Will you vote for Trump?

Will you vote for Trump?

Yes/No, and why?

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>Israeli Jews
now that's a bit redundant
every single time

If he picks Pence, no.

He would have backpedaled on everything he has said in the past, and that is unacceptable.

Yes, Clinton is a treasonous criminal. I don't care what people believe, because I just read the facts. She wants more oil from the Saudi's, Trump doesn't. She has failed at everything she has tried, but bribed her way to the top. She is a socialist who wants all the power she can get through insurance companies and Middle Eastern Oil reserves.

Trump may be a business man who's gone bankrupt. He's unconventional. But he's a GOD DAMN CAPITALIST and that's what the US is built on and how it survives.



cant vote because not a citizen and i won't have it in time for elections


After reading about the Clinton Foundation, Hillary wanting to blame white people for racial hostilities, and her neocon voting record, I'm in the bag for Trump.

I love you Israel but you really shouldn't be in Israel

It really is the ultimate contradiction. Just beautiful.


What's your point?

Pence is against every position Trump has. It's definitely the worst pick of the bunch.

You risk the wrath of Kek if you don't support Trump

Yes because Hillary is the devil and I would just love to watch the media fucking implode on itself in a fit of butthurt after Trump's victory

Huffington Post had a spazz attack after each primary he won, can you imagine what they would do after he wins the whole thing? It will be the shitstorm to end all shitstorms

We are not in Lebanon.
That war has ended over a decade ago.

Good, Israel is the only ally we have that knows what Islam is and how to combat terrorism.

Literally all of our European allies are cuckolds of unimaginable proportions.

>Because I can't

My point that anything said by the Jewish mass media should pretty much be ignored at this point for the sake of your own health

EVERY position.

Guy might as well be the Anti-Trump.

paranoid much?



I don't care about the wall or his racebaiting. I will not vote for Trump because the Bush years proved that trickle down economics doesn't work and that's what Trump's economic policy is based on. It's reaganomics.

Why the fuck wouldn't I?

Yes. I will vote for him. I don't care who his VP is. Could be sarah palin and I'll vote for him.

At this point I don't care if the boogeyman of the merchant is true and all this Islamist shit was orchestrated to garner support for Israel. Fuck it, you played me good merchant. You truly are my greatest ally. I don't give a fuck anymore I want a president who doesn't kowtow to the Muslims and has a fucking spine. I'll join fucking AIPAC. In fact I'm going to put in a damn job application for them if they have any openings tomorrow.

It is the only legal way to give form to the righteous anger generated by the brazen incompetence and treason of both parties for the past fifteen or more years.
It is the only hope against the refugee-flood-plan, which makes literal Brecht's quip about dissolving the people and electing another.
Also -- I am not sorry about things I have not done. I have woken up from the leftist delusion that, if I mimic unearned shame, criminals will behave themselves. I honestly believe the thing about how, it's not that we love him, it's that he loves us.




No, won't vote for a con artist

i'm going to america and my friend will sneak me in somehow just to vote for trump

then we will go to las vegas i think

no it isn't
his economic policies are why so much of the GOP establishment fell into the NeverTrump campaign

No. I will not vote for someone who supports Israel. Instead I will buttblast my angry opinions on Sup Forums and storefront and tell myself I'm a winner.

I'm an alpha male.

No I am not paranoid. I am of the belief that Israel is working in conjunction with the United States to destabilize the middle east until the conditions are favorable enough for them to swoop in and take the whole lot. Israel is a false state and its history has been nefarious right from its creation. Acknowledging the fact that the media is actively trying to manipulate you is not paranoia.

no because his running mate is a churchy asshole. i might have voted for him had he chosen a more socially liberal veep. im down with pax americana type shit but gay people are fine. meh...

I'm currently enthusiastically voting for Trump, the worst case scenario is that I'll vote for Trump to stop Hillary.

And also he isn't one of them.

Of course Trump will be good for Israel.

But Hillary would be even better.


he tricked 61% of you
i don't think that has ever happened before

Yes because fuck this world. praise FROG MAN.

Yep. Especially after today.

Not Clinton.

No, His economic policy is wacky. His social policies are archaic and his business personal is basically fake. he got his wealth from his father so his self-made persona is a lie. He could have just invested it, but he rather put it in a bunch of failing businesses. He’s a clown.


because flag
hope he wins amerifriends

>Sup Forums hates all Jews.
>Sup Forums believes the holocaust is fake
>Sup Forums hates America because of how much the Jews own
>Sup Forums hates Clinton because she's a Jewish pawn
>Sup Forums votes for the man with a Jewish daughter, Jewish son in law, and 2 Jewish grandchildren, that calls Israel America's most cherished ally
>Sup Forums votes for a man who's running m8 also believes Israel is most cherished ally
>Sup Forums isn't satire

No, I'm Canadian. Both Trump and Hillary are establishment cucks. Sanders is a fucking kike so of course he would endorse anything pro-Israel.

Both the Liberal and Conservative parties in Canada shill for Israel and believe Israel is the best nation on Earth and we should give whatever we possibly can to help them.

It's disgusting. I hope the Palestinians never let up and Hamas brings those kikes to their knees.


Repeating numbers do not lie. FROG MAN IS HAPPY |0| ribbit ribbit

Hello kike. Mexican-American here ill vote for him cause the alternative is literally bringing thepale horseman of the apocalypse im going to Mary my illegal gf soon so shes protected from deportation if hes elected

wtf i hate donald trump now

More repeating digits. Do not lie. Hate trump for the frog man

Yes, Make Colombia Great Again
>mfw we used to be the Great Colombia but to dumb to keep it together.
We have a kek coin

is that a real coin?

