>JL trailer hits, is seen by 60+ million people across various sites
>Homecoming trailer hits, with nowhere near the same social media traction
>immediately the media sharpens their knives and tell you why you should watch Homecoming instead
It's like their reviews for JL are already written. What's with this fucking bitter ass bias against DC the media has?
Media's hateboner for DC
I can already see it.
95% on RT and every review is actually passive-agressively about how much they don't like DC. And then two weeks later nobody even remembers if they watched the movie or not.
>How Spider-Man avoided the worst mistake of the Justice League trailer
What mistake would that be? Leaving some plot points unspoiled?
The fact that there are news articles about comic book movie trailers and people are picking/defending manchild underpants franchises with religious fervor is such a depressing sign of the times.
Polygon is a "videogames" site.
It really makes you wonder what high up jew in the industry Snyder pissed off to get such a widespread smear campaign invoked on him.
I never knew how much I wanted Based Mel in a DC film until your post, just to watch the reactions
>literally everybody complains about spiderman trailer revealing all three acts of the movie (and the AWFUL CGI)
>"b-but that's a good thing!"
Fucking shills.
What is going on in this picture
Why is the media being heavily biased towards Disney such a controversial topic?
If you trace every news cooperation that is clearly shilling for Marvel/Starwars you can probably find its owned by Disney. I mean holy fuck it's obvious BvS didn't deserve 20% on RT and shit like Power Rangers gets 50%
Literally not a single one of my Marvelfags friends even talked about Homecoming outside of refering to the horrible cgi and the 'rip-off' of Raimi's Spidey scene.
Plus, every single person alive that saw that shit noticed how the fucking trailer shows you everything thats gonna happen in the fucking movie.
I really wish capeshit would hurry up and die
Do I care what the media thinks of any film? No. Christ I barely even read news about films because its so saturated in the standard crap.
Aslong as I can come here and discuss a film with some Anons, I dont care.
I mean, DC keeps making movies that are basically Donald Trump in film form. I dunno why you fags expect anything else. Maybe someday you'll wise up and join the good guys at Marvel.
The creator of Ultron is berating a kid for saving people.
>BvS didn't deserve 20% on RT
You're right, it deserved less
op and the rest of you faggots need to just fucking chill. like give it all a fucking rest.
>Justice League comes out
>my twitter exploding with people talking about how badass it looks, I'M RICH BITCH memes and nothing but hype
>Spiderman trailer comes out
Little wonder that they are so nervous
That's what I thought but it ends up with the article saying
>Homecoming received fewer views than JO, and they totally meant to
>If you get more views, your enemies win
>tfw to smart too get more views
That being said, I'm looking forward to HC more than JL
please for the love of god stop using these reaction images. so overused and scream plebbit.
we get it you have a sexual attraction to him that makes you confused
>>my twitter exploding with people talking about how badass it looks, I'M RICH BITCH memes and nothing but hype
>following retards and bragging about it
fucking pottery
It was all twitter though, even the IT remake trailer is being more popular than Spiderman kek
No idea how you would measure this, I mean the Spider-Man trailer has more views than the IT trailer at the moment, so are you going on something else?
T-thanks... guess I'll ignore everything DC related like the good hoy that I am.
Paying 10 bucks to go see HC even tho the trailer already spoiled everything is probably the best I can do.
>when you're such a shill than even in the comments of your numale central website are calling bullshit
The media hates Snyder because he's an American Christian filmmaker who is fairly independent of studio pressure.
>JL doesn't come out until November
>Months and months of endless capefag wars and shilling from all sides
>Mexicans from Twitter crying endlessly and linking directly to Sup Forums
i wanna die
>he reads goygon who only make money by attracting idiots for ad revenue
From the article:
>Our heroes dutifully beat up the aliens while quipping to each other about this and that, but there never seems to be anything actually at stake.
This has to be satire if they don't realize their hypocricy.
>DC fanboys are so deluded they think it's a media conspiracy to hate on DC movies.
>It's totally not because they're fucking awful movies
How anyone can sit through Suicide Squad ant not think that every criticism of the DCverse is justifiable is fucking beyond me. And I was an optimistic before that an Batman V Superman came out.
It ain't fucking Donald Trump, the media isn't 'out to get them'. The movies fucking suck and news outlets like to talk about how much they suck because people like reading things that support their worldview, and also because it becomes controversial, and controversial things also get people reading.
>Media's hate boner for DC
>TDKR has one of the most undeserved RT scores of all time
The Spider-Man trailer was fucking awful and spoiled at least half the movie
That can't be real
TKDR is still better than all Marvel movies though
Capeshit sucks in general though, the question is why does one particular kind of capeshit get slammed while other gets relatively decent reviews even though being just as shit.
Memes aside, I didn't think it was bad. With what Marvel movies get, I would not give TDKR any less than an 80. It just didn't live up to the hype after TDK. Still better than most of the MCU tho.
