If a truly random person engaged in hand-to-hand combat with you on the street, do you think you'd win...

If a truly random person engaged in hand-to-hand combat with you on the street, do you think you'd win? Answer why/how and I'll critique your view. (AM MMA SPECIALIST)

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No. But I will come back and kill them with a vehicle, or whatever else I can get.

lets talk about your credentials first, how are you an mma specialist? what styles do you have training in? have you actually competed or you just a faggot spectator who analyses everything idolizing men for something you will never accomplish

Yeah, between years of Shoryn Ryu, boxing, and wrestling, I feel like I have a pretty good chance. I'm still working on myself after 15 years now. Plus my steroid marine dad put a ton of "hair on my chest"

Depends on a couple of things. If they have the drop on me, they probably have about a 50/50 shot because I consider myself to be more capable than the average guy, but I also know that anyone with any real training would probably kick my ass.

If I see them coming, no problem, because I carry a gun.

It really depends on the situation, but everyone has pressure points and they are all in the same general areas.

the shits not fun... im a well trained high level athlete, been in many street fights because of retards trying to approach me. i avoid them like the plague.
1. i can completely destroy them it ruins the fun of a fight like a normal person beating up a child or a retard
2. you can get in serious trouble (if you go to far like i did once you can seriously injure them causing in arrest and other legal fees)

Of course, I didn't want to sound like an internet tough guy, but anyone that could fuck me up, wouldn't because they probably have too much to lose to be a retard in the streets

>>you can get in serious trouble (if you go to far like i did once you can seriously injure them causing in arrest and other legal fees)

That's only if they find the corpse.

Also — learn to sanitize. No witnesses.

Yes one on one. That's not the reality of it last two times it was a group of niggers jumping me and stealing everything.

BJJ blue belt I think i'd have a good chance against an untrained fighter.

no im a 5'1" anorexic white girl

I don't believe, show butthole for proof.

its always those beta males that pose as alpha and have something to prove, its fucking annoying, i train to fight because i i love the challenge and the feeling of being psychically and technically pushed. most faggots who try to start street fights are just beta males who cant control their emotions

Anyone got any good knockout vids?

cant control where a street fight happens lol if i was gonna do a murder id be great at it but question was street fight lol

>I'd be great at it
Famous last words.

Or they're drunk.

lmao do act like you wouldnt do it if there were no consequences

Shut the fuck up.

yeahhh if you cant control your self drunk your a fucking pussy

I don't know what you're talking about ;-)

Id go for the windpipe/eyes/crotch.

Do you talk to your mother with that toilet mouth?

spectator it is lmao get into a real fight faggot then youll realize that you and the other guys like like autistic fucks trying to copy rocky movies and what you saw off the latest ufc. trained guys dont ask this shit because they actually under stand fighting, go fap to the latest ufc as you idolize men achieving something while you free base wings at BWW talking to everyone about how you wrestled jv in highschool


yeah actually lmao she shit talks right back

You're a bitch who ruins these kind of threads. Surprised you didn't call me the OP loser.

Fair enough

lurk more

I’m 6’5 with the build of a former football lineman type. I’ve been told that has kept me out of trouble. I am not a fighter at all. So while I would imagine that I could sort of blindly overpower some other random untrained person with retard strength I m also quite certain that anyone with even the slightest training in any type of martial art would take me out.



always remember this tree man, no rules in a street fight, its not a boxing match, end it quick and leave, kick in the balls just dont bite lol unless you wanna ;)

If they sucker punch me? Yea I'd probably lose.

If they tell me they are gonna punch me, probably not. Im no good at wrestling but I've fist fed fuckers on the hockey rink since the 5th grade. I swing like ab emo kid on summer break.

How's that OP?

yeah OP is a true faggot damn, why am I even in this thread

I remember choking a really tall guy and it being easy.

OP here
get on my level

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I look like a lanky smiling easy goin dude, which always gives people the wrong idea. I’m a vet, been dragged through two wars and 24yo kids aren’t shit.

bitch boy beta soyboy cuck detected.

can you even make a fist with your skinny jackoff hands?

im here for you bb we can talk about fights and shit as far as ops fucking gay question.
>anything can happen in a fight
>two retards with no training are like retards flailing their arms
>who ever get hit in the sweet spot first loses
if op ever been in a fight he would know this

>tree man
Reminds me of working with pissed off cattle. Big and strong and can fuck you up easy, but harder for them to stop moving or get up.

You better have a silver tongue to prove it was self defense.

