Thank God

Thank God.

Attached: trump indicted.jpg (499x550, 48K)

It will be sweet

>autistic screeching

The night of November 3rd 2020 is going to be absolutely epic. If you KYS you won't have Trump bothering you.

Attached: trumptrig.jpg (599x600, 72K)


Attached: 1532206814573.jpg (968x681, 36K)

Can he start a war to avoid this?

How embarrassing and humiliating for him

What a moron.

Or a Putin Bot beep.

Liberals sure love to larp

Yes, now he has to get a cavity search and everyone knows about it

That is a funny way to spell reelected.

it's our birthday fuck off just once

How many of these threads do you need, faggot?


Now who's being the bot?

>Surely (You) will accept the outcome this time around
Honk Honk

Imagine being so delusional, so completely unhinged, that you have to make images about things that you want to happen and pretend like they really did. What a sad way to live.

Been hearing this tired shit for 3 1/2 years. Keep drinking the koolaid,...or what the fuck ever you delusional, malnourished soy fags are drinking nowadays

Do people on this Taiwanese ramen recipe exchange cork board still believe the Russian thing and don’t know it was a Sup Forums troll?

Not OP, and do not agree with OP at all, but I did once write a story about a bi chick who thought she was a full on lesbian and had never been with a guy before, but discovered she was in love with my self-insert main character. I wrote her as having pretty much my ideal body type.
FFW five or six years later, and I met this "lesbian" chick at work who had pretty much my ideal body type. Two years later, we had left our wives and now we're married and have a son.
Not saying OP is going to manifest a Trump impeachment or anything, but maybe there's something to that strategy, at least on a smaller scale.

Bullshit! Next you're going to tell me the Easter Bunny is fake, Santa Claus isn't real, and that Greta Thunberg isn't trans. >:(

Fucking communist. Go back to whatever shithole eastern bloc country you’re from & keep your Trump-lovin’ troll bullshit to yourself.

Fellow user I would never tell such lies, always leave milk and cookies out for Santa. But all the Russian stuff (pissgate) comes from Sup Forums just to see what crazy stuff they would print. Kind of like the ok hands sign thing.

Im another user.
Ill just say obvious bait. Or maybe you are actually that autistic to think republicans are closer to communism than what democunts are.

Not to mention antifa using the same communist symbols they used in the 30s. (also using the same color scheme for their flags like the anarchists)

Delusional cringeboy.

Attached: Antifa-Conference-1932.png (800x575, 547K)


Proven troll fucktard.

All these conspiracy theories are working out for you and the dems you dipshit.

Attached: russbot.jpg (750x908, 100K)

LMAO TIME wishes it could destroy America that quickly.

Lmao. That's a funny way of saying "second term."

You do realize that most of these posts don’t even originate within the US, right? There’s some truth to the same manufactured talking points being brought on by those who would wish to influence our elections. The problem is that you can only influence the perception of social issues and anxiety. The REAL story is what’s going on in the economy, and right now that does not bode well for the current administration.

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