Clinton BTFO in her own twitter feed

Clinton BTFO in her own twitter feed.

Clinton tweets something about France and almost every response is telling her to fuck off and die. Glorious.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post this.
Make the fucking BLM pissed.

No fucking way

Is she the most universally despised politician ever?


I can't remember my login. If I get it I will.

>TFW you realize you are alive to witness all of this.


This one will piss them off more

>Clinton tweets something about France and almost every response is telling her to fuck off and die. Glorious.
Every tweet Donny makes gets flooded with hillshills, you know. Supporters mainly rt or fave posts without commenting.

Nah. Trumps is pretty supportive.

I kniw the internet isn't a representative sample of real life but she is attacked by basically all sides of the public. Were it not for the MSM being in her pocket I doubt she'd even still be running. Has anybody had negative approval rating before taking office before?

That Egyptian will be considered black by pol standards. What are you trying to prove?

>Yes, Pharaoh, to celebrate your conquest, what we will do is draw a scene of your in the corner here standing over your enemies as they kneel before you. Of course, we will use the newest techniques to ensure that all people are in proportionate size.


>No, your Eminence?

>No. I want you to create a mural of me fucking their shit.

>Fucking their shit, your Grace?


>We can do that.

>scene painted.

That the egyptian was clearly mowing down the nigs and is of fairer colour.

>What are you trying to prove?

Sup Forums is actually filled with classical liberals who grew up in the era of Civil Rights indoctrination. Almost everyone here judges others based on the content of their character, the nature of their decisions/actions, and the principles of their beliefs rather than by the color of their skin.

This is why we will accept people like Thomas Sowell, because they are decent and freedom-loving human beings.

Most people here are just pretend-racists that are only trying to let off steam.


racism is just a hate word used to assault enemies of communism

The problem is, that is ultimatively wrong. It's like saying "let's only judge by IQ" then you go and take in the top few percentages of Africa. Regression towards the mean sets in and you just managed to snatch yourself a bunch of dindus in the second generation at best or had them interbreed and ended up with an overall dumber population.

Radical egalitarian ideas ignore biologic reality, they ignore tribalism, ethnic nepotism and a host of other issues which make a successfull society impossible in the long run.

This is me desu.

I'm pretty pissed the SJWs have taken over the left, along with globalists.

Two decades ago the left was the wing that was saying people should be judged on merit alone and that globalism was killing our nations.

I don't quite understand how the takeover happened so fast and so completely because there's not a single uncucked spokesperson on the left anymore.

The left was virulently anti-religious for fucks sake. It's marxist atheism at its core. Now they're all defending a religion that's fundamentally opposed to everything they supposedly stand for. It makes no fucking sense.


I leaned a little more to the left than anything else until a wild Ron Paul appeared

you may be right

Kek I forgot this bitch actually stole the god damn furniture

Yep same here, 20 years ago the left in Sweden was mostly about welfare for sick/injured/old people and making sure that everyone at least had something to get by on. The Welfare State as it was actually functioned well, probably the best in the world at the time since high taxes and low unemployement meant it could be supported by the native populace. And since people felt safe knowing that even if they became sick, injured or lost their job the state would provide for them in some manner meaning they wouldn't be homeless and have no future.

It all went to shit after that when the country was flooded with immigrants that don't want to or can't work and thus pay no taxes. So the welfare state couldn't support itself any longer.

I have a non-white gf and have never ever been under the belief that people should be prejudiced based on skin or gender. However I am so sick and tired of the immigration and islam issues recently that I'm still branded a racist for having concerns and complaints about it.

It's all fucked up.

>America and it's lap dog Brittan destabilize the Middle East causing the Syrian immigrant crisis and the emergence of ISIS
>Merkel was just trying to ease the burden on individual nations by spreading the strain
>she gets blamed for the terrorist rapefugees instead of the yanks and brexitors who are to blame and don't want to deal with the shit they caused

>It makes no fucking sense.

The left is the new religious-right. Their ideology has become a religion unto itself.

>i m p l y i n g

>it makes no sense
It makes perfect sense. The totalitarian apparatus, the EU, is now firmly in place, and the traditional systems are near failure, so the Marxists go for the jugular in a mad scramble to smash the state and do Bolshevism 2.0.

yep...Sup Forums racists are just trolling them all but theya re too retarded to see it ahahahah

holy fuck my sides

these posts are all hours old

how the fuck are they not deleting them

>"Every American stands in strong solidarity with the people of France" —Hillary on the attack in Nice

I like how she refers to herself in third person making it extremely clear that she isn't the one running the account.

Fucking apt, my friend. Concise as hell.

Nice. Gonna screenshot this.


Give it a few years. The pendulum will swing back once people are tired of how the Jew handles the right.

>Search google for this image
>Best guess for this image: art

absolutely fucking glorious. well done lads.

This is just the funniest shit

What's with the HillShills spamming "Delete your account"? that got old a month ago

If Hillary can delete all those emails surely trump can delete one Twitter account

B-but w-we wuz kangs...


>no true scotsman
>immediately turns aggressive after being exposed
Fucking muslims.

Don't forget to go to her jewbook and upvote the top negative comments on her posts every day.


/bowl/ is a borb of PEAS



Literally this.

Racism is a social constructed word made out of convenience to refute any and all arguments against multiculturalism without having to bother arguing against them. It's only natural that humans, as animals, are naturally inclined to distrust people who look different and outside of their familiarity or social group, the so called "racism" is actually in the nature of every human.

lol Clinton is receiving a blistering assault on her Twitter account. It's fucking relentless.

I wanna drive a truck through that

Spicy truck maymay in OP

>Radical egalitarian ideas ignore biologic reality, they ignore tribalism, ethnic nepotism and a host of other issues which make a successfull society impossible in the long run.
Only if you add in welfare which is basically a subsidy for stupid people.
That and association which is the opposite of liberty.

>Two decades ago the left was the wing that was saying people should be judged on merit alone
Only because it was politically convenient which is the only thing the left cares about regarding rhetoric and their political goals which are almost always detached from their rhetoric.
The idea of all men being created equal is firmly a Lockean and Jeffersonian ideal which is considered far right wing and 300 years old.

>Yep same here, 20 years ago the left in Sweden was mostly about welfare for sick/injured/old people and making sure that everyone at least had something to get by on. The Welfare State as it was actually functioned well, probably the best in the world at the time since high taxes
The hard data doesn't support this at all in any capacity.
Extensively sourced book related

>ISRAEL and it's lap dog America destabilize the Middle East causing the Syrian immigrant crisis and the emergence of ISIS

All of you are missing a very important detail here.
"After reports that a truck drove into a crowd in Nice, France"
>all by itself

>thinks terrorists need an excuse to flood to your country
>blames legitimate refugees who are doing nothing wrong

Finnish education ladies and gentlemen



>We can do that.

i lol'd out loud


>I speak for all of Sup Forums because I say so
>people think like me because I feel like it

>Thomas Sowell
Absolute Madmen

Only because they literally let their accounts be used as hill shill bots, see the trumpdelete website

Well played


Now she is. Looks like virtue signalling is collapsing. Fuck ALL liberals.