6'2" 250lbs, black belt with 15+ years martial arts experience. Ex state champion, brought in to spar with national champion Muay Thai fighters. I am confident I can handle myself against most people, but I also tell myself, there's always someone better than me out there and the guy trying to fight me could be the one.

My basic rule, as long as I feel comfortable in every situation, I don't need to fight.

Same as when this question was posed last night.

I think I'd do alright. I train BJJ like 5 days a week so I think I'd hold my own against a good 80% of randos on the street.

Go to a real boxing gym.
Take a class twice a week that includes sparring.
In 6 months you’ll have acquired enough self defense knowledge to handle 99.9% of the worlds population and 99.9% of any self defense situation you will ever find yourself in.

idk how people try to pick fights with dudes your size (unless theyre way bigger) like damn you know you will get destroyed even through uncoordinated tard strength

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Probably not, I feel like shit most days. I do have height to the advantage. Not obese, not fit. If the dude wants to fight me, hes already got more energy/motive to take me down. I'd probably go for a choke hold

Neither one of you will likely ever come across any random person in a street fight that is a more skilled fighter than you.

Or just get one of these.

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you train at sucking guys off? i guess that could help you not get beat up, maybe.

Have gun, will win

i dont know
every situation is different
i will defend myself of course but wether or not ill win is up to how the fight goes

Yeah you're probably right user...I seem to avoid them fairly easily, the size probably does it, maybe the confidence in myself in those situations too. I like to think I hide my tard side well enough though

Maybe, but I know better than me so I know they're out there

yes, because I am 100% willing to grab onto them whenever they get close enough (which they would definitely if they were in hand to hand combat with me), and latch onto any available part of their body with my mouth, and sink my teeth into their flesh and bite HARD, and not stop biting until I literally draw blood and am taking actual chunks out of their flesh.

as in skin and muscle. literal chunks of them.

I would be 100% willing to do this in a life or death situation - which is what a street fight would be.
the majority of people are not willing to go to such lengths and deem them "extremes", and therefore would not win.

to win, you must be able to do whatever you need to, no matter what.
every single fight is a life and death situation

that and people will leave you alone because they think you are insane

to add to this - doesn't matter how fucking good at MMA or whatever you are - you will not be able to stop someone who is absolutely determined to survive, from being able to do this.
to be able to bite you and take chunks out of you.
sure, you could probably stop them, but by the time you are actually able, they would most likely have taken at least 3 actual bites out of you.
this is assuming you are very good at hand to hand combat and disabling/neutralizing people.

my teeth are not that strong
i dont think i would be able to do this
but im not afraid of hitting the groin or throat

Yeah, i have very keen reflexes landing a punch on my face would take a ton of effort. Though i have my weaknesses which is my legs and grappling stuff. There's a yellow and red line distances in my view. Yellow is high risk high value distance which you can't block punches, kicks easily due to being so close but you can catch a weakness and use that with ease at that line. Red line is simply if your opponent catches your neck or using rear neck choke, you're mostly done.

>my teeth are not that strong

dude - bite into a steak or a cooked chicken breast. it really is no different whatsoever. seriously. human flesh is not magically stronger just because it has skin over it.
the only thing that would stop you completely biting through some meat on someone fighting you, would be a psychological aversion to doing so.

whether it's due to "omg that's gross" or "I don't want to go to jail", it's only a mental aversion to it.
you can definitely bite chunks out of anyone, with ease, if you tried. have you ever bit anyone? I mean like even as a kid.
I have. I've bit my brother when we had fights as kids.

the only thing stopping me from properly full-on biting (and thus taking chunks out of him) was the mental aversion to it because "I don't actually want to take chunks out of my brother"

your jaw strength is phenomenal and your teeth are literally designed for tearing and ripping flesh.
you can definitely do it and you are definitely strong enough.

if you ever are in a true life or death situation (I pray that you never are, or anyone else is), and you feel you have no way out, but are actually close enough to bite and take chunks out of someone - do it.
it will be the last thing an attacker will expect and it could very well save your life.

By which point you would have 3 severe wounds you would be bleeding to death from, unless you got professional medical attention quick


I mean, fuck - lift up your arm and lightly bite the skin on your arm. see how easy it is to grab a mouthful of arm skin? lightly bite that mouthful. you will see how easy it would be to completely bite through it. it's soft as fuck.

things like biting and eye-gouging and ball-squeezing (testicles) are the way to win actual real fights.
there is no such thing as 'clean fighting' in a real fight situation.

"if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck"

how white people can save their race if white women are absolute trash and whores

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if i dont feel as though im in fear for my life i would simply ignore the engagement or run, however if it was the opposite then i am not sure i would win but i would unleash everything i can muster with nothing held back i.e. crotch punches, eye gouging and other soft tissue assaults.

