50 replies and i will leak his motive

50 replies and i will leak his motive

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But I guess I'm doing it, too. No need to sage it when OP is a fucking faggot and obviously doesn't know shit about anything

which movie

sure frendo, btw, what's the capital of Texas?

If you had it, you would've published it right away

Well this ought to be good...

his motive is that you're a faggot, cunt bitch fag.

Bruh he wasn't the shooter. Total set up


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Not enough comps that's why he did it

I'll take the bait

Let me guess, Obama set him up.

CIA needed to create a false-flag operation in order to tighten gun restrictions even more, so they hired this guy to go balls-to-the-walls.

They also told him to attach several controversial gun modications (suppressors, bump-stocks,anything that can soil the left's tampon) to some of his weapons so that the legislatures atleast have a starting point.

And it worked. It worked perfectly. Infact because of this, many mainstream news outlets found a very profitable cycle to be had:

1. Heavily report on the next mass-shooting(show their identity, tell their life story, make them look scary, y'know the usual stuff.)
2. Gain profits from the ad revenue
3. Watch as the next loner gets inspired to commit his actions, since he knows that the media will make a martyr out of him
4. ????
5. Repeat.

Batshit crazy motherfucker

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dubs though

Am I really wrong though?

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Your mom should have swallowed instead of taken it up her gash. Would have saved me from reading this dumb ass response

did you know obama is a nigger

my reply

wish he was wearing the hat

what hat?

Yes. This is easily a case of paranoia and just generic theory lover mentality. None of it happened.

A single guy shooting his gun out of a hotel is nothing new. He might have been blackmailed, yes. Or even setup. But I doubt it. Your average hood clan man has 3-5 pistols and an uzi or two. The serious boys have a few ARs with a lot of rounds and even shotguns.

His collection was nothing special/new/interesting. He was just a depressed fuck who took it out on the people before taking it out on himself. A complete and utter moron who had no more reasons to live because he lived a shit life and he resumed himself to doing insingificant shit even though there was a lot of money involved. Ignore him. He was an idiot and moron altogether at the same time.

Wasn't it obvious? Summer... it's past your bedtime my friend. He's talking about the MAGA hat lol.

So my stance on this is weird. Being black doesn't mean you're a nigger. White people can be niggers, that being said. Most black people are niggers.

Hello i shitt

Who would have blackmailed him?


Easy one... Isolated Loner nobody with minimal skills who disliked people and never formed close relationships. He had a woman he barely cared about. He had a bunch of money he stumbled into and could see he was losing it. His lifestyle was going to be impacted. Rather than see his life inevitably go downhill, he used his last remaining funds to go out in a blaze of glory, knowing he would be imortilized forever. He was a gambler and competitive and he wanted to set a world record and be talked about worldwide - which he achieved. Clearly didn't want a motive to be found, because in the end, all he wanted was attention, and because he left no trail, we are still talking about him. We men all have evil lurking in our souls that with opportunity, isolation and idle time can bubble to the surface in the most ugly ways.

ATF admitted it didn’t have the power to enforce the bump stock ban that Trump/Barr wanted.

Guess who’s getting sued... again.


Sure, kiddo

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I think it's somewhat funny. Prove me wrong

He hated country music.

Hur dur muh 58

Doing my part.

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fucking leak it, pussy, you won't! .gg/shitpost

He had been running guns for the deep state until he had a change of heart. Before he shot the crowd he shot at an unmarked plane nearby frequently used to transport guns. The massive amount of guns in his room was a kind of coded message about what he had been doing for years.

How did Mandaly Bay make it go away so quickly? Why weren't the cops watching his house in Mesquite when it got broken into and evidence removed after the shooting?

Hump de bump

He shot at the plane from his hotel room?

Yes. Obviously wasn't in the air at the time.

>MAGA hat

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ehhh... whats up doc?

I'm number 50

Here's your (You).

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who dat

That's the reason why you cant have a bump stock.

the guy who made Jason "Bitch Tits" Aldean wet himself

OP I wanna see

50 it is

Just to be 50

Stephen at a young age....

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I bet he was muslim.


He did it all for the nookie


The what?

No. He's too white to be a nigger. Did you even look at his picture?

The nookie.

Come on

The Nookie!

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Roll for 2

that's some nelson mandella shit right there. I deleted my comment because I could have sworn they said "the what?" after nookie but the lyrics claim it's always been "Come on"

>Could be wrong but weird as fuck
>I remember the long weekend Durst was cool


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bump cause jews rock

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come on

50 replies or (((6 million)))?

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