We need an actor to play a gruff military second-in-command

>We need an actor to play a gruff military second-in-command
>I know just the guy, sir!

He was probably baked out of his gourd on crystal and/or heroin the whole time in that

weird, same with barry pepper

As a casting agent I never would choose Tom Sizemore for that role, he even looks like a substance abuser.

I'm constantly confusing this guy with Michael Madsen.

he might be more convincing as a nazi since he has some similar interests

>we need an angry looking man that looks like he could lose it any second
>no problem

I thought he was alright.

yeah he's fine he's just ripe for jokes is all
i really liked him in strange days

>he even looks like a substance abuser.
which is hy he was perfect for the role

this guy gets it
physically and somewhat mentally, being high on meth for days on end is not so different from being on the frontline for days on end, both will make you look the same

his sex tape is funny

You know they pumped the GIs full of amphetamines in the war, right?

>i really liked him in strange days
Everyone is great in that movie. Based Bigelow and Jimmy Cameron are a great team.

pretty sure the allies only used it for pilots, i'm sure you can find examples of ground troops taking them but i'm pretty sure only the germans ever used it like a regular ration

>we need a bearded spec ops guy

gotchu senpai

>We need an actor for a minor role as a thuggish looking hispa-

>Our protagonist needs a Mexican sidekick
>I got this guy on speed dial

This guy is based.



>We need an actor to play Hector
>I know a guy who specializes in this kind of role