"All glory belongs to God"

>"All glory belongs to God"

t. reddit

what the FUCK is wrong with athletes? literally every single one.

>not giving all praise to God

yeah, what the fuck's wrong with those incredibly successfull millionaire christians? if they were smart like you they'd be atheists, right?

Shame that 'all glory belongs to God' doesn't get said very much in contract negotiations. Would save the NFL a fortune.

But they're not smart, by their own admission they did nothing - unless it was shit. All glory belongs to God, bro.


This. Christians are happier, more successful and are more often than not better people in general. It really isn’t hard to connect the dots. You likely aren’t fit to shine these guy’s shoes and you want to shit on their personal beliefs as though you’re somehow above them. You’re delusional as fuck.

>thinking god gives a fuck about a handegg game
thats the worst part of it. idc about religious beliefs but its arrogant as fuck to think that with all the things going on in this world, its creator would have any time to bother with a million dollar kids game

it's well observed that believing in God correlates with low IQ.

He cares about everything. He watches everything. All at once. What part of that do you not understand? And why does it upset you? He’s watching over you and caring about you right now even though you’re acting like a faggot. He still loves you.

so you're saying God is real and faith in Him makes otherwise unremarkable people achieve remarkable things?

Whats your favorite episode of Rick and Morty my fellow 500 IQ friend?

Personally, my favorite episode is when Rick used his portal gun to show that the universe was one infinite loop that is a nihilistic fart that came from Mr PoopooMcBojangles and thought us that God is literally a Fart, that doesn't exist, and that we're all shit from the Fart Ass God.

What’s your iq and what do you do for a living? Save it. It wont matter when you’re dead. Get right with god I promise it feels so good.

it's well observed that the majority of successful people in literally every area of life are religious

Not that guy and Never seen the show but please please tell me that’s not an actual episode.

>He watches everything
So he watches child porn? Sounds like a faggot

Of course he does how else will those people get what they deserve when the time comes.


It's the same episode where Jerry fully embraced cuckoldry as his wife Beth was being seduced by alien refugees in its side plot. What was even more poignant about the episode was how the toxic white male culture was called against , especially with Summer's Free Bleeding bra burning protest against a disabled homeless veteran who sneezed on a woman's boob, but the realization than from Morty that the world is really a shitty place, but that's okay, because we're all just shit particles, from Mr PoopooMcBojangles living in a Fart world.

>falling for the Sup Forums meme about rick and memey being ultra leftist
if youve ever actually watched the show it unironically names the jew. its more centrist like south park

South Park is for stupid people and it sounds like Rick and morty is too. If you actually enjoy this stuff there’s something wrong with you.

>Falling for the Sup Forums meme
>Has inter-racial cuckoldry in the first season.
>The show co-creator has openly called for the president's assassination
>not leftist.

Sorry, I guess you wouldn't be able to grasp the deeper concepts of the show since your IQ isn't quite as high to properly enjoy the nihilistic and 100% true facts of Rick and Morty.

They're in the fucking NFL, everything they prayed for came true.

So glad there are believers out there still holding strong trying to save. Bless y’all and bless these nonbelievers they’ll find their way to Him when they’re ready.

It's more socially acceptable to say all glory belongs to god than it is to say WOOO BITCH I PUNKED YOUR ASS AND IMMA PUNK MORE BITCHES NEXT WEEK. Whether they actually believe it or not is irrelevant, it's just something they have to say to keep people happy. Of course no one in the room during contract negotiations is going to get their fee fees hurt if they speak frankly.

>tfw the ultimate red pill is that if you'd taken all the blue pills along the way you'd be happy and successful instead of bitter, cynical and worthless

youre posting on a neet imageboard for sports, you cant call anyone else stupid
it also has an episode that states there are only two genders, and episode that says israel is racial supremacist puppet master of the western world, and an episode about communism being a failure. it makes points that fall on both sides, just like south park


The last blue pill is the real red pill because all those blue pills are designed to craft you into the kind of person that can get along with and work with the people that run the world.

You are being a bigoted racist sexist, and I ask that you check your privelage shitlord.

check these digits nigger

>Jews have low IQ

No you check'em

geez it's almost like the majority of people in the us are religious