10th crusade thread

10th crusade thread



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so the plan is to march into enemy territory while the enemy is already in your home?

Worked against Carthage.


deus vult

have the one crossed out in red? I just wanna read it.

sauce on this?

If we blow up the HQ they wont be able to send reinforcements


hey idiot!


Are you literally retarded? Falling for such obvious bait...

Have you not learned about the fall of the roman empire in history class at school?



If you want Christianity to Rise again, make everyone appealed by it once more.

Produce and Promote Christian art, Christian novels, Christian songs, and Christian acts of charity.

It gives the people a culture they can walk towards and claim it as a return home. Christianity is the light of God. Christians need to act holy once more.

Remember the story of Christ is the story of Redemption.

Anyone can fall, but it the miracle of Christ is that we can also rise again.

It's an exaggeration of the "consensus" of the early Khanate's religious policy.
There was truth to the Cheerios cuck's narrative about Mongols being "cosmopolitan" under Ghenghis, and so Christianity and the more advanced Indian and Chinese religions had more sway in his court than Islam. But on the other hand, the Mongols weren't religiously united when they ruled their entire empire, and didn't have a "worship this" mandate until they broke down into warbands, most of the western ones adopting Islam and becoming the "stans".

And they did indeed invade Europe.
Russia was under their control for a long time, and they BTFO a joint European army in Poland, only leaving for political reasons.


I'm just wondering whether explicitly Christian art is better than implicitly Christian art (most popular secular works tend to reflect Christian values in some way), and also whether historical narratives explaining Christianity's history would be better than a "contemporary" setting where Christianity's principles are presented in overcoming modern problems.

I lean towards "earthier" works and historical narratives according to my inclinations, knowledge base and storytelling abilities, and I imagine others would do so too, but we can all do what we can, and the more the merrier.

I think a big thing normies and our "redpilled" fedora/vikang friends suffer from is a narrative of Christianity as an imposition, alien, and "oppressive", rather than, at the very least, organic, and if believed, divine, presence in Christian societies.

sounds like one of those WE WUZ KANGZ the king of england and george washington converted to islam infographics

This. This guy knows his shit.

user Thats The Trailer Music from Halo 3ODST


You can still hear the sound effects from the Live Action trailer. The Helmets being put on.

we need a Sup Forums general for the revitalization of christianity

i work a lot during the day and frankly beat off and shitpost too much at night but i've come to the same conclusion

i'm christian in my ways and i genuinely believe we need a good CHRISTIAN media

christian-themed movies

christian-themed video games

christian-themed apps

we need brainstorming

Deus lo Vult

I support a Crusade. I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan (I'm ex Royal Engineers). I was in The British Army for nine years.
My job was EOD - explosive ordnance disposal, mainly making minefields safe.
I'll fight when necessary.
I lost three toes on my left foot so my mobility is affected. Running is difficult and painful. Also my balance is affected.

But I'm sick and tired of these attacks in countries that I love.

Posting La Marseillaise in tribute.



Good lad

Deus vult!

We need a new and way more fanatic pope
I'm thinking a woman

That Risen film was great. I loved it. We need stuff that touches the unspiritualized avarage joe.

all religions are stupid and cruel, moamhed based koran on bibble and vangels.
Did you know?

I was a grunt Marine deployed to Helmand province(most deadly province) twice from 2009-2011(most deadly years) for 16 months.

I personally removed at least 7 kebab(who I am 100% sure I killed) in Afghanistan. I have shot several more, but it is hard to tell exactly who landed their shots when the targets are 100+ meters away and multiple people are shooting at them. 5 of my kills were close ranged 5-25 meters(raiding mud huts) and the other two kills were at a distance of 250-300m with a SMAW round.

pic related is the two SMAW kills.

we need hitler in pope form

i agree.

christian ideals, history, and messaging that entertains and, in your word, touches the average person


good fucking lad