Sentient islamophobic truck attacks muslims

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Is it time to finally ban assault kaffirism?

I could give less of a fucking shit if not all Muslims are terrorists. What I care about is the fact that the majority of terrorists are Muslims. And they didn't use a gun this time, motherfucker. Either you ban all implements that could ever cause harm to another person in any capacity, or you crack down on fucking Muslims. Otherwise this is literally going to keep happening again, and again, and again.


ban automatic trucks and transmissions. if he had a manual he would have been stopped sooner


*nice tread

>Trucks are a frightening tool of terror

Holy kek that's way funnier than it has any right to be.
They'll really blame anything and everything before they point the finger at the not-actually-so-fringe Muslim ideologies that call for the death of the entire western world.


>trucks are a frightening tool of terror
I just can't anymore.


why doesn't france write up some common sense legislation prohibiting regular citizens from owning sentient islamophobic trucks?
we've had truck control in australia for years and you know how many sentient islamophobic truck attacks we've had since then? zero.
the rest of the world is laughing at france because of their backwards truck laws.



>Liberals are going to the point that they refuse and completely omit that it was a muslim at the wheel


Kill these traitors, hang them
Remove Islam from the world already

>killing a bunch of shit skinned animals
>not moral and righteous

stupid image

We need truck control.

Do we really need 18 wheels?

All motor vehicles must now abide by weight limit and sheer size laws.

Your new standard car.


wait Sup Forums now turns c uck into Kek?

When the fuck did this happen

christ this can't be real. are they all really avoiding the fact that the guy was a muslim?

No shit. In fact it's our fault because we didn't give them enough money for schools and shit in the middle-east.

The whole cuck has gotten completely out of control and all the laws of meme magic have been turned upside down


what did actually happen? I just woke up and I'm hearing different things.

A muzzie terrorist drove a truck through the crowd that came for the 14th of July fireworks in Nice. He killed about 80 people.

An Allah Snackbar rammed people with his truck and then had a shootout with the police killing something like 80 people.

The media is already trying to cover it up and not report any details like the fact that this was a terrorist attack and not some random accident.

This is a story that completely destroys their narrative, so they want to hide it
>guns banned in country
>guy didn't even need a gun to kill people, used a truck
>had access to guns anyway

>another Muslim
>ISIS already claimed responsibility for the attack
>a great portion of Muslims support ISIS with poll numbers coming out as high as 31% in AMERICA, worse in countries like France


>ID: Goy
Oy vey

Why do trucks keep doing this to us, Sup Forums?

B-but you just said cuck..


Go ahead juden
Mock this terrorist attack
Make stupid memes out of the dead
We'll soon have over justice



We should be making fun of them. If the French aren't taking it seriously, if the Liberals aren't taking it seriously, if the media doesn't take it seriously, why should we take these things seriously?

Just make fun of every single fucking ''tragedy'' until people wake up and start taking things seriously.

>Trucks are a frightening tool of terror, with a history

#illridewithyou has taken on a whole new meaning after today.

I'm so confused. Everyone on tv and radio here is calling the town niece, as in the family relation


Ban assault logistics

>frogs getting rekt by a TRUCK


>Trucks are a frightening tool of terror

This is so blatant, jews literally had no fucking way to spin this


>trucks are a frightening tool of terror


the vast majority of vehicles used for mass murder are low-capacity sedans with manual transmissions

>not all trucks
>numerical equality for tires now
>it's the current year
>hashtag I can't even

No civilian should have a need for this kind of truck

DIngding, that's the spirit!

>Trucks are a frightening tool of terror, with a history
It's just like in my Chinese cartoons.

Christ this makes me mad

I posted this on twitter and nobody gets it.

>Sentient islamophobic truck attacks muslims

the truck was loaded with guns



what is this from

>that image
Mere coincidence goy.

The guns actually were shooting the people the truck was running over. If it hadn't been for the guns, most would have survived with minor injuries.

Does anyone have better footage of the truck hitting the crowd?

I am trying to make a video, but all the footage I can find is this grainy shit where you can't even tell what's happening.

For all I know it's just a video of someone shoving their phone up their own ass.

>First of all, I think it's very hard to untangle the motives of this Truck,

>I'll leave that to psychologists and people who study these kinds of incidents...I think the danger is that we somehow suggest the act of a troubled vehicle speaks to some larger political statement across France.

What does he mean by this?


holy fuck my sides

Looks distressed, but no tears.

This looks like yet Masonic hoax, like Charlie Hebdo, and the Bataclan.

Damn those traitors!

>trucks are a frightening tool of terror

>trucks are a frightening tool of terror
>not Freightening
You had one job.


> We all know who is to blame !

> Germany is the BLAME !

> For making Euro Truck Simulator !


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It's not like someone needs a truck capable of mowing down 100s of people. His load of guns and grenades could have been hauled with a utility vehicle that probably would have stopped working after 20 or 30 dead bodies.