>want iggles to win for the memes
>want patriots to win to solidify the NFL lore that only the Giants can beat them
Who are you rooting for in this Super Bowl Rematch?
Want iggles to win for the memes
Only elite pass rush can beat Brady. Jags had them before they became gassed. Eagles front have a great rotation that won't be.
Don't care, one of the worst possible Super Bowls if you're a fan of anyone else in the NFC East.
the apocolypse
Pats as a Giants fan
No one who lives outside of Philly will root for the eagles.
Pats, because I'm a born and raised New Englander, and because Philly is a garbage fire of a city
>Giants fan
I’m so sorry
You take that back.
Patriots are getting their sixth, sorry other teams.
Seventh too.
>Both #1 Seed teams winning
>Underdog exiled Foles vs Captain America Brady
>If Philly wins they get their first Super Bowl win
>If Patriots win they get their 6th and cement their legacy as the greatest franchise
literally cant lose
>for the memes
this faggoty phrase needs to die just as badly as the average Eagles fan
>No one who lives outside of Philly will root for the eagles.
that's where you're wrong, friendo
I cant wait for the entirety of spee to be BTFO when the Iggles dismantle Tommys legacy
The Steelers have six Super Bowl wins though...
Eighth SB appearance though. Some teams don't even get one.
>Sup Forums
>liking Brady
Click on literally any thread about a pats game and it will be at least 70% retarded butthurt faggot redditors screaming “WAAAAAA WAAAA FUCKING CHEATERS WAAAA REFBALL” because whatever retarded rag tag crew their poor excuse for a team managed to scrape together was unable to stop him.
I'm a Redskins fan and I am very conflicted with this matchup. On one hand I don't want the Eagles to win so that they forever have no rings, but in the other hand I want Tom Brady to get btfo'd to piss off smug Patriots fans. Doesn't really matter what I want though. Patriots will win. I've had the gut feeling since the beginning of the post season. All the games leading up to the 'owl were nothing but pre show entertainment for the inevitable Tom Brady/Patriots jerk fest that will be this super bowl. I'm sure after the Patriots win the question will no longer be if Tom Brady is the best QB of all time, but if the Patriots are the greatest NFL franchise of all time or some bullshit like that.
how many in the salary cap era where they didnt need refball to win it like in sb40?
The only thing Im rooting is for this shit sport to fucking end.
>want brady to win just to see how butthurt everyone gets over it and finally ending the GOAT conversation for good
>also want brady to lose because getting bored of patriots always winning and to watch bostonfags suffer
not sure which side to pick desu
You say that now, but if the Eagles win there's going to be bandwagoners all across the country. It'll be like when the Phillies won the World Series. Some people just like to attach themselves to winners.
Not that we give a fuck. Those bangwagoners will be gone again in a few years, and the rest of us will soldier on through the heartbreak defeats that make lesser fans give up.