25 years my ass

25 years my ass
They all look like they've aged 40 years or more

Except Norma of course, who is an immortal goddess and best girl

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Holy shit they brought back the tranny
The absolute mad man

What magazine is this in?

I was looking for it on the news stand the other day and couldn't find it.

same I think it just came out. Entertainment. Going to grab one soon

Entertainment Weekly

What did he mean by this?

Best grill is objectively Lucy. If you disagree you're fat.
Also, James looks good.

Outside of the BALD and the vampiric cheek bones the nigga doesn't look like he's even aged much what the fuck

they look like above normal people faggot

They look great, just old
25 years out of high school means being under 45 years old. Most of them look at least 55, and Cooper looks like he aged from 30 to 70