Please recommend some movies or TV series with good acting. I'm not so concerned with the genre or plot, I just want the acting to be believable.
Pic related.
Please recommend some movies or TV series with good acting. I'm not so concerned with the genre or plot, I just want the acting to be believable.
Pic related.
The Sopranos. Nothing else even comes close.
>Vikings, give it time and there's no way you wont love Travis Fimmel, though Ragnar being a god-tier character helps
>House of Cards, best acting in a series I've watched, together with True Detective
>If you watched Breaking Bad, which I'm not even including in the list cause I believe everyone has seen BB already, watch Better Call Saul. Bob Odenkirk is criminally underated
>Twin Peaks, It's Lynch, so the acting from all cast is just perfect
>Sherlock has great acting too, especially Martin Freeman
>If you're just caring for acting, watch S02 of True Detective, the acting is great
Kings was pure acting kino. Shame it got canned after one season.
Hannibal has pretty good performances.
>Twin Peaks
>Good acting
Six Feet Under
That and the new amazon show Patriot.
Westworld, Anthony Hopkins does an amazing job.