Not the momma

not the momma

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the fact that they don't have plumes really ruined my enjoyment of this series

Daily reminder that they all fucking died due to one guy's poor choices.

When will they remake this show into a movie starring Dax Shepard?

that was the darkest ending to a family sitcom ever

Looks like Pepe desu.

This is literally liberal climate change bullshit propaganda.


Dino kino

haha i'm also a manchild who likes to nostalg over shit shows i haven't seen since childhood haha

You know you're fucked up when you think fucking DINOSAURS is "liberal propaganda"

Reported for being underaged.


it gets a pass because this was before even al gore

I don't what happened.

Climate change denial didn't exist in the early/mid 1990s.

Jews want you to feel bad about the economic might of the US.

>yes Goyim now you must pay carbon taxes buy carbon credits if you want to stay in business hehe look at that we made a tax out of literally nothing thanks to the funny Dinosaur Jim (((Henson))) created

It is. Dinosaurs never existed and the Earth is only ~6000 years old.

>reptilians run earth
>mankind enslaved.
>only defense is freezing the planet
seems pretty redpilled to me.

Holy shit

>mankind enslaved

There were humans in Dinosaurs?
I haven't watched it in decades so I don't remember.

i actually dont remember for sure either.
i thought they were used as a joke occasionally like animals in flintstones.

If Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years or so then why is out technological state the way it is now?


There were humans, basically dumb, primitive, not-even-worth-as-pets tier creatures. I think Robbie tried to train one just to prove that they were as intelligent as the dinosaurs.

was this kino?

Were they puppets or played by actual actors?

hahahahahahahhahahahah extremely creepy

Just some guys dressed as cavemen, nothing special.

Omgg who was the screenwriter Al Gore?