The Jew wants to know

I'm republican and I'm not voting Trump. If Trump is selected (of course, very likely he will) as republican nominee next week, I will simply not vote republican, but I will still vote. Not yet sure for whom, though, maybe a 3rd party.

I know people have a negative view of republicans, and honestly I harbor views many liberals especially dislike, and that's my right to have them, their right to opine to dislike me for them. I don't like, however, the divisiveness upon which Trump relies in his platform. American values were not instituted to make room for rifts between ethnic groups and ideals, but to bring them together for the betterment of all involved. That unification should be the foundation any, read "any", genuine USA leader should adopt, not promote in-fighting.

Also I really didn't like Trump's comments about American military POWs and how he "doesn't like people who got caught". Our military doesn't need a leader who "might not like them" in a real scenario, wherein personnel who risk their lives, might suffer being captured. That is unacceptable for a prospective commander-in-chief to speak ill, in any fashion, of wounded or otherwise compromised service members.

end of rant.

yeah don't try to steal it

I'm voting for Hillary.

lol what a faggot

sounds about right!


Yeah 500 pesos coin, about 0,17 usd

that's a cool one

because tax cuts fix everything while raising spending, right? Or how do you think he's going to pay to fix the "gutted" military, with Chinese tariffs on shit sold at WalMart?

>tfw your country can only have retards on the power

I would not. Simply because I'll take 4 years of more of the same Jew corruption and proxy wars over a world war any day

At least if we had Hillary more people would become aware of the damage the leftest agenda is bringing us. It wouldn't be four more years of resentment for the leftists; it will be four more years of scrutiny.

Are Canadians eligible to vote at American elections?

You forgot your proxy my friend

Uribe was on the right track bombing farc assholes, after that the new era of happiness and prosperity would have started, but Santos betrayed him and the future of the country.

You sitting the next one out?

I can't


>Donald Trump has called Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and offered him the vice presidential slot on his ticket, CNN has learned. Pence has accepted.

It's confirmed, sadly. Trump turned out to be a neocon sellout after all.

Mr. Jew what's it like for a non Jew American when they visit your homeland? Can I rent a guide and hunt Palestinians? Expect to be treated OK? I kinda want to visit the middle East but yea it's a shit show. I'm tired between Jordan or Israel. Plus do I have to worry about getting stabbed by some muzzle if I'm walking down the streets.


unacceptable from this republican's viewpoint.

Bombing them was the only thing he did good though, he fucked up almost as much as Santos
Is there anyone decent for the next elections? I always think of Petro being as delusional as Bernie

90% of it is safe as long as you stay within the Jewish cities and neighborhoods.

Why would you visit an Islamic Arab country as an American?
Are you suicidal?

if it helps israel, I will vote for trump

Petro is in fact our Bernie, lots of promises that can't be accomplished
I don't know my fellow congolombian maybe Fajardo or the pick from the liberal party

America >>>>>>>> Israel >∞ Palestine

Jordan seems like the best place besides Lebanon for Westerners and the only place worth seeing there is Beirut and well yea.... btw what are the gun laws like in Israel for a tourist

Yes, mainly to keep Hillary out.

jordan is a safe and stable country you slimy yid

Still a huge faggot.

Read the article, he quickly realized this and retracted his statements saying he is indeed a war hero. If you continue reading he was upset because we got nothing out of the war besides death. And mcain isnt a war hero because he was captured, heros don't get captured, heros are the ones who release the captured.

Achmed got /triggered/

rabbi schlomo bernstein doesn't appreciate me calling out his lies, i see

About a fifth of Israel's population is Arab (70% of which are Muslim) and a large chunk of the young population is Arab Muslim

He fucked up and he knew it. And no war hero's gamble on getting killed or captured to win the war like McCain. Take your shit and leave commie.

No. He spends too much time talking shit and playing the ratings game. Things could change come the general election.

Yes, because I would vote for the Taliban before Shillary.

I understand what he said. His clarified statement implied "McCain is (considered) a war hero because he was captured", with the unspoken "considered". Rational people can see this clarification and what Trump was trying to say, trying to reduce the image of McCain by implying "he wasn't a real hero, only considered a hero because ( x )".

Trump did that. This will always remain in my memory and understanding of this man. He does not belong in charge of America's armed forces.


>He does not belong in charge of America's armed forces.

but hillary does? wtf?


You are the commie if you think your opinion is the right answer and not an opinion. My definition of war hero is different from yours, and someone elses definition might be different that someone elses.
We can all agree, even trump, that Mcain has served this country and risked his life in order to help fight off communist. Trump loves all the vets, even Mccain.

I actually forgot that he still is a possible candidate, thank for reminding me, although it still worries me that the best that anyone who gets chosen will have as his best accomplishment not fucking up the country more.
Come to think of it, if we were to stop acting as troglodytes, would our country be relevant? Is it possible to make Colombia great once?

That's what he'd like to have you believe sheep.

What are your thoughts about Donald's Jewish daughter?


i would. hillary would just destabilize the entire fucking area

Why couldn't it be Sessions, WHY?

>unironically using the term "sheep" or "sheeple"


i guess my other post can be related to yours as well.
As sheepy as it sounds, even if he doesnt love them all like he says (police and vets), they will be listening to him one day so need to get on the good side.

What shall he say? Police are terrible people and all vets must die? cmon now.

Hero worship is for cucks, especially when those heros get themselves captured, and live only to run for president later on in life just to lose.