Anyone else slowly drifting to respect Esports over RL sports...

anyone else slowly drifting to respect Esports over RL sports?Games seem to come down to biased or horrible officiating ,an issue that esports rarely has.

Pick only one, faggot.

Fuck off, Gook. Pray that Kim Jong doesn't glass you.

I agree with this. Modern sports games almost always feel determined by the refs, they no longer have any integrity.

OWL > NFL yes.


Golf is more of a sport than nerdball

sc2 the only true esport

Spergtap is not a sport

>Pushing keys on a Keyboard and moving a Mouse around

Pick one

oh shit boy you owe me a new beer

>not broodwar

both are amazing

>literally watches nerds playing video games

>Literally watches sweaty men jump on each other

>posting e-"""""""sports""""""" on Sup Forums

you must be new

Only esport worth watching is csgo
All others are trash tier


Sup Forums is filled with normies who will shit on esports forever. a TRVE VNDERSTANDER admires competition in whichever form...
so long as its not shit like the op image

Reminder that betas can handle fighting games because they can't blame their teammates for losing. Fighting games are the esports for alphas

>game based of game mod
>worth watching
lol true cuc឴k tier

RTS are the same way
Theres a reason both genres are doing poorly

rts + fgg alliance

using this from now on, ty britbro

>admitting esports isn't real life

>Sup Forums hates esports
>Sup Forums also hates esports
Are e-sports a mutt creation?


Sup Forums was ran by esports pre/vg/ era

>two normie-filled boards hate esports


8th post best post

Depends. I can respect esports as much as darks, or squash or water polo. Esports are fun but they will never produce stars like Messi, or Bardy or Jordan. You cannot compare them to the big sports

Darts* not darks


I tried watching esports, but as a non-gamer I can't follow all the flashing colors, myriad stats and changing camera angles

it was on purpose

>Are e-sports a mutt creation?
essentially yeah but you need to remember that many people on Sup Forums hate esports because it reminds them of who their not and the hours theyve wasted on still not being good enough to play comp. and then you have chubby retards on Sup Forums that think theyre above viddy games but the only time they were ever athletic was one time in highschool

they were never athletic

The only esport that has ever been worth watching is Korean Brood War.

NFL: beat the fuck out of your wife and still play
OWL: say mean words and get suspended by the league

Top kek

>Any game that isn't Brood War
Every eSports league is matchfixed to fuck anyways.


Confirmed for a dumb nigger. Gooks suck at fps.