Hey Sup Forums...

Hey Sup Forums, take a break from trolling ylyl threads and fapping to traps and check out this white nationalist manifesto: twitter.com/h_monmouth/status/1167288946834804736

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now all you need to do is commit a mass casualty event

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no thanks nazi

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Damn, this is some juicy shit, user. You got a PDF of it?

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It's linked in the OP

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If a nazi says the sky is blue, does that prove that it isn't?

I've never understood being so passionate about something that you're willing to write like a 20 page essay on something SOMEONE ELSE has already said 100 times over

because not many people read 1930s German propaganda

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The same person that wrote this probably read those and read plenty others that were made in the last 10 years alone. Literally nothing new

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Why would you be proud of your parent or of your child? After all, it's not anything you've accomplished; the fact that you're related to that person is just an accident of genetics. In fact, why care for your children at all? They are no more important than any other child in the world. They are only related to you by an accident of birth. It's irrational to feed your own child more than you feed any random child in Africa.

please dont forget to sage

>it's not anything you've accomplished
incel forgot about sex.

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I got myself sterilized just so that I couldn't bring any more white babies into this world.

the (((jews))) made me gay

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Why would I need to get sterilized if I was gay?

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no im talking about myself

I was thinking about this the other day.

I'm pretty certain the answer comes down to sticking up for people with a minority of options, and not minorities specifically.

For instance, there are very few billionaires, but they completely run and own the system. They have the most available options of how to live their lives. Nothing really in the way.

However, for lots of ethnic minorities, many social barriers get in the way of being able to live proper healthy happy lives. For instance, to be Mexican in America, you can be deported at any one time, for not really any reason. Or being and living in black communities, you got the pigs breathing down your neck every second.

Or you, you have very little choice except to promote semantic arguments because you're literally retarded. We need to stick up for you because obviously society has failed in educating your dumb ass. I'm so sorry.

Does this get posted all the time by the JIDF so they can point at Sup Forums when the next white on black/school shooting happens and be like "see, he had his manifesto on Sup Forums" when really there's no correlation?

no its stormfront
theyve been raiding Sup Forums for years with white supremacy memes

-There is an organized effort to undermine western Christian society
-There is an organized effort to make whites the enemy
-There is an organized effort to radicalize and fund muslims to continue banker/drug cartel wars
-I didn't read this shit but I bet that's what it says and it wouldn't be wrong.

Oh. Nice. Carry on.