Gonna post this image again, mods can't censor me, save before i'm banned and the thread is deleted

gonna post this image again, mods can't censor me, save before i'm banned and the thread is deleted

Attached: 1569691551117.jpg (503x338, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When will it not be too soon?

too soon. WTF man. Show some repect

Not a fan of this meme to be honest. Whatever though.

Attached: 1566510043960.jpg (700x700, 64K)

I don’t get the joke



Jesus dude, too soon
if the mods have any decency left they'll surely take down this abhorrent thread

The shame you have brought your family by posting this! WAY too soon!

Who is this and why does everyone post this weak ass pic?

Attached: lol444quran.jpg (680x451, 38K)

will do requests on cam


Who is she?

Have some fucking respect asshole. It's too god damn soon.

Your family didn't raise you to be a piece of shit. Mods! take this down. The disrespect being shown is unacceptable. OP- be an hero. It's the only way.

Too soon user. Moot would never had allow this.

Wayyyy to soon user. Have you no shame you worthless goddamn cunt. The fuck.

Who tf is this girl and why is it too soon

Fuck is wrong with you damn

Show ass

I know that girl.
I went to school with her.

In fact, last time I saw her, she said she always wanted to fuck me since we were both in college, so I did.

Joke's on her. I never went to college.

Seriously?? Why would you post this. Too Soon user.

We're in 2019, and this is very disrespectful from you to post that, it's too soon for this shit, i think i'm gonna vomit.

You can't stop me either!

Attached: perfection.jpg (300x400, 31K)

Too soon user ffs.

can someone tell me the backstory here im confused

Don’t know user but she looks absolutely perfect to me.

Does your dad work at Nintendo user?


Same wtf is this

There's probably nothing wrong and that's the joke




What is it tho (yeah yeah newfag this and that)

discord for wins

to soon

Did she dead?

Don't be such a dick. Too. Fucking. Soon.

Did he post any nudes of her? Asking for a necro friend

what a shame, all this years and still too soon....

>Newfags, newfags everywhere.
Has it really been that long.

idk why they censor it. a 10 sec google search shows she was 18 when the pics were taken

>won't even let me upload a clothed pic of her

so many fucking newfags jesus christ

I left
I returned
It's time to leave again
Fuck newfags

newfags are calling newfags newfags newfag.

>she was 18 when the pics were taken
The whole joke was that people thought she was dead in the picture.

You fucking humongous faggot newfag. Fucking kill yourself.

Don't go m8, i've also return here after summertime, and everything is different, because we were not creating any interesting threads. Don't live us at this times faggot.

Was like 5 years for me

>people thought she was dead
Stop spreading those lies and think about that again nigger.

Attached: 1562762642376.jpg (630x502, 214K)

No shit, Sherlock. If you weren't so fucking stupid you would know that mods ban you or block you from uploading pics of her because they think she is underage, regardless of the underlying joke.

>How long are you allowed to be away from your special needs class?

Attached: youareafuckingretard.jpg (1353x694, 178K)

pic related, it's all the old pics that they ban you or block you from posting, no matter what the myth/joke is

>fuck you
>and fuck gookchan
>and fuck moot for abandoning us

Attached: youarestillafuckingretard.jpg (853x591, 99K)

except for the top left, that is just a random pic in my Sup Forums folder

too soon