideals and rule of law

Nobody said it was going to be easy, Honduras. This is essentially the only option that can stop further attacks. If they believe in sharia, they're incompatible. They should have never, ever, ever been let in, in the first place. It's only fair to the law abiding and hard working who deserve a fair chance at a peaceful life free of terror that they either have to adapt, or go- and so far, they haven't adapted. More importantly, and unfortunately... they won't adapt.

Simple as that.

By the way I meant Christians/Jews/other religious people and non religious people immigrating to France from the Middle East/Africa.

Daily reminder that we do not know what religion this guy was, or anything about him. He was likely a Frenchman nationalist.

Alrighty there sheep shagger

Islam does not integrate

The same way we ended Shinto Japan

ban islam

Muslim problem wouldn't exist without the liberal problem tho. Priorities, burger!

>real solutions
Genocide of all subhumans worldwide ( this include you ), and slaughter of our traitors by combing social media histories.

The only real solution.
Whether it'll ever be applied or not is another matter.

Round up all the muslims, and give em a choice;

quit your religion by accepting jesus christ as your lord and saviour, and draw a picture of muham'd to prove you are no longer filthy mussie scum


we'll put you on a boat and throw you in the middle of the atlantic. if Allah is just, you will swim to mexico for safety and you will live a good life.

hearts and minds. muhammed has them.
give me a personal assistant and a microphone. i'll end this religion.


This can be stopped ONLY by changing our social media pictures to the french flag and typing #Solidarity4France

>Muh all cultures are equal

>muh religion
Yes, because converting will magically change their dna.
Are you under the impression that behaviour is NOT 100% genetic ?
What next, IQ is environmental and we need to educate the niggers ?

Praise kek
>meme magic

> draw a picture of muham'd to prove you are no longer....
Funny because of it's probability to vet possible liars.

I love you frogs. Im sorry this happened to you. America has your back!

There is no evidence of who the attacker was or what his religion or race was. Anyone assuming he is brown or Muslim is racist. Occam's razor says he is a white French atheist.

Burn down every mosque and beat and kill every follower of Islam. Do the same to Africans. They'll be left with the choice of leaving or staying in a place they invaded and are no longer safe in.

It's been confirmed he was a 31 year old Algerian Islamist.

Plain all-out war.
You or them.

Kick out all moslem supporters (now or in the past) from all their jobs for starters. They can not be trusted anymore no matter what they say. Then level all mosques. Everybody who complains about levelling mosques - behind barbed wire for indefinite period. Everybody who riots because of levelling mosques - shoot with REAL BULLETS.

You will have heavy support from around the world and a lot of enemies (~1 600 000 000).

Converting to Islam does not help you in the long run. You and your children will be overrun and killed in the future anyway.

And the most important thing to remember for life:
do not believe a single word moslem (I prefer using this word instead of muslim, you should start using it too) tells you.

turn everything into a communist shithole worse than the ussr then.. no shit skins would have any reason to come here or niggers

problem solved based ssr

Source or bullshit.

>this is literally the best counter attack whites have against their problems, worshipping a fringe make believe god like the spaghetti monster that does nothing
>meanwhile muslims worship Allah and gets shit done
no wonder white genocide is a real thing lmao

Every terrorist attack in western nations, a nuke gets dropped in the middle east.

>I'd like to hear from both sides, right and left, what are some real solutions that can be given to the terrorism problem?

deport anyone not white European

Sorry my mistake. Not Algerian but Tunisian.

there is no solution, people will kill forever. what we need to do is stop talking about it

Go back to R-eddit

Okay you said you wanted both sides, so before everyone calls me a faggot, here's my interpretation of my side, the left.