Hands on loss prevention guy here, one of the few remaining it seems like.
I dont follow /fit/ culture I dont follow MMA either.
But if a marine or a trained fighter conditioned like a well oiled machine fought me.
I would lose 100%.
However the junkies I deal with daily, I dont fight fair I dont fight with honor its them or me.
I will punch a throat I will headbutt elbow kick out knees all that shit.
Cuz I wanna go home to my family everyday.

Fightings not pretty, I hate it tbh I laugh at the rookie zoomers who come in looking for "GLORY". Hurting people isnt funny or fun nor is getting hurt.

have been attacked by a Pho noodle shop owner after I called him a fucking asshole. kept my distance and he never touched me because he was just throwing his fist at me randomly (im 5'7 and 140 LB, he was about half a foot taller and built from the waist up probly over 200lb ) he was obviously untrained and I have limited fighting experience (enough to keep my dist in any fight) I believe if I wasn't filled with adrenalin I could have ruined him but I tend to not engage whenever I have the choice. I grew up with 2 older brother and a father who like fighting and would occasionally "playfight" broken bones and blood were not too uncommon but never seriously hurt each other. im not a fighter but when I have been in a few fights where I engaged, i kinda "snap". one I threw to the ground with a trip, gave him a concussion. the other I don't know what happened because I was drunk but according to the group i was with I apparently did a "tornado kick"( probably just a spinning back kick) to the guys ribs and he faltered back winded and gave in immediately. again i don't like fighting and try to stay out of it but i think i know enough to at least not get my shit kicked in.

how am i going to get into fights if i dont even leave my house

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"cum on ur chin" does not mean "hair on your chest"

take a look at mister big boi pants here wearing the big boi belt
mister bigshot himself
hercules rebooted

i agree we need to see your butthole

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Either n/a or eventually. I've taken years of tae kwon do and judo, but in a situation like that, I'd just run away. I spend a lot of time running, so unless he's a track/field athlete, or has a vehicle, I'll make it.
I MAY double back to try to ambush with some sort of weapon, but that's it. If I did do that, and successfully pulled it off, my win would be basically guaranteed. If I fail, run away and stay away.

Very few people unless they are well trained as a wrestler or MMA fighter would last more than a few moments against me.

I used to wrestle at the national level and have done martial arts including MMA since I was a little kid. I lift several times a week and am very strong and all but immune to pain.

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Nah, i have Autism so they'd i'd just commence Autistic screeching while they beat a retard like a big man and get thrown in jail for life.

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nice one

>"if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck"
This. If you engage the enemy in a way where it is even POSSIBLE for them to hit you back, you've already made a severe tactical error.

>130 lbs
I'm better off carrying a gun

5'7 140lb
if im a big boi you must be a midget
….although i have been working out....

people who say that are never what they claim to be

Keeping those rollback deals on the shelves, doing God's work my man...

had to, low hanging fruit... which im sure is just what his dad thought....ok im done.

What did you say about me you little bitch?

>Low hanging fruit, just like his dad's...


I've been watching enough MMA in the past year that I feel like I'd be able to sort of hold my own. Definitely not as good as having formal training for sure, but most streetfights I've seen videos of are niggers telegraphing the hell out of their punches, keeping their hands low, always going for a takedown, or swinging retarded ass looking hooks 9/10

I was taller than you by age 11...



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I totally agree, Pay-Per-View is the best teacher money can buy

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Its a mom and pop, but funny you should say that i did do it for wally world back in the day.
Wallys kids are to scared of lawsuits these days so you can walk out of electronics with TVs now.
They will just ask you politely to stop

Are you me?

If they were properly trained I think there's a good chance I would lose. I know a bit of Muay Thai, bare-knuckle boxing, and Glima, but not really enough to beat a trained combatant.
I can take a hell of a hit, but I don't have much fighting experience outside of a couple schoolyard brawls in my teens and a barfight or two in adulthood(though I held my own quite fine there).

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Pretty sure Wally World is a fictional amusement park from the National Lampoon's Vacation series. Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.

I don't think I would win.1 year of boxing, 2 years of MMA and I am 6ft tall and 220 pounds.

But I am absolutely terrified of street fights and I think I would freeze if somebody wanted to start shit.

Maybe... Grab my dick and find out faggot.

Ok Wal-Mart chief, didnt know you were being super technical.
>7/10 bait would reply again


this i can do pretty well if its for sport but i dont handle real conflict very well

we got a live one

no hes legit, you can tell because of capitalization