How many of you can drive a stick? Bet not many americans can say they do

how many of you can drive a stick? Bet not many americans can say they do

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Drive one everyday

Everyone on colonel's island can. Port boys 4 life.

I can and Im merican

Im good with a car but trucks are a little bit more difficult. And yes im American

mine wasn't. I was surprised how easy it was to drive

>how many of you can drive a stick? Bet not many americans can say they do
American here.
Learned to drive, first car was a 5 speed stick.
Have had 3 other stick cars since, as well as 2 motorcycles

I imagine anywhere like that it's a must!

is it bad that I can drive a stick car fine but motorcycles give me trouble?

why is the tranny in your car between the steering wheel and the seat

18 at a time

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18 speeds on my stick, faggot.

Shift through them all while I eat burgers all day

I can actually prefer it. Feels more in control of your vehicle.

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i'm american. my daily driver is a stick. i agree that it's not very common
fuck, user. performance cars use double clutch automatics anyways. there's no reason to drive stick anymore

>Bet not
there is no wagering at Sup Forums, Grandpa

Funny how macho bullshit always involves something that resembles a penis, like a stickshift or a gun.

If you can drive stick you can pilot a bike. just takes practice to swap hands and feet around for gears/clutch and throttle/brake

The cars I drive have paddle shifters only.
It's for real racecar drivers

Standard is alright and not a total brain buster like op thinks. Took me 10 mins to nail it when I was 16.
I like my automatic though. It gives me time to relax a d just enjoy the ride.

yes and american. the first vehicle i learned to drive was stick. when i had a little money got a stick ford focus. first new off the lot car i bought when i was 20. loved that little shitbox.

Same. An automatic feels like you're operating a machine, a stick feels like an extension of your body

modern bikes have a quick shifter, you dont even have to clutch in or let off the throttle, just kick up the gear lever with your left foot

What kind of penises are you looking at? I have never in my entire life seen a penis that looks like a gun or stick shifter.

Unless you're in a preformance car there's no point to stick.
I drive an f150. What the fuck do I need to shift for.

> (OP)
>Funny how macho bullshit always involves something that resembles a penis, like a stickshift or a gun.
>Why do I keep seeing phallic objects?
Perhaps it's your obsession of cock!

>there's no reason to drive stick anymore

It's more fun

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>paddle shifters


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The picture has a girls feet. What makes you think its macho bullshit. Stop fucking talking you autist.

Yup Class A truck driver.

Used to drive a 6 speed Golf R.

>no air conditioning
>no automatic transmission
Try to catch up to the modern world, Yurop.

Join right now and thank me later


Semi stick shifts are a different animal all together

Well, you are.

>be murican
>4 of my vehicles are manual
Feels good man

You should try an armoured transport.
8 forward, 8 reverse; so you can get out of trouble as fast as you get in to it.

I was driving stick since 15 years. Bought an automatic Benz and I will never go back to stick again. It's so smooth and chill.

How many of you can drive a Borax Train out of Death Valley? Yeah, I thought so.

I can.

Nice feet

Driving Honda r class on to the rails at 35. Good times.

I drive a Dodge Challenger with the 6-speed manual. Best theft deterrent system around.

America's can't
Rest of the world can

Did that bait taste good?

Truck driver here 8 or 10 speed(depends on truck) every day

American. Only owned standard transmission vehicles for over 20 years.

I learned many years ago cuz my cousin had an MGB GT shipped from Germany when he was leaving the army. Never truly liked it, especially bringing it to friction point on steep hills.

have two cars
both are manual

First car was a 4 speed ford escort wagon

Next was six speed sti with stage 3 clutch (definitely overkill but could launch for days)

Then I went to an automatic when I graduated college and needed a more reliable, less obnoxious ride.

Died inside.

Hollow shell of a man now.

5 speed 300zx and 3 speed scout

I learned how to drive stick
Then realized cars are absolute wastes of money and but a cheap automatic honda under 10k and have been using it north of 6-7 years now.

I like cars as much as the next guy but who gives a shit.

Can you use a map and compass to find your way around? Can dress a chicken? Filet a fish? finish a bathroom?

These are all useful skills but at the end of the day you cant do everything and just because you can do that doesnt make you better than anyone else.

Only real men know how to operate HAM radio.

Does OP even know morse code? Or send a telegram? Not a real man

>how many of you can drive a stick?

I can

Attached: Witchiepoo on vroom-broom .jpg (1152x627, 227K)

I can but I drive a bike so meh.

Sticks are for savages

I drive a 31-year-old stick Subaru, and my wife can drive it fine, too. She had a Datsun 210 stick when we married.
It's not that big a deal, really.

Why would i want too?
Do you grind your grain each morning to make your toast?
Do you grow orange groves and harvest oranges each morning and squeeze them using your hands or your drink?
Do you raise and slaughter pigs for you bacon each morning?

>oh look i drive a stuck
>iim stuck in the 1950's and for some reason gloat about it?

Any American that was raised by a real man knows how to. Automatic transmissions are infuriating if you understand how gears work, imagine riding a bike that didn’t let you change the gears and decided how best to based on an algorithm.

I've been daily driving my Ls swapped 5 speed 1989 gmc s15 since april, and it was rough as hell starting out. I've gotten a lot better since though.

It's actually kind of fun - you feel like you and the car are a team. That aside, you can also start it with a roll if the starter or battery is dead. It's sexier - girls think it's novel. punch the accelerator, off you go (automatics have 'brains' that seem to have think a bit before going), downshifting to avoid brake lights for stealth mode or more control over going downhill without having to brake. It's just fun. It really is.

is driving stick supposed to be hard or something? took me a few hours to learn.

More pics like this?

Any American that gives a shit about cars can drive a stick as good as you

Learned to drive an 8 speed semi, double clutching is bullshit

The only real answer.
Its fun.

Other than that its just its like anything else

I have always driven automatic and never had an infuriating experience.

I'm a meritardy and i first drove three on the column and then 3 - 5 speed cars

I can drive stick, but I don't like it. The clutch pedal is unnecessary and clumsy, Dual Clutch Transmissions are infinitely better.

I'm dropping one into my Integra and you fuckers can't stop me!