Such attacks from Muslim extremists (I dont know if the Nice one was one or not, I honestly havent seen yet the culprit) stem from the uneducated and poor (often unemployed youths) being riled up in religious propaganda created by those no worse than our own dirty politicians and fat cat businessmen willing to do anything for power. So in order to stop these people from not really knowing anything aside from this incorrect interpretation of religious driven killings, these regions must be given the opprotunities of employment and education that many of us were given. It is easy to bicker out that all mosques should be burned or all muslims thrown out of you country when you werent born with no job, food, family, or money and all you had was some shitter cleric telling you to blow yourself up for a religion you yourself hardly understand. We must, in some way or another, remove this elite of extreme, power hungry individuals (as we should do in our own countries) then begin revitalizing the nations. Clearly this is not a simple or easy process, but it is the only conceivable way of ending this


Fight the ideology. Genocide won't do shit.
US must cut ties with Saudi and the rest of the Middle East etc...
I could go on, but it's Friday already.

Still no confirmation that he's Muslim. Unless you're saying all brown people are Muslim, which is racist.

That can only work for a handful of immigrants, integration of larger groups is pretty much impossible since it's against human nature.
The best thing is to generally not let them come, maybe highly educated people can be fine.

I know right? What a stupid faggot. The perpetrator is all over the news and even his picture is out.

>hurr dont jump to conclusions :(

Obviously it's a fucking camel fucking sand nigger Muslim who did this. And I'm even half Arab myself I just fucking hate these dirty pedophile worshipping towel head fucks.

We should stop giving human rights to muslims

how log have these terror attacks been going on? When did Muslims start doing this?

This. A reason this is not working even in a less extreme way is because instead of a slow trickle of johnny-foreigners, the floodgates have been opened. Something has to change.

I have a better solution; fuck off we're full.

We could quite literally slaughter you all in less than ten years.
Meanwhile, you wage more or less open war and don't even make a statistical blip.

When was the last time a subhuman nation waged industrial warfare and killed by tens of millions ? Hint : it starts with ne and end with ver.

Europeans are very successful at wielding technological civilisation, and at making their lives easy. This is the only reason we are lazy and complacent, we are confortable.
By all means, make us unconfortable. Especially with a worldwide economic collapse looming.

He was a French national. He had all of the resources available to any Frenchman. He had no need to do this. He did this because he wanted to.

Get them the FUCK out of Europe

let them kill themselves

Stop invading muslim countries. This is what Ron Paul and the CIA meant by "blowback".

You assume arabs should just bend over willingly while you rape their countries for resources.

Muslims have every right to strike back.

The real problem is actually "diversity culture" -- the idea that diversity is good and that we should encourage people to be and stay diverse.

That is the opposite of how America became strong. Let me tell you how we did it:

Chinese immigrant moves into America and gets made fun of. Ching chong chinaman! Buck teeth! And the family from China tries to fit in and be American so they don't get made fun of. And maybe the Americans find out they like fluffy rice buns filled with pork. This is the melting pot. The Chinese turn into Americans and the Americans get a little tiny bit of Chinese culture.

This works great. Everyone is happy in the long run. 2 generations later you won't be able to tell who's who.

What absolutely fails: diversity. Attacking the melting pot as "cultural appropriation". Encouraging shit like ebonics and encouraging people to stay separate and encouraging people to stop making fun of people who don't fit in.

Seems cruel, but by allowing them to stay separate, you guarantee everything that's happening today. Blacks went separate, and now it's BLM and blood on the streets. Muslims were encouraged to stay separate and now it's murder and bombs.

The old conservative melting pot WORKS. 200 years we been doing this over here and it works. Ethnic groups that hated each other in Europe don't even know they're different ethnic groups anymore in America. They melted together.

How do we fix this now?
Step 1) remove liberal bullshit teachings.

It's going to get violent. It's too late to stop that now. The pot is too mixed up to melt smoothly.

You liberals did this.

You motherfucking liberals and your goddamned feelings and your inability to see 2 steps ahead.

We have to get your thinking out of people's heads and go back to the way we used to do things. I hate to say it, but we need nationalism again. French must be proud to be French. Americans must be proud to be Americans. Uphold your culture and make immigrants melt into it. Otherwise: war.

