Race mixing is ba-

>race mixing is ba-

racemixing isn't bad
having children with animals is

reminder that niggers belong to a different species

lol kys

eww fucking lesbian

Are (pol) jokes supposed to be this cringeworthy? The same goes for its userbase.

no, really

an entirely different species

are you one of those who believe the white man actually originated from Africa ?

People who have a shortened MAOA gene do not produce a protein needed to break down old serotonin in their brains. These people are more likely to be agitated, aggressive, and impulsive.

Comprehensive Psychiatry published a large study on the rates at which black and white Americans carry shortened, or dysfunctional, MAOA genes.

The gene can come in the form of 2, 3, 3.5, 4, or 5 allele. A 3-repeat allele is considered dysfunctional. A 2-repeat allele is considered very dysfunctional. These two forms are what is referred to as the “warrior gene” in the video below. People with a 2-repeat allele MAOA gene have a permanent chemical imbalance in their brain making the person more likely to be agitated, aggressive, and impulsive.

According to the study published in Comprehensive Psychiatry, only .5% of whites have the 2-repeat allele version compared to 4.7% of blacks.

That means blacks are 9.4 times more likely to have the extremely dysfunctional version of the gene than whites. Considering that black Americans are 9 times more likely to commit murder, this is very significant.

Other studies have shown even higher rates of occurrence of the 2-repeat allele version of the gene in blacks. Other studies show that the 2-repeat allele version is almost completely non-existent in Asians.

You can kys too

How many mental disability that hybrid has ? In 50 years or so there will be a wave of unresolved debilitating illness. No one will talk about there orogin, blaming pollution and stress.

We all know that hybrid depresssioon will destroy mankind.

There is literally no difference between E*glish and niggers.
Well, maybe niggers smell better but that's it.



Le 46% face HA you are like a oittle baby


yes, and we hate it


That's a robot from outer space tho


how is it possible for kneegrows and human beans to even have offsprings

He's a chinlet thoe

So not so different from wh*te kids.

I you knew how to read this says "more likely", but I beat you don't even understand pic related.

Funny monkey, kek

Yumi scares me ;_;