Now that the dust has almost settled

Now that the dust has almost settled

Can we agree that season 6 is better than 7? Still one more to go but i don't really see one episode fixing the entire season.

I thought season 6 was pretty awesome. It was the 'zombie season'. Rick's plan to coral all the walkers away was pretty dumb, but it was pretty impressive seeing such a massive horde and most of the season was zombie-centric. Alexandria being breached provided some sense of terror we hadn't seen in awhile, and the back half made Negan seem scary, the way he was kept in the shadows.

The first half of 7 was good. Haven't been feeling the second half though. Feels like they're just dragging it out because they didn't want to do All Out War yet.

First half of this season was WAY better. I could forgive the slow pacing then because they had the job of introducing a ton of new characters and communities. It was about setting up all the pieces for what's to come. And the premiere was of course leagues above everything else this season.

This second half though. Lame as fuck. The only good episode was the one with Eugene playing vidya and becoming bros with Negan.

Nah, S7 is still doing a little bit better than S6(mostly cause Negan), I feel like it's just being dragged out.

I read the spoilers for the finale. Sounds action-packed but also incredibly dumb and contrived, even for this show.


Dogshit>>>>>>>>>TWD as a whoWD
Do people unironically believe this show is good?

eh, I like the comic and like to see how they traslate it to real life, I don't think is great tv, but it's tolerable...most of the time.

While Season 6 was better, Season 7 had the best moment of the whole show though.

>What, cat got your tongue?
>I'll ask you again
>Who Are You?

Fair enough

Rick has no guns, Oceanside has no guns, Hilltop has no guns, Kingdom has a couple guns, Eugene isnt there to make bullets.

How in the fucking fuckedy fuck will they go to war without weapons and ammo?

>Oceanside has no guns
they do
>Rick has no guns
he has

are we watching the same show?

Rick grabbed all Oceanside guns and gave it to the dingus at the junkyard in the next ep the dingus will betray rick and go away with negan taking all the guns with them

Oceanside wont have guns because rick stole from them and rick wont have guns because he gave it to the junkyard that betrayed him and took away all the guns

care to share? or u refering to the same copy photo

if this happens then...I don't know man

Me too my man but knowing this fucking show they will just gloss over it fucking hacks

>No Saviors spinoff with Eugene, Trevor, and Negan getting up to all kinds of wacky hijinks
I don't even give a shit about post-Ricktatorship Rick or his crew of cucks

"There will be a funny moment where Jadis in her robot-speak will ask Michonne if she cares if she has sex with Rick".... thats kinda hot

Season 7 has been the worst season of the show thus far.

Worse than season 3, worse than season 2 (which itself gets shit on way too much, it wasn't that bad).

Season 7 has had maybe one single good episode, maybe 2. The first episode of the season was good, as was episode 8 for the most part. The second half of this season has been complete garbage so far though, every single episode is crap.

This show needs to end. Season 8 SHOULD be the last season, but it won't because of monetary reasons. They should wrap up the story after Negan is defeated and then do a timeskip and end the show showing Alexandra thriving and civilization coming back thanks to Rick and co. Perfect way to end the series on a positive note and provide a solid conclusion to the series.

The comic is still going they wont stop and fuck you I wanna rick and negan against the whisperers

Are the actors even okay with doing this show for 10+ years or are they just grateful for the paycheck

The whisperer arc has been so weak, maybe because the excellent arc before it, but it's still weak. The only decent parts are those dealing with Negan, outside of that it's pretty mediocre. The series needs to evolve beyond going from one group of baddies to the next.

The tv show just needs to fucking end though, it's quality just keeps sinking lower and lower and I can't see them turning things around spectacularly anymore.

Most of these actors were not known before TWD and will likely fade into obscurity / minor roles after the show ends I think. I'm sure most of them will ride the paycheck for years though if given the option, if they're not killed off in the show that is.

I want Negan to win

I dont think they got anything else going on hell I would do for ten years

Negan is the most interesting character in the show right now. Everything else about the show feels like it's at the worse it's ever been.

Deus Ex Machina saves: (Dumpster, bullet hitting bat)

Too many one off episodes (Tara, Rick/Michonne)

Slow pacing (every major event hitting a premiere/finale of some sort)

TWD would REALLY benefit by adapting Game of Throne's storytelling strategy, where they visit most of the characters every week. It feels like they force the viewers to watch content that they know is less entertaining by holding the audience hostage from main characters.

I don't know. I personally think it's time to replace Gimple and hire somebody who's good at managing huge ensemble casts. Gimple wants to tell these one-on-one personal stories and it results in a lot of dull episodes.

The finale episode sounds pretty kînó if the leaks are real

>Season 2 wasn't that bad

They are real.

The Spoiling Dead Fans has been accurate since mid season 4.

That's how long I've been following this stupid fucking show.

And yes, I'm excited for the finale as well. Should be a diamond in the rough that is this season.

I think the junkyard betrayal is kind of dull and writes the show into a corner, leaves rick with no army or guns

They've still got plenty of guns, just not all of them.

I feel like the junkyard gang was just thrown in there to extend the storyline of this season. I'm sure most will be slaughtered anyway.

Hey more people for Rick and company to go full nuclear on, that's a win in my book

Someone told me there's another lineup. True?

Season 5 was literally the best season.

This season is similar to season 2 in that I think it'll actually be really good after it airs and you can watch it all in one go. The pacing has been absolute shit and waiting for a week between episodes is just highlighting that fact to a point of pure painfulness, just like the farm. But once you can shotgun it all on Netflix and alleviate that problem I think it'll be pretty great since there's a lot of really good episodes, particularly all the Negan eps are pure kînó

I think the main problem with the whisperers is that they revealed them a little too early. I think they should of kept the mystery going a little longer to have them seem more like a threat. Another problem is that they're biggest weapon is walkers, which we've seen the main characters deal with throughout the entire lifespan of the comics

yes, just rick and carl. negan tells rick hes gonna kill carl then cut off (rick hands) rick tells him to do it, but that he would still kill him (negan). negan leans, "you just gave me permission" but then CGI tiger pops out n mauls a savior distracting negan... rick gets shot by jadis

>Season 5 was literally the best season.
>that pointless hospital story arc

One bad part of the season doesn't make the rest of it not great. That was like 3 out of 16 episodes.

>negan wont say he rubs his dick against lucille
>there wont be a dude saying to spare him and negan gets pissed of at him
>"fuck they really arent throwing the kid are they"
>"no way no FUCKING way"

And even then we got pretty entertaining episodes.

The PLOT was stupid, but the episodes where they're running through the Atlanta streets and sniping from parking garage?

We got some sweet urban scenes because of the Hospital plot. I think the hospital plot was their one last chance to do an Atlanta/Greene Family plot before they moved to Alexandria so I think they did it.

would be kino

Season 5 was the best you pleb

>huge beard Rick was best Rick