>Btw I am outraged because people in my country literally do not give 2 shits about these attacks. they always go "but we get like 20 people murdered in here every day!!!" and "the other day same thing happened in Irak and no one cared" or worse "they deserve it because of their imperialism and wars on the middle east!!!" and shit like that
They're not wrong.
You're kinda cucked for caring so much about people who don't give two shits about you and your country.

>poor european neighborhood
>buildings are a little decrepit but aside from that it's clean and the people are, if not warm, at least not hostile and you don't fear for your life

>middle-class subhuman neighborhood
>stay in your car at all time, don't stop, get out as soon as possible

>poor subhuman neighborhood

All discussion about Islamic terrorism is pointless unless you have read Stepgen Coughlin's Catastrophic Failure.
Islam effectively has a secret language, a doublespeak, and once you learn it, everything changes. Not talking about Arabic. For example, Islam defines terror as illegitimate killing, and not only defines killing of kuffars as legitimate, but mandates it. So when Muslims talk about how Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, what they mean is that they think that terrorism is not terrorism, and they expect everyone else to go over to their definition. And under Obama, major organizations and government departments have done so.

You want the truth? Burn the oil refineries that are controlled by ISIS or near them. Blow them all up. Their biggest cash cow is selling oil through Turkey on the black market. End that, and they loose 90% of their funding.

Shut up nigger.

Right-leaning middle tier. Independent thinker, I don't like "picking teams", I just like the exchange of idea's.

I don't have an answer. If people can't act, then just let it get worse.

It's just a slippery slop that leads to Fascism, and if that's what ISIS wants, that's what ISIS gets.

Do you see Japan fucking around after Hiroshima? No.
Do you see China opening the doors to immigration? No.

Since WWII, Europe has been crazy peaceful and tolerant.

This isn't going to end until there are no Muslim countries.

It's just that shit goes down here and we always think "oh well, we are living in Honduras anyway" and imagine how life is like in ultra-safe, rich and modern first world countries.

Then shit goes down there as well and it's disappointing.

make me faggot

You do realize that the majority of the people on this planet would willingly kill on the basis of race/nationality/religion, right? Stop being plagued by white guilt and listen.

This is why Islam is winning. Our prosperity has made us soft. The majority of people on this planet would kill you to have your wealth, and even more think western ideologies are morally bankrupt. Whites are minority. Our ideas and philosophies are overwhelmingly seen as evil, despite the good that has come from them.

Just because the west got very good at war very fast and hasn't been challenged in a while does not mean that war is over. We are at war. And we are allowing ourselves to lose.

If equality means giving bronze age cultures equal treatment as meritocracy and freedom then we are doomed.

also, dub dubs

The first step is to ban assault trucks

or until you stop invading arab countries in the interest of the jew

they run the american governent don't be so naive

>and deporting/killing people because of their religion/race goes against most civilized countries' ideals and rule of law

The problem is you are applying rules of civilization to uncivilized savages. The benefits of civilization are only for civilized people. Every great society in history has known this but for some reason we seem to be forgetting.

The thing is a lot of terrorists were well educated and in fact well off. There isn't evidence which correlates between lack of education and persons who commit acts of terror. Hell if anything there is some evidence which suggests the opposite which is even more fucked.

Here's my solution: Nationalism. To many Muslim immigrants they feel their ethnicity is the dominant identifying group rather than that of their "host" country. Fix this. Make sure that as soon as their in primary school they're taught and emphasized you are French (for example), and being French is the fucking best. If you can instill onto them then you could make that be the dominant identifying group. To insure this stays this way you would most likely have to heavily stem the tide of immigration and sanction any sort of cultural meddling the Saudis would try.

The day a British Shia Muslim hates a Russian Sunni Muslim because the one is British and the other is Russian is the day you've overcome the issue of Islamic integration.

I agree.

