Eurocuck here

Eurocuck here.
How's the real world nigger situation in murica? Do they behave like ghetto monkeys or is that a meme?
If they do, why are so many people wondering why racism is a thing?
So they actually like and befriend niggers? I kinda doubt it

Attached: 1569540162306.jpg (1242x1225, 295K)

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It's about 60/40, but 99% of nogs are tards, the left along with the nigs keep pushing it. From personal experience if tou try to talk to porch monkeys about their statistics they say you're racist.

Real talk, it very much depends on the person in question. Some people and communities are useless and some are fine. Racism, like anywhere else in the world, is common or rare depending on the area. The difference here is that the media is out of control and people take the stories as gospel, so one racist incident makes national news and gets called a race crisis, and people (mostly dumb college age ones) flip out. Also social justice is a lie, as true social justice is equality and most SJWs don't want that, they want their preferred race or gender to be ahead of the others.

TLDR; Murrica's mind is fucked, and it's just like anywhere else in the world.

Not all of blacks act that way. There are some who are really decent people. But for the most part, the memes are true. Nigs are ignorant as hell, and happy to be so.

EX: The fuckin bingo bongos use about 37% of the US welfare budget while crackers use about 31% even though the baboons are about 1/4 the population size.

The left skews the story pretty hard, what gets me though is the spooks act like the bill of rights isn't there for them.

Straight, it has more to do with income than race if you get serious. When the blacks are not poor, they act like everyone else (unless their image dicraces otherwise, like DMX,wutang etc).
I been in trailer parks and I been in inner cities and honestly, the only thing I really can say about race is, I never met a black person in Cincinnati who wasn't a piece of shit.
On the same note I never met a white guy there who wasn't a shady piece of shit too.

Everything about blacks in America can be drawn back to slavery. We shit on them now because they have a high as fuck poor and incarcerated black population, but then when it comes down to it, there's still people alive to this day that couldn't go to school with white kids or drink at the white water fountain based on what're called "Jim Crowe" laws. Jim Crowe laws were designed to keep blacks exactly where they were, poor, uneducated, and weak. You can't blame a large portion of their population on what they can't and never had control of.

I agree. But how do we cure the root problem which is most likely bad parenting? They ain't born that way, but if your parents are poor and shady subhumans, chances are you will never become anything better than them


That too can be traced back to white people. As slaves, when a wlman had a child, once it was old enough, it was traded or sold. Slave owners knew that the concept of family would be problematic to business. For generations, it was often rare to have a black slave family physicallystay together long. Isn't it strange that the same trend happens today whether it be the black father leaves at will or being locked up (which takes us back to my first comment)?

So abandonment of family can't be unlearned? Is this why we constantly see men on Jerry Springer or Maury Povich celebrating paternity results, or heartbrokenly refusing to accept them?

Why are black households vastly fatherless? It's not a meme, it's a sad reality.

A lot of eerily similar reasons as +300 years ag
A lot of eerily similar reasons as 200 years ago
A lot of eerily similar reasons as 100 years ago

Do you think that 2 generations were enough to form an entire new breed of human and that blacks were literally nothing at all like they are today back in africa? You realize the average IQ of somalia is like 85 right?

>Straight, it has more to do with income than race if you get serious.
Income is a contributing factor, yes. But rich blacks commit way more crimes than rich whites. And poor blacks commit way more crimes than poor whites. The income thing does not explain everything. There are still undeniable differences between the races.
>If they do, why are so many people wondering why racism is a thing?
Niggers act like niggers, but many white americans, kids especially, have never interacted with one personally, so they don't know about it or believe it.
For example, there was not a single black kid in my elementary, jr high or high school. Not a single one. I would have to go to the shitty part of the nearest city in order to see a black man/woman.
Most neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, etc. are either black or white. White kids may have very little experience with blacks, so all they know is that
>le racism is wrong meme
>apologize for slavery
>whitey is keeping blacks down
>their favorite sports team is 80% niggers
>their favorite music is made by niggers

>You realize the average IQ of somalia is like 85 right?
more like 65, pal

Still wish I knew who this was.

The point

Is over your head.

Not a single correct statement in that comment

Besides the bit about your personal statement of course.

Yes niggers are naturally loud and dumb by nature, they aren't equal humans.
Mostly people being brainwashed into thinking niggers are 100% equal to us, or they just want to feel cool by having a black friend just because they like rap and drugs

>Not a single correct statement in that comment
It's a fact that blacks commit way more crimes than whites, even when accounting for the income differences.
Sure, poor people commit more crimes than rich people, and many blacks are poor. But this does not explain it all. In fact, it explains hardly anything.
Rich black people not only commit more crimes than rich white people, they commit more crimes than the poorest white people.
See pic related for example, although it only relates to homicide and is somewhat dated.

