Are there any (good) movies whose message is that life is shit? WITHOUT forcing a silver lining?
Are there any (good) movies whose message is that life is shit? WITHOUT forcing a silver lining?
Elijah Ward
Joshua Murphy
Blue Valentine
Leo Roberts
anything from Coens
Ryan Green
Nier: Automata (2017)
Sebastian Turner
specifically No Country and Inside
James Sanchez
Kill yourself, crossboarding Sup Forumseddit spic.
Aiden Mitchell
A Serious Man and Barton Fink too.
Thomas Kelly
Ending E is very clearly a silver lining.
Darkengard would be a better argument. But it's not necessarily good in a traditional sense
Liam Cruz
After the success of Automata I hope we get a Drakengard + Nier collection for PC / PS4, Drakengard 3 ran like shit and it would be a decent game on this gen consoles.
Aaron Hughes
Sure, or maybe just emulate it when that becomes an option. You're derailing this thread though