You have to be shitting me.
I agree that capeshit sucks in general most of the time, and yes Marvel gets shilled a lot and shouldn't be nearly as popular as it is, but those movies suck because of how factory-made and artificial they all feel, formulaic and repetative. They're boring, the stakes never feel very high, and all characters all rely on quips.
All three DC films on the otherhand, though mostly the last two, screw up in the basics of filmmaking. The editing in Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad is by far the worst I've ever seen in terms of major blockbusters, and the stories are barely hung together.
At least I can sit through a Marvel movie and think 'oh yeah, that was a movie', indifferent and bored but you could tell it was designed decently even if it was mass produced.
>>It's totally not because they're fucking awful movies
Irrelevant. It's the trailers that are the subject of this article and the JL trailer was better than the HC trailer.
Why would I lie to you user?
>At least I can sit through a Marvel movie and think 'oh yeah, that was a movie
Disney cocksucker always apoligizing for Marvel. Fuck off.
He really is desperate.
Holy shit
I'd like to hear how you think Man Of Steel "screw up in the basics of filmmaking"
Do people really care about this shit?
fucking jews
I've seen every Marvel movie due to social situations and I can't, for the life of me, remember what the fuck were any of them about. Did I even see them?
how much do you think they were paid?
This has to be a false flag, too cucked even for polygon
2017 is a fucking satire.
Worst timeline
Oh wow...this is peak shilling.
There's probably some Iranian billionaire out there still butthurt about 300 for no reason.
Maybe switch your brain ON for once DCuck
and then one of those scored the billion
can you guess wich one?
The spiderman tailer is only 5m views behind JL despite having come out 3 days after JL.
What happens then?
Is that Jon Favreau in the background? He looks like utter shit
Imagine being this Disney Pajeet.
>It was all twitter though, even the IT remake trailer is being more popular than Spiderman kek
Spidey is at 92 Million hits on one facebook post alone from some random page.
Nothing else is coming close to touching this kek.
now matter how many buzzwords you throw
cold hard numbers dont lie
He's probably the worst yoyo dieter in the world.
They are going all out
Gee I wonder how would they rate this movie when it comes out, critics are so unbiased nowadays!
>Sup Forums actually thinks anything Snyder can beat fucking Spider-man
the avengers where small time
now you are up against the big league
You're only proving OP right. BvS will forever be a better movie than Marvel'd feces.
>critic consensus matters
are you also going to bring up box office, marvel paki?
He already did
>critics dont matter
>audience dont matter
>box office dont matter
>but we shills on a tawainese nitting board, we are right
sure thing dcuck
so how will it feel when your universe goes the way of the ASM movies
>spiderman trailer spoils every beat of the movie in its second official trailer
>first JUST trailer shows off a few money shots
>JUST made the mistake
really made me ponder
>still no billion
>the only thing people remember from that shit was harley being a slut and MOMS
Spiderman is a solo movie of 3rd time rebooted franchise
JL is THE CULMINATION OF A CINEMATIC UNIVERSE, with all main characters featured in one big show.
>>box office dont matter
But the DCEU has made 600 millions more than the MCU by the third movie. Also they've won an oscar by the third movie while the MCU isn't even close by the 14th
It's not a bias if it's based on reality. DC fucking sucks right now, and the JL trailer fucking sucks. People are watching it multiple times because the movie looks like a mess. The Spider-man trailer just looks decent and the movie will probably be a 6/10 or 7/10 and quickly forgotten. JL will probably be a 2/10 or 3/10 and be talked about for a long time for being so shitty.
fair enough, I suppose it matters somewhat on release. Plenty of films get panned and the theatrical cut was dogshit desu, but I do believe the 'ultimate cut' was leagues ahead. It was a very good film and now it seems its getting more appreciation.
>Spiderman is a solo movie
>iron man 4
Is this guy for real?
cant stop the Spider-man
>picture of Sonny Bono behind him
is he going to die in a "skiing accident"?
>People are watching it multiple times because the movie looks like a mess.
Uh... what?
im pretty sure if Marvel started their cinematic universe with Spider-man and X-men there wouldnt be any competition left
DC blew their load on the first movies, JL will make even less than BvS
>Batman, Joker and Harley all featured in the film
>Literally who with a smaller budget
How come Marvel hasn't won any "fake" Oscars?
pajeet going all out
That's George Harrison.
Its like slowing down to look at a car accident.
>im pretty sure
Sorry I forget it was "IRON MAN 4: The Spiderman"
By that Logic BvS and Suicide Squad were all Batman movies.
>the marvel paki has become inflamed again
time to get comfy and laugh at him
I don't understand why this got so many replies. I thought you guys criticized capeshit for the quips and everything too.
>He knows what the Oscar was for
>Hudsucker proxy and Life Aquatic worse than the Prequels