This team is literally perfect

This team is literally perfect


>1 penalty
Sup Forums said it was "literally zero" tho

Nothing wrong here.

They did a great job

Zero on offense and defense, you have feces for brains

I'm truly proud of the refs for their wonderful job.

Can I please get a clearer picture? I barely make out that this is a soccer game.

6-2, or 5-3 isn't perfect either, but its better than anyone else....EVER

No bias what so ever.

ah yes the final meaningful play of the game. Clearly this invalidates the win.

Lol I love how the excuses pour in. Ya'll are salty as hell. Play less dirty and you won't get called for penalties.

I'm so happy for you us, I mean you guys!

Most blatant refball I've seen since Peyton Manning's last game. The refs willed that TD at the end of the first half when the Jags were threatening to go up 21 to 3.

If the league is just going to have the refs ordain who wins then I don't know why I should bother to watch anymore.

as a bills fan it's wonderful to see these threads. for 20 years the pats have been doing this shit. recently when the patriots beat the bills in foxborough they got called for exactly 2 penalties; for 10 yards, both when the game was basically over.

>one score game
>no-call makes the difference between the game ending and jags having 75 seconds to potentially score

Most fans feel this way. Expect viewership to continue to drop. This will be the least watched superbowl in a decade.

Everyone knows it's real.

Not him but Im so sick of it. I honestly dont even feel like watching the superbowl in two weeks.

Pretty much this. Don't understand why Patriots fans are gloating when it's proven that the league is dying a slow death. Why would you want to win in a corporate, rigged, meaningless league?

>th-the Patriots paid the refs, that's why we lost by 20

These tears are so tasty mmhmmmmm keep crying pls

>excellent parity in the league
>except for one team who also happens to win games through glaringly obvious officiating bias

They were called for 3 penalties, but Jagtards declined 2

Wtf I LOVE Jews now



Why don't other coaches just discipline their teams instead of whining on Sup Forums?

They voted blue, they are used to soulless and meaningless kikery


That's actually not necessarily a hold.

stfu and go eat some monkey soup

Nothing is necessarily a hold when the Pats are on the field.

>Play less dirty and you won't get called for penalties.
Oh, so playing cleaner makes it okay to commit penalties and not have them called. Got it.

>super bowl 50 was rigged
Look at this retard and laugh

Dude come on, the league had a vested interest in Peyton winning that game. It was a feel good story and they wanted it bad, so they made it happen.

The Broncos managed to have 100 less offensive yards and still win by two scores. The game opened up with a ball that never touched the ground being ruled incomplete both before and after a review that clearly showed it never hit the ground. The Panthers were one of the less penalized teams in the league and had more than double their average number of penalties while the Broncos managed to be 20 yards under their average penalty yardage for the year. Unless your head is a mile up your ass you recognize that game was sketchy.

>you will never be this assblasted

Your trolling is lazy and derivative

Step up your game faggot.

The Jags should've stepped their game up

They did, then the refs stepped their game up and walked the Pats into the end zone.

Mathematician here. 1=0, literally.

So special teams don't count anymore, good to know

bullshit, gonna need a proof for this one


>cares enough to keep posting salty tears in nfl thread hours after the game
>won't watch super bowl in futile hope Brady loses

It's ok user, I totally believe you

Key word is called you non fan faggot. Jags declined other penalties.

That would have triggered me 4 years ago. Super Bowl 49 made that pain go away, Super Bowl 51 was just an added bonus.