Attached: sGynbw2.png (536x392, 26K)

You guys are looking at it the wrong way
Crime per capita is way higher for blacks in the US than for other races, sure. But what about in other countries?

Check out these stats from the UK

Issue isn't race it's that the US has been trying and successfully to keep niggers as niggers while for the majority of cases other countries have not. You need several generations out of poverty to weed out niggery in a family.

The fact other nations don't have anywhere close to matching statistics says something. It's like rubbing shit on a dog and then wondering why it smells like shit or why at the very least it doesn't just wash the shit off of itself as if it would know how to

If she had a light brown hispanic mother and a black father, is she black or brown?

very much this
niggery can be removed but your nation is so backwards that zero effort is put into it. There is probably more effort put to make matters worse. Capitalism and the media are destroying America. Both concepts are valid but you have really shitty people at the top. True reason behind your shooters and crime isn't even gun control issue but the way media runs your lives. It scary and sad. Kind of looking at the nation wide cult.

You can't just use 1 random statistic to prove a wider point. By this account American Asians are the best people around.

>The fact other nations don't have anywhere close to matching statistics says something.
That's a very interesting point. Although to be fair, blacks commit more crimes than whites wherever they are, but not in the same scale as in the US.
I think the explanation is simple, it's about community/attitude. Practically all blacks in the EU came as refugees in the last 50 years or so, and they have all been fed, given apartments, healthcare and money from day one. EU Blacks don't have the same historical hatred for the ruling class, and are obviously much more gentle. US niggers are much more cut-throat and have hundreds of years of hating whitey in their blood. IDK. there's probably something there.
EU blacks are equally segregated, they largely live in their own communities, there are certain "all black" schools and neighborhoods, etc., so I don't think segregation explains it.

Imo it goes down to the way schools are funded in the US tied to the way family structure is

Ghetto schools are so bad teachers can legitimately have student debt waived just by teaching in those areas as compared to a normal school there are almost no experienced teachers teaching the people who need them most and due to several reason in the past it would take several more generations for family structure to exist in a reasonable enough rate for blacks to not be soley dependant on the quality of schools

You'll hear this alot but there's a difference between a black and a nigger.
Niggers behave exactly like you've seen, worse, even, but all poc live in cities so you can avoid them if you're careful.
The thing with racism existing and BLM and SJW is it's usually upper middle class suburban kids who are so sheltered they see those portrayals in media and assume they're false and outlandish, the middle class blacks usually know the truth of it but dont want to speak out.
One thing i've learned after dating a few black girls is that blacks and niggers are just as biased and racist as whites here, but blacks are more subtle, like white people. they see white people going into potential danger (like an area that could have bears, or helping after a crash or disaster) as "white people shit"
This is sorta true, but if you find an intelligent black person you can talk about it.

I had a black co-worker freudian slip and call me a clansman, i was able to actually talk to her and explain to her what freudian slips are and what it says about her subconscious.


Your turn op, what nation are you in? How bad are the sandniggers? How rurual/metro is your town? Is the media covering up how bad the sandniggers are/trying to brainwash you into racemixing?

>You can't just use 1 random statistic to prove a wider point.
of course you can. The point was that income can matter while at the same time not explain all the differences, and it was proved excellently by that statistic.
The topic doesn't even require sources, it's a widely accepted fact that blacks commit way more crimes than whites even when adjusting for income. I wanted to see if my opponent would admit to denying this fact, I wasn't trying to prove this fact. Proving it is unnecessary, and I don't think that my homicide statistic proves it. I even admitted that the statistic only related to homicide and was somewhat old, but it did an excellent job of proving a concept.
>By this account American Asians are the best people around.
they actually are though, but that was not the point. They have the highest income and commit the least crime. They are absolutely excellent citizens.

not Op but eastern Europe (Serbia)
very little problem here with asians and blacks but there is few of them here anyway.
We have a issue with the gypsies. It's horrible really. They live of trash, everybody avoids or hates them. We have slur words for them that are casually used. Imagine if it was socially acceptable for you (American) to tell your white college in a crowded office "don't be a nigger (or a jew)" if he is being a bit stingy.

Gypsies have no future here and honestly I'm surprised they don't do any serious crime more often. It's sad but I don't think it will ever change. We are talking extreme poverty in a society where everyone hates you or treats you like you are a plague bearer.

Interesting, thanks.

It's a meme user
- GA user

>Do they behave like ghetto monkeys
>or is that a meme?
No. Tyrone is real.