Whats the best way to pursuade a cute girl to let you lick her asshole?
Whats the best way to pursuade a cute girl to let you lick her asshole?
Kayden Miller
Jonathan King
Carson Ross
Repost the same thread multiple days in a row.
Oliver Rogers
"c'mere, I wanna lick your asshole"
Jose Phillips
Duct tape
Bentley Stewart
by force
Nolan Morris
Fuck them, say you're sweaty/that they smell kind of bad after you're both done and ask if they want to shower. A girl's gonna be loads more down to have they ass ate if they know it ain't gonna smell.
This is how I've ate ass every time.
Jack Torres
Caleb Young
learn how to spell persuade first
Chase Moore
This, you been at this for months op just quit larping and kys, pasta is stale