Is hunting wrong?
Is hunting wrong?
Tyler Gutierrez
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Zachary Gray
nice rack. your kill?
Carson Ross
Only if done for sport
Nathaniel Phillips
If you care about life, yes. Only exemption would be in a survival situation where your own life is at risk.
Majority consensus on here will be no.
Inb4 hurr durr a luvs me a Turkey shoot.
Nolan Torres
No. Pic from the internet
I wish though
Angel Garcia
you going out this season?
Evan Nguyen
Yep, muzzleloader starts in about 3 weeks. I got my treestand ready to go and everything
Anthony Mitchell
Only if you enjoy it.
David James
Right on. I have work to do on my blind yet. It's full of leaves and needs some new branches for camoflage. November can't come soon enough.
Levi Perry
bow season is open today