How long until we can make this a hate symbol

How long until we can make this a hate symbol.

Attached: A0AE931C-2D40-47BB-98B6-720C8AC22E11.jpg (640x593, 47K)

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i hope your thread gets sage bombed to death nigger

Kek staymad, kike

The truth isn't hateful.

Given the success of pepe and the ok symbol... anywhere between 3 weeks to 3 months lmao

Except there are more than two genders and this is exclusive to trans/non binary identities.

Don't be gay. Shit bait

What OP is doing is bait, what i just stated was a fact. There are more than two genders, and denying their status doesn't make them any less real.

How about no, because if we keep pushing gestures as hate symbols, eventually all hand gestures will be hate symbols, rendering deaf people mute because everyone will have to wear oven mitts in public.

What proof of these genders do you have besides

What basis in nature does this bullshit have? Stop being gay.