France didn't wake up after Charlie
France didn't wake up after Paris
Will Nice be any different?
How many massacres does it take until people put away their fantasies and name their villains?
How many does it take?
a young child in Nicaia was murdered by a mudslime and left in a bodybag in the middle of the road and yet faggots are responding saying "B-but Christians started the Iraq war!!!!"
Wait, I just realised Nice = Nicaia
we are talking about the same attack lmao I'm retarded
>war didn't start on the basis of religion
>war was between armed combatants
>military actions of US government against Iraqui gov't have nothing to do with, never mind excuse the mudslime murder of a Greek child
maybe if they met the kid's parents or saw graphic image of the body, they would feel a bit differently
oh.. well that's somewhat good, I was getting more depressed thinking some kid got killed in Nikaia, in Athens
still basically applies, minus the Greek child pat
france already "named their enemy", ISIS.
any other name is pure bigotry.
imagine calling ALLL CHRISTIANS terrorists after Dylan Roof did what he did and others like the guy in Michigan, the OKC Bomber, etc...
not so fun when its YOUR religion on the hotseat huh?
Grow up child
So basically what it looks like..
A vocal minority want a terrorist religion.
A vocal minority want to give it too you.
As you would indiscriminately label so would they.
It's literally what you asked for rather than working towards alienating such people.. from the normal.
They did.
They said that all white males were the problem, when proportionally, we're the least violent race after east asians.
Well they weren't and still haven't been told everything about the Paris attack.
Oh look, Muslim apologist shill accounts that we're supposed to pretend are legitimate and argue with for distraction.
I'm also muslim if that helps.. for motivation.
Eurocucks are Eurocucked, they will never confront the danger because they are content with the situation as it exists now.
Sitting at home is much easier than going outside to remove kebab
You dumb mother-fucker.
When did any of those people claim their acts in the name of Christianity.
Even if they did, the sheer numbers are still staggering when you compare them.
Either you literally have dogshit for brains, or this is just bait.
With so many retarded liberals around, it gets tougher and tougher to tell the difference.
Yea except people do blame Christians for violence and bigotry. When you ask them to name something they did... they mention something that happened decades ago like the OKC bombing, which really was an isolated case. Or they will talk aboul " but muhh westboro baptist church... m-muh gay marriage," while ignoring these are peaceful protests that have killed 0 people. Yet they refuse to accept Islam is more violent despite every terrorist attack in the last two decades has been by a Muslim.
The problem is not only is Islam not neutered like other mainstream religions, it is actively resistant to such changes, like assimilating to Western, liberal, democratic, formally secular, materialist, etc. culture.
Which is actually pretty admirable, desu, but its ideology is simply incompatible with any type the Western world wants these days. And I know, #notallmuslims, whatever, but you're kidding yourself if the problematic 'type' isn't still mainstream and, like I said, taming or neutering it to the acceptable 'religion of peace' type Western media pretends is what 'real Islam' is like is decades away. Let their tradition and culture evolve naturally yet isolated until they can co-exist. Importing millions of them at this current time who steadfastly refuse to assimilate is suicide---or conversion! Did you know a majority of UK Muslims (something like upper-50%) still think homosexuality ought to be illegal? Not gay marriage, but the act itself? And they aren't the ones who are going to give up.
The problem is that neither you faggots nor the liberals (which just spout the main ideology) give the final step.
Yes, it's not all muslims. It's wahhabism. It's the fucking wahhabists, funded by the countries from the Gulf, beginning by the Saudi whores.
We should start by not allowing Saudi Arabia to fund the construction of mosques in Europe. Literally spreading ther fascist wahhabist ideology.
Of course mainstream media can't say this, and therefore the liberal fags will keep on with the "not all muslims", without ever answering "ok, but then, which muslims?"
>let's just conveniently ignore the 800,000+ civilian deaths in the middle east
You lack character
>or saw graphic image of the body, they would feel a bit differently
The news prefer showing Aylan's body instead of this, and twitter is deleting every gore pic
Yes. People waking up a little.
Prayfornice bullshit is still ful of shills with 'le we iz stronger than fear' 'le we must stand together with pedophiles and murderers.'
Which one of you shills did this.
Most of Sup Forums actually isn't racist or hates muslims. It just seems that way because the small minority of people who actively post are. (because only losers consistantly post here)
>I'm also muslim if that helps.. for motivation.
Yeah I know, I saw your flag.
>Yes, it's not all muslims. It's wahhabism
Don't care. Kill them all. The non-wahhabism muslims could do more to prevent terrorist attacks. Like saying "Hey these fuckers suck, we are going to help." Instead they do nothing.
No... it really is all muslims.
>Implying it isn't infinitely better that they just kill each other in the middle east.
They can do that forever for all I care. Better they kill each other than people who actually matter to this world.
By.. the same people?
Wtf I am a #MuslimMissile now
Watch out boys here I come.
Also the shia? Do you fucking know what sunni and shia is?
"Non-wahhabist muslisms could do more to prevent terrorist attacks". So maybe we should fund Iran to fight sunni? Not saying we should, just pointing this out.
You fucking retards.
Islam has been disproportionately responsible for terrorism over the past 20 years. Most non-muslim attacks have a variety of motives, be it race, religion, or simply insanity. Meanwhile Islam is literally always religion based. And such attacks are often celebrated by the """"moderate""" muslims in their home countries and abroad.
The Middle East is in chaos. Insurgencies such as ISIS are fucking everything up. Just as Islam has caused nothing but misery for the past Millennium with their numerous Caliphates and Ethnic cleansings. Islam got us involved with 9/11, and they're trying to get us involved again right now. And I don't give two shits if #notallmuslims are bad. The Ideology that is Islam is a blight on the world, and it has got to go.
Fuck your posts, fuck your religion, and fuck you.
Why do people even bother with this word anymore? It has lost all meaning and impact.
I would ask what your threshold is for recognizing a pattern, but I'm not holding out hope that you're intelligent enough to carry on such a conversation, so I'll just stop here.
>Islam has been disproportionately responsible for terrorism over the past 20 years
>20 years
You left out a 0 or two.