What is Sup Forums's opinion of Los Angeles, California?

What is Sup Forums's opinion of Los Angeles, California?

looks like mexico

notice how everything a spic or nigger touches it turns to shit

No downtown city vibe, more like a huge widespread village, driving a car is vital.

I live in the San Fernando Valley.

Looks like a third world shithole.

literally looks like africa

Looks like third world... and like the very bad part of it.

I live in SoCal. In the 40's the city was majority white, and one of most up and coming cities in America. Now it's majority spic and nigger, with crumbling third world looking infrastructure with the few whites left living in far flung suburbs or are the rich who live in gated communities. Prime example of one of the biggest failures of the latter 20th century.

I prefer SD

Doesn't look like it.

kind of difficult to get laid but nice place overall if you are not poor

Los Angeles was never up-and-coming

Yeah it was, Hollywood and WW2 put on the map. Unfortunately retarded post war auto-centric development, and subhuman migration turned it into the cesspool it is today.

Just because you live in SoCal doesn't change the fact that you're a shut in loser. Either that or too poor to spend time outside of the ghetto.

>Just because you live in SoCal doesn't change the fact that you're a shut in loser.
Doesn't change the fact that everything I said was true.

The entertainment industry's wealth is in the hands of few and manufacturing would have inevitably left for cheaper states in the south.

How would you know what the city is like if you never leave your house, poorfag?

I've lived here all my life, and I've driven through that shithole more than a few times. I also know the historical information that it wasn't always the non-white shithole sprawly shithole that it is.

Oh man, depressing. Looks like the worst parts of a third world country.

Dunno, never been, probably never will, always seemed like a shithole to me no matter how hard the media romancitized it
The South and the Midwest seem infinitely more interesting

romanticized* lol i'm tired

when was it ever romanticized? it's always been known for bad stuff like gangs, crime, smog, bad traffic, braindead rich people, etc.

I'd actually be very skeptical this is in fact LA, I'd bet pesos to dollars this is low income Mexico or Centrral America

Looks like the bad parts here, the surrounding areas look interesting desu.

wow... image, insane.

Better than Shitzil

It's the place where all the famous people and creators live.

Majority of Mexico is low income and looks like this. Don't lie.

How did NYC become much better than LA?

Nope, at least not where I live.

Nothing you said is accurate, Sup Forumstard.

So you live in all of Mexico at once?

Horrible team stealing shithole.

LA is fucking ugly. Suburbs are already bad enough, no need for a gigantic sprawl of them.

The downtown area is shameful considering the wealth and population of the area.

The prototype of terrible urban planning, also dominated by a weird cult of individuality and personality.

On the upside they're at least trying to get their transport network in order.

Nah only in the North.

Definitely the place to be at the time.

itt: triggered poltards and neets

Do you not see the beauty in this image?


Retarded answer

I actually find pictures like this pretty /comfy/


What the fuck would you know? You live in Australia, while I'm actually here.

Still look like a shithole

Still better than Shitzil kek

It doesn't change the fact that looks typical third world low class market

Still better than Shitzil, tho.

I'm the guy who originally posted and yes, leaving aside some specifics to that picture, a majority of Mexico does look like that. It is low income Mexico and that could either be some rural town or even Mexico City for all I know.

That doesn't take away from my comment that pic hardly looks like it could be LA and nitpicking at me using "low income" to describe the setting is just a cheap shot.

Read a book nigger. Your ignorance is disgusting.

According to Californians its a paradise on earth. A place full of hope, progress, harmony, safety, prosperity, wealth, equality, opportunities and high standard of living.

Nice butthurt

an economic powerhouse that beats many european countries is such a failure.

It's a lie

What's wrong with a mercado de pulgas? They're not supposed to look fancy; they're supposed to give buyers and sellers a chance to buy and sell cheap stuff. There are similar types of markets in wealthy nations such as China (for example) which look a lot shabbier than that.

>According to Californians its a paradise on earth. A place full of hope, progress, harmony, safety, prosperity, wealth, equality, opportunities and high standard of living.
No they don't, stop getting all your memes from Sup Forums. Plenty of people here will tell you LA is a shithole that sucks peoples souls out and pits them back out.

A powerful economy is no substitute for livability.

>wealthy nations such as China

Once a great place, then Mexicans ruined it.

Lets be fair here, the niggers had their fair share as well.

Now that Catalan has become independent when will California claim itself free from bigoted USA and become a stronk independent state that needs no Trump?

This looks like an Indonesian town that I know of, which says a lot.

You guys don't understand just how third-world parts of LA actually look. OP's image is hardly the worst the city has to offer.


Is L.A. slowly becoming like Rio or San Paolo?


In some ways, except that the racial divide is much sharper. There are areas of LA where almost ZERO white people live. They are entirely colonies of other ethnic groups.

Why do every city on American Pacific coast have to suck like this in general? I mean whole America.

Terrible inequality and decent zones are like islands in a slum-alike city. High criminality in most of them.

Sorry for not sending the best of our people, merica, it's nothing personal i promise...


When CHI's take over, we will nuke Mexico.

No you will not, you're just some random dumb fuck

LA has a lot of Salvadorans and Guatemalans now. They outnumber Mexicans and Chicanos in a lot of areas these days.

Yes, we will and you can't do anything about it :)

How's the peso doing btw?

Birthplace of Grace Park and Edward James Olmos. Where Olmos grew up and still lives.

Everyone knows LA is a third world shithole, Fernandez

nice relief pitchers you have there LA

Sodomites and other sinners shall burn.

Lots of minority migration to cities in latter half of 20th century. At the same time, white people who can afford to move all moved out to the suburbs. Then industry jobs dissapeared and minorities in cities became dirt poor.

"American dream" is owning a nice house with a lawn in the suburbs, not a condo in the city. That idea got fucked after 2008 recession and well off people are slowly moving back to the cities since then. NYC has always been an exception tho.

I do notice this.

Looks like a shit place to live. I watch Jay Lenos Garage and he's always driving his vehicles around there and it just looks like a hot concrete mess.

laughing at your life

>richest demographic in America
>literally had everyone enslaved for generations
>have country by the balls
>still blame everything bad on poor non-whites with 0 political or financial power

You faggots are pathetic. Get a life.

>0 political or financial power

Los Angeles is 30% non-Hispanic white. That's not just a minority, it's a smaller minority than Hispanics themselves. Whites control very little in LA anymore. California as a whole is minority-white. You really don't seem to understand the demographics of these places.

but it is

lived here in the hills for a while now. its shit

its not LA retards

It is Tijuana actually. In the 1990's.