ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Spread gun kills everything.
ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.
>Spread gun kills everything.
Thats wasnt poorly described nigger. Contra easily.
>Man uses sword to defeat his enemies.
Driving across Arizona
>man carries fuckton of guns to kill shit blobs
>shake bacon outside your ear
Who cares the more variety here the better
>click next turn for 10 hours
Chex Quest
>Boy visits landmarks to stop a comet with the power of love
>play god
>tell him to collect vood
>he gets hungry half way through
>walks for 3 hours to eat an MRE
>pissed because he hath no loin
>it starts to rain
>being wet was the final straw
>he goes berserk and punches a squirrel
>they tussle in the mud for an hour
>finally he caves in the rodents skull
>the wounds he sustained are grave
>his wounds become infected and he dies a day later crawling for another MRE
>start over
Some guy has gas.