Any females in ipswich who are down to fuck ?

any females in ipswich who are down to fuck ?

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Yeah. Meet me behind the dumpsters at Limestone St McDonalds and I'll let you sip on my gash.

omw, what time?


I'll come join you guys too omw

Any ladies up for some fun in South bank Brisbane? I got Kik, hit me up on dreabbly

im busy tonight, what about tomorrow?

Anyone from Perth know an Emma G?

any cabo sluts?

Fuck yea tits out for tha boiz yew

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How did you become such a failure?

what does this mean

i wasnt planned :))

I'm a cop slut in cabo ay

Yea i’ll be there in 5 minutes

Inb4 hamplanet

what the fuck

Any more sloots in ipswich?

im 16 and wanna get my dicked sucked ;(

How fat are you?

send a selfie 0-0

If OP get's murdered send pics

cant even fucking make it, i got band practice

>band practice
Why haven't you killed yourself yet fag

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cause drumming is alpha

Attached: drummer_cuck.jpg (615x409, 17K)


ipswich more like shitswich amirite
also go back to your containment board

inb4 tranny

Who the fuck would willingly live in Ipswich you druggo cunt

What school


You're retarded

mfw im 16


Meet me at Limestone St dominos in half hour 8:20. Better be more than one of you. i am gagging for a few cocks ;)

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So is everyone in this thread. What else is new?


time stamp please :)

No, you have a mental illness asking the same stupid question every time

Not even the same user. But point proven.

Ippy high



yeah cunt

St Peter claivers

Your a failure and I hope u get aids from fucking a whore


Happy brithday JenniesRZu