Pats only get one call against them

>Pats only get one call against them
>Jags only get six, none of which controversial
>muh refball

Why do soyboys do this?

Pats had NO calls on offense or defense. That is blatant rigging especially when there were obvious holds.

why do nu-males call everyone soyboys? despite, being almost the definition of a soyboy

Pats were called for 3 penalties, they were just declined

Which one are you?

Spoonface, its not the flags that were called on the Jags rather than the flags not called on the Pats.

you type like one of those dusty vaginas or soyboys that reply to Trump on Twitter

t. dusty vagina soyboy who defends his surrogate daddy on 4chins

Both of you are both
>ausfags in charge of not being effeminate cuckolds

>Pats had NO calls on offense or defense.
Yeah they did.

Holy shit, you people are the whiniest motherfuckers on the planet. You are legitimatley worse than most patsfans, it's that fucking sad.

>jags get six times as many calls for almost ten times as many yards


>obvious holds
You can call holding on 100% of plays in the NFL. You have to actually break the rules egregiously.

TLDR: Eat a dick soyboy lmao

Jags fans are just absolutely ass blasted about being btfo. They started playing way too cautious, playing not to lose rather than to win they have no one to blame but themselves. Also Bortles is a meme

false flag

And jags were only called for holding once, and it was blatant as fuck.

DPI on Bouye was extremely iffy considering the ball was traveling well out of bounds

>it was ONLY six to one go- I mean soy. What are you so mad about?

He's a jags fan. Don't expect him to have watched football before a few months ago

being overweight reduces testosterone so I think you might be projecting there Tyrone Mendez

Tfw you push yourself out of bounds