9.11 happened (a bit questionable)
US invades Afghanistan
US illegally invades Iraq

These two wars never ended, or never started. The US could not commit to a war and could not admit they were in a war, trying to fight it with as little researches as possible for as long as possible.
I'm certain this is why our economy is starting to fall apart again, we simply can't afford this much war.

On the other hand, maybe the US just needs to accept it's in a war, round people up and put them into prison camps (like they did to the Japs), destroy all the major cities, kill all the leadership, destroy all the arms and weapons, blow up all the infrastructure and resources and let the place starve out until they give up.

ISIS has been on the receiving end of a minimum effort war for 10 years or so. They have no idea what it would look like if we actually decided to kill them all.

They have no idea how much power Europe has.

>how can this be stopped?

Deport the sand niggers and close your borders.

Im not right nor left, they are the same, they work towards glonbalism and help the capitalist jew.

If you ask me, it's their fault, not that those poor people deserved it, but it's their fault.

They must learn, just like african niggers should learn how to live in cities instead of mudhuts

I hope you're trolling.

Either that or you literally have no idea about the full history of the middle east.

Read a goddamn book, you fucking tool.

but how do you go by without failing in your endeavor and cucking the white race even further? I mean, how do you deport them without globalists stopping you and labeling it another holocaust and calling you literally a second hitler?


btw how is crime in la ceiba

It's a good idea, but they go home, speak Arabic and are told if they're not arabic, God will kill them and all this shit.

They never put their national identify above their religious one. That's why it's called "The Nation of Islam". It's a political group, a military strategy and a way of life.

You are not going to trump that with SJW cucked Trudeau and gay rights and shit, because all that crap is stupid and they don't want it. Neither do I.

It all boils down to one thing. Jews. We invade middle eastern countries for their interests and we get nothing but gas that's slightly cheaper and our boys being killed in the mid east. It's time we all put our differences aside and get these kikes out of power in every western country. They should have no influence in out politics or economy.

Some organizations do condemn it, buts its the equivalent of the bullshit Hillary spewed on the radio about France being our ally in this time of need.

Lock and load leaf!

get rid of leftists at all costs. islam is not scary, leftists are bringing them in on purpose.


Wait, I actually know the answer
The answer is not losing this time around

This, it's worked for Australia, First gen are met with open hostility, they segregate themselves to be around familiar people with the same opinions and ideas. They work hard to provide an education for their kids.

2nd Gen grow up with our kids, they are mocked and bullied for their differences, everybody is. They do make friends though and our kids and their grow up to understand each others cultures.

3rd gen grow up in a family that understands Australian culture and our kids are more understanding of theirs.

Every culture we assimilate adds holidays and foods to our society and we love an opportunity to get have a day off and get pissed.

The issue with Muslims is the PC climate limits our ability to criticize. We've been adapting our culture for them, ie no nativity scenes or christian Christmas carols in malls.

Also the all Muslim schools removes the opportunity for our kids to interact and understand each other. lengthening the integration process or eliminating it all together.

>Here's my solution: Nationalism.

No, this is never the solution. It is simply giving into the small select elite of your country under the guise of being proud of who you are. It will, as history is always willing to show, lead to war. Inevitably and quickly.

And besides, cutting off all immigrants would clearly lead them to despise those who have so much and would offer them nothing. Then where will they go? Back to their shitty home country filled with ISIS recruiters. They gain numbers and support even by the common people, the one thing they and other like groups often lack. Even the simple farmer whose farm was sacked by ISIS now hates something more than them. Then him and his son go join the ranks, selling the wife and daughter to sex slavery gaining more profit for the group.

I dunno. I never supported the war in Iraq.
Whatever you guys do, I'm in.

We are kinda cucked with our SJW Prime Minister though.

You don't need a nationalist Government forever. Didn't take Germany long. Once you cause enough shit, Russia and China will come break it apart.

Its a foreign issue for us man its shocking but our reality is pretty shocking too yeah French people get killed occasionally but they get too live in France and its worth it, while we get to live in eternal hopelessness.