Name a more tortured sports region

name a more tortured sports region
protip: you can't


if not more



They deserve it for all of the false civil rights bullshit. Mineapolis is Somalia tier.

>4 states that have multiple chips in multiple major league sports
What did he mean by this?

San Diego

>Mille Lacs Lake
>Thousand Lakes Lake

>Warriors: Defending Champions
>Giants: 3 World Series this decade
But have a (You)

Pacific Northwest

Absolute JUST

My personal favorite is Lac Qui Parle County



>the state of Georgia

Falcons at least won the conference chip lol

But why do you think they do it? They're trying to destroy themselves and eventually us because their teams are all this shit


They have like 3 good seasons in their entire history and blew a back to back Owl

>just won championship
>just made worlds eries

St. Louis

>blew a back to back Owl

>rams and cards both won recently


You know what the vikings are doing right now? Crapitals and Nationals do every single year. We also have Dan "One of the worst owners in sports" Snyder.
Washington D.C is your answer

Everyone only cares about football though

what the fuck is your definition of "recently"

>NFL championships: 1992, 1988, 1983

>cardinals 06 and 11
>rams 2000
both recently


>mfw SD has lost two sports teams because they willingly chose to be the irrelevant other team of Los Angeles

>voted against trump
>surprised you got trump cursed

The two qb and coach going to the Superbowl are trump supporters.

So it's a retarded definition, cool

Ohio is the only actual candidate there.

>Minnesota Twins World Series: 1987, 1991
goes both ways.

Who was the second team?

Buffalo and it's not close.

Yet Minneapolis is consistently ranked as top 3 best places to live in the US while every red state is on the bottom. Weird huh



>Ohio is the only actual candidate there.
>ohio st

After living in the Twin Cities, I want to find out where these people go to in the area to like it that much.

It's a great city. What don't you like about it?

Correct answer

Minnesota the state is almost GOAT, I put it behind only Colorado and (this may come as a surprise to coastal snobs) Kentucky and West Virginia in terms of scenery.
Minneapolis, like almost all Midwestern cities, is a disgusting overpriced urban shithole.

minnesota is a big place. the cities are about the size of a gnat's dick compared to it

>in New York State
>literally won 2 superb owls in the last 10 years

K kid

>behind only Colorado
t.never lived in co
it sucks, dudeweedlmaos everywhere
spics everywhere
commiefornians EVERYWHERE

Nobody cares about the Indians and Ohio State is a college team.

Only people in Cleveland care about the Cavs, and that's only because the Browns are so fucking massively shit. Need I remind you that the Browns just went 0-16 after going 1-15 the previous year? The Bengals are a trash team and so are the Reds. The last pro championship worth a fuck for Ohio was the 1990 Reds.

>Kentucky and West Virginia in terms of scenery
Do you like looking at poor white people?

3, since we had the Clippers & the Rockets

U tarded?

southwest ohio/northern kentucky is a very pretty area. Just like every other place, it has it's shit holes. People just hear "kentucky", and they think of trailer parks


Born in MN, left 9 years ago, will never go back

At least you still have an NBA team.

>I don't like looking at gorgeous Appalachian Mountains

m8 I live here right now, it's gorgeous. Your fault for living in Denver or Boulder, move a bit further into the mountains.

Yep, coastal limpwristed nu-male who can't so much as change a tire detected. Some of the prettiest mountsinscapes and forests this country has to offer are in that area, who gives a shit about the people. Rural poor are less likely to stab you over $5 than urban poor, anyway.

i lived in estes

>I lived in a tourist trap and hated it
That makes a lot of sense.

>damage controlling this hard after getting btfo by based BEWD
go to bed tre'davion

>i'll move the goalposts
it's shit m8

>filthy calling others nigger names
wew lad, watch that irony

t. Suburban redditor

Fair, but Estes really is the definition of a tourist trap. I wouldn't want to live in Vail or Frisco for the same reasons.
Or Aspen, but I'm not even going to pretend I can do much as afford to breathe in aspen let alone live there.

didn't the seahawks literally just win a super bowl not too long ago?


Not an argument. Minneapolis is 3rd world tier.

then filthy is like 5th world
>literal black majority

>Hawks 3 Owls in 13 years
>Nucks were in a Stanley cup only 7 years ago
>UW made CFB playoff last year
>Oregon was dominate for awhile
>Sounders won the cup last year
>Getting an NHL team

Get over yourselves, Hawks had one big year big whoop. The only meme team you have are the Mariners, who are just the MLB's Cleveland Browns.

Do feel bad about the Sonics, don't know why one of your millionaires wouldn't buy the team. But other than that the area has more than enough to be happy about.

>New York team

All have titles this decade. Minnesota hasn't had one since the first Bush.