I'm so glad I spent my youth ERPing on an international imageboard

>I'm so glad I spent my youth ERPing on an international imageboard

Other urls found in this thread:


100% expected a Canadian flag.

>witnessed the fated wh*te genocide and survived
Med/Slav probably

>implying we'll live past 30
live cute
die young

Is this the new anime homoposting thread?


stop popping pills


wanna pop em together?~

It is now

I am not ERPing, I am waiting for opportunity to snag myself a cute Sup Forums bf.



Where is Russ user? Did that faggot German finally go away?

Open wide :3


not those pills, silly... s-stop teasing me

You're taking them whether you like it or not, who knows how many loads you've taken from men you don't even know the names of?

What's your perfect bf? What country is he from? What does he look like? What do you do together?

W-why did thread die?

>finding a bf on the internet with whom you can live to a ripe old age with
Wtf that's unironically the dream.

All of you will recheive bans faggot subhumans

Maybe you can meme into fact?

I've been trying. Thing is you can't meet any gay boys outside of gay bars/clubs here and more often than not they're fucking sluts who don't want a relationship.


Not only that, but, though I've never been in one, I imagine the type of boys you would meet at a gay bar are not exactly anyone you would want to date in the first place.

go to /soc/ you fucking faggot avatarfag subhuman

Well, that's true everywhere. Can't meet anyone in my work either since literally no one is gay.

Are you not at least a little bi?
I don't really know what to say about finding a good relationship. Craigslist can work of sex, and fetlife is usually pretty bad. /cuteboys/ over on 8ch has a map, I could link it for you.

I'm not cute lmao. I have 1300+ lbs s/b/d total and am 6'0" 220lbs.

Why won't you faggots just fuck off?


But you still want a cute bf, don't you?
Looks like there's 69 leafs on the map.

Would you drink the blood of infants in order to prolong your own life?

I have learnt a lot here. Also I have a browser plugin installed that blocks this site after 1h/day

8ch is scary desu.

Faggot subhuman

The Podestas will hang for their crimes.
That's just a link to the map though, not 8ch. Besides, /cuteboys/ is mostly Brazilians, Brits, Leafs, and Ameri-kuns.

End your lives faggots

ahmed please stop following us to every thread

this is getting out of hand.

with petty insults we wont find a civilised solution

I will hunt all of you faggots down

I will make sure that all of your threads are deleted and all of you are banned

>there's a marker right in my neighborhood

So butthurt

your threads are already getting deleted, I bullied your faggot ruskie off this board after he had a mental breakdown, and you faggots are next :)

I hope you faggots get craned

>marker in my city

T-there's one in my city too. And he's a feminine top too, which is really what I want. But I'm worried about what he's like. I really would have never expected a /cuteboy/ in my town.

Subhuman faggots


*waves my cock infront of you*

The one in my neighborhood is a masc switch like me too. I work at the uni in the city, hopefully he attends it and I get to give him a few private lessons.

>tfw no marks in my town or even anywhere near me

What town?

As a teacher? That's pretty impressive. I hope he gets hit with the ruler.
Do you think you'll message him?

>I'm so glad I spent my youth wageslaving on an govt

subhuman faggots

Not even within a few hours? I'm sorry, user.

I live on bornholm

I'm doing a PhD so I have the opportunity to teach some uni classes. Probably not though; TAing for an intro to EM class is already tiring enough.
>Do you think you'll message him?
I don't think messaging him out of the blue is a good idea desu.

That's still academically impressive. Good on ya, mate.
Well the site is for anons to meet other anons, but I'm having some anxiety about just randomly going, "Howdy nig, you cute boys?"
He also said he spends most of his time in his house which sounds boring as shid.

Kind of fucked up the wording of that, but I meant to saying that messaging him wouldn't be too strange.

We'll see, if I don't forget about this next week that is.

Good luck, Leaf-user.

Thanks baby, you as well.

Not so far from me, could visit you.

Avatarfagging subhumans die