Are there really people that unironically think the iggles can beat Tom Brady, or is it just memeing?

Are there really people that unironically think the iggles can beat Tom Brady, or is it just memeing?

I'm sure they exist

Are there really people that think Donald Trump will be the President of the United States, or is it just memeing?

It shall be written. It shall be done.

>Are there really people that unironically think the iggles can win with Foles, or is it just memeing?
>Are there really people that unironically think the iggles can beat Falcons, or is it just memeing?
>Are there really people that unironically think the iggles can beat Vikings, or is it just memeing?

the patriots slow burning offense isn't going to work against the eagles they will have to speed it up considerably.

Pats gave up 20 points to Bortles. Foles is gonna light them up

> the delusion


Sup Forums idiots will always find a way to bring their god into completely unrelated discussion

they only beat blake fucking bortles by way of the referees so yes

Are there really people that think the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series or are they just memeing?

the Giants beat them twice anything can happen

>reddit spacing

I are ironically think

Deal with it

Are there really people that unironically think the wild card giants can beat Tom Brady, or is it just memeing?

Most college teams could beat Brady if he weren't on the Patriots. He's literally their worst player

Relevant because this Owl is a lot like the election
>corrupt organization rigs event
>supports the one with the best experience, shady and subversive history
>supports the one that will make them more money in the long term
>so they put all their eggs in one basket

It's going to take a miracle, ill cry tears of joy if the Eagles win.

>s-so if I post this frog and call out someone for being a redditor, then n-no one will know I'm actually a redditor?
Kill yourself

What the fuck bait is this

>this upset
>unironically typing "kill yourself"
You are not fooling anyone, user.

> look mom I posted the frog again!

Do I think it’s the likely scenario? No. Is it possible? Absolutely. The eagles have proven everyone wrong all year.

Including themselves
> Our season is over!
> Foles, didn't we trade him