Trump General — War Room edition

Text TRUMP to 88022 for important campaign updates


>Rally in Westfield, Indiana (7/12/16)

>Trump on Orly 7/14/16
>Trump On Greta about Nice attacks 7/14/16
>Flynn On Kelly 7/14/16

>Into That Good Night
>NRA Ad: Stop Clinton, Vote Trump
>Stand in the Gap



>/cfg/ Official Website (WIP)
>/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


would Mr. Trump send Anzu back?


pls add to next OP
of paramount importance

Nevermind. I was going to make Texfag edition. Also, how do you Awoo~?
>Its a pun!


Anyone have the pic where Barron is sitting on a toy lion?

Come on, man. Once in a lifetime opportunity to talk to ole strawwie

I would

>Told you so



>that smug nasally perfection

Is she even a Muslim?

Am I the only one finding this funny as hell?

>ywn rescue Anzu from her country
>ywn marry Anzu
>ywn impregnate Anzu

This image makes me smile. Mine, but yours is nice too. Smiles are infectous. Like narcolepsey!

I hope so


Trump was never choosing Pence. It was all a ruse. I'm certain of it.

she already has a bf


Stupid faggit



rate my oc


Anzu has a boyfriend

I hope Trump awakens Christendom, makes us no longer have to apologize for our beliefs and unites us against the cancer the world refuses to name. Christian has dealt with the cancer of Islam before and we can do so again

she must be saved from the roaches

>MAGA lion

Your id sounds like pleasant Japanese word fampai

Roman Emperor tier. I fucking love it.

I would cum sooooooo hard in Melania. Fuck.


How many years you guys think Trump's had this campaign laid out for?

She's a qt

>tfw there will be movies and video games made dedicated to this election

Fuck sake...It's Pence.

Pretty spinny

I thought she was lesbian. Some turk said.

I wonder when Barron is going to give his first interview.

I think that dressing like a cheap whore is haram according to the word of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

I've never heard Melania speak, will she be okay at the convention?

She's balding because she dyed her hair blue too much

I think he had a general idea of what he'd be competing against (soft-libertarian, establishment favorite, establishment backup, christcuck candidate etc.) based on past elections and then just rolled with the punches as each character revealed his role


I love america

Can't wait till he redecorates the White House

She's no less intelligible than Arnold.

10/10 room

4? Maybe everything is planned 2 weeks in advance, and Trump is just fantastic at improv

He trademarked Make America Great Again six days after Romney lost.

Thanks, lad

Probably by the end of Trump's first term.

came hard

Why have you fuckers become such persistent shitposters since Trudeau got elected?

No, no it's not.

Which one of you autists started #NiceAttack?

>trusting CNN

I don't get why people aren't talking about this more. Where is the rage?

Says who? CNN? Pence suspended his campaign, that doesn't mean he's the VP pick. He could be in the cabinet, or he could think he'll be VP when he won't. It's not fucking Monday yet so we don't know.

>tfw books and political strategies will analyze the role of *chan shitposting and memes, actual political campaigns will adapt to lessons learned from rare Pepes and alt-right anime shitposting

Communism has a way of organizing people, and turning them into organs

Since the first Bush administration at least.

>(((DANA BASH)))

Luegenpresse pls.

Good morning folks.

Trump master ruse seems to have worked like a charm.

> Leak on potential VP name
> Watch as his detractors dish out all the dirty they have on him.
> Watch some middle of the road folks to jump ship as soon as the name is announced

And then select someone else.


>|roll dubs or ||l “”|””\_,
>|religion of peace|||__|__|__|]
>|runs you over!_|||__|__|__|]

How do you feel about Trump/Biden?

>trademarking a campaign slogan from the 1980s

You can do that?

Trudeau has developed highly advanced shitposting bots to discredit real Canadian posters and patriots

Can you imagine?

I wonder what he's gonna do. Fuckin' kid is as tall as his mom and he's like 9.

>inb4 pic related

t. 'anonymous sources'

Because CNN and AP are about as untrustworthy as sources get and they thought it was Pence yesterday, this is confirmation bias on top of their speculation. Pence could be in the cabinet or he could be BETTING that he'll be the VP pick, since he had to either cancel his re-election campaign today or get out of the VP sweepstakes, and Trump isn't announcing his choice until Monday. There is some serious 7d chess going on here but I don't know what it is yet. We'll find out on Monday.

A year ago I didn't really care about canadians or notice them and I thought australians and mexicans were bad

Now I can say I fucking HATE canadians and hope their country burns to the ground

Don't think Reagan had it trademarked. And if he wanted to sell official merchandise with the slogan it's kind of necessary.

It's not confirmed and the Trump camp is actually pissed that someone told the media.

Trade colonialism memes for my canadian meems

I won't get but you are right. I think it still was just a ruse to calm the RNC commitee directly before the RNC so that they won't pull any shit with the delegates (I mean the chances are close to zero but maybe there was something going on we don't know about)

why is this post spam

not checked, d u b s is blocked here, kek

14 years, 10 months, 3 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes.

>American Caesar on bookshelf
Julius Caesar/Douglas MacArthur 2.0 confirmed

If you shitpost on Sup Forums, the Sup Forumsacks win.

I like the idea of Trump having a picture of himself, angry.

Indiana state dept. or whatever said Pence had not dropped out of gov. race

Perfect, when the Emperor announces its not Pence, EVERY MSM hack will look like a total cunt. It will reinforce the perception that the MSM must NOT be trusted and also that they are the Emperors fuck bitches.

It will also lead to a shit ton of extra publicity.

He won't even be out of school for at least 12 years. By then we might be on Mars.

As a texan, Australia is us, but wittier, but nogunz. Fuck them for that, but some remain based. They are my friends. KEK bless those little cunts

Pence is based as fuck


Huh. Didn't used to have a watermark

Didn't Tiffany just graduate?

I read that post as John Miller

to soon

Will Trump senpai build a Mars wall to keep the filthy Martians out?

I like him, don't think he should be VP though.

>Trump has 3 separate meeting alone with Newt, Pence, Christie
>He tells all 3 of them they are VP
>He tells no one else
>Now he waits and sees which one he can trust
>Media says they were told it was Pence
>Only Pence could have leaked that info
>Trump knows he can't trust him
>Christie dies of a heart attack
>Trump announces Newt as VP
>Moon base construction begins in 2018

I think Trump is the biggest redpiller of modern times

>Those ceiling paintings
Classy as fuck

Guys, I'm pretty sure Meme Magic actually is real and that it's Grant Morrison's fault.

what does 't.' mean?

That's what AP just reported on their ticket underneath Fox news. Fucking wow.