Do you think that the US should offer military/police aid to western European countries to help fight radical Muslims?

Do you think that the US should offer military/police aid to western European countries to help fight radical Muslims?

Nah, we're cool. We believe in peaceful policing.

that would imply eurocucks want to fight these barbarians and not just spread their butt holes open wider for them.

And in the opposite side of the road, apparently.

Your Military/Police couldn't help with 9/11, Boston Marathon; Orlando; San Bernardino; Fort Hood; etc.

What makes you think they could stop anything else?

>he doesn't drive on the right side of the road
lol faggots driving on the wrong side

Hell no. They want to lean on the American military and try to take the high road and feign blamelessness when there's blow back, let them fall on their own sword.

Not Britain, though. They're cool.

Pretty hard to fight predominantly self-radicalised, self-funded semi-lone wolf attacks.

I don't doubt the bloke who did this had his head filled with shit from his local Imam and prayed daily with like-minded cunts, but how the fuck do you fight an enemy which can't be detected?

There's only one answer to this; deport all the cunts. Outlaw Islam. Fuck it off completely. You either immigrate to a country and become one of it's citizens, embracing all of it's values and living by their culture, or you can fuck RIGHT OFF to where you fucking came from. If you want to live in France, you live by French law and embrace French culture. You want to live in Australia, America, Canada, Brittan, anywhere else? Same goes.

Fuck these cunts coming to our countries and turning them into the shitholes they desperately wanted to escape from. Fuck these cunts. Fuck them all.

No. America should mind it's own business and deal with it's own problems. UK doesn't need them to handle some savages.


If Trump becomes emperor that would be great.

I know you guys hate Europe, but you should come and help us exile and massacre the pigfuckres in the name of freedom and peace for the white man and everyone who lives by those set of rules.

Time to set aside our differences.

"A fortress is a living thing: the commander its brain, the walls its bones, the sensors its eyes and ears, the troops its blood, their weapons its fists. This tells us two things: If one organ fails, the whole dies. And if the whole dies, no single organ can survive alone.

There is honestly little in the way of conventional policing aid we could offer that would be of any use to our European allies. Likewise, US conventional military expertise wouldnt be helpful either.

What the Europeans need from us that we have is our superior intelligence gathering. We are better at the counter terrorism game because we are better at tracking down and neutralizing threats before they do something big.
That is why we are so concerned about "lone wolf" attacks, because they often dont have any of the signs we might catch them on. Its just some lone psycho who snaps.
We're getting better at it, though, and we will continue to develop our ability to neutralize that kind of threat.

The Europeans need intelligence expertise from us, but the political will has to be there to actually act on intelligence that is gathered. The Belgians have absolutely embarrassing intelligence gathering abilities, which is why Belgium is the place from which many of these groups operate. If we bolstered their ability to track threats though, would their pussy politicians actually do something?

If not, then we have tipped our hand.

Fighting them isn't the problem. Being allowed to fight them, is. On the day of the rope, it'll only take a couple of days to round them all up.

Also, the US should focus on its massive nigger and spic problem. There are more niggers in the US alone than there are muslims in all of Europe.

No,the EU should fucking uncuck itself and deal with it themselves.

No we have our own problems. Unless every cucked nation, ours included, decided to wake up and work to remove the muzzies then yeah.

all explosions or shootouts by unassuming people in buildings with restricted access in addition to the fact they were fucking muslim
explain how a cop could react to an explosion or a shooter fast enough to prevent casualties

we're not cyberpunk user. no one has the tech levels to stop terrorism within their own country. ideally, diplomacy has to get us through this, but our diplomacy sucks and isn't working so it's easier to just say "hey, let's just go fucking kill ALL of them"

>US sending troops

It would probably be UN troops that answer to a committee of leaders.

Read my comment dipshit . . . .that's exactly what I said.

>UN doing anything
The UN can't even enforce their own nuclear directives. The UN is just for show.

Active personnel 90,905 uniformed, 111,512 total

The last thing Europe needs is more niggers.

Absolutely not.

The situation has to turn to deep, festering shit in Europe, so the people become destitute, hungry and absolutely merciless.

No more leftist fantasies, no more bullshit.

The day of the rope has to be unforgiving.

And they don't do shit other than occasionally go into African and South East Asian civil wars and look nice. They have no power in real international players, they only do shit that real armies think to be beneath them.

No, let it spill out. Let the muslim horde run rampant over them. Whites have grown weak and fat on their own decadence. They have lost their nerve, their steel, their resolve to break the world over their knee. They were the boogeyman to the rest of the world for the longest time, but they stopped showing up and the rest of the world opened the closet. There were no gnashing teeth or rending claws waiting for them. Whites have committed the most heinous crime a king could commit. They built their walls high and said "this is enough, now I must focus on safety".

Let the mudslimes run over Europe, let their citizens wail in fear of the invaders that are burning their homes and raping their daughters. Let them apply pressure and force the white man into a corner, because that is what whites need, pressure, and pressure makes diamonds.

Fair enough, I just figured euros would be a little jumpy having US moving troops in large numbers into their land if shit ever got really bad. We arrive to fuck shit up beyond recognition. Then spread democracy ofc *wink

Peace and love, to you. You goddamn idiot.

They failed 15 years ago and continue to do so. The body count for terror attacks in the US is huge, the cops/military are worthless

>Says the man who thinks the UN is capable of doing anything.

Ask a hatian.

Not capable, just doesn't give a fuck.

It wouldn't work.

The US can't handle guerilla warfare.