What is his problem?

What is his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope one day we have a thread where he actually meets her and she kisses him and takes a photo

Sort like KSI and Ronaldo 'why are you so goddamn consistent', and then it becames a part of Sup Forums meme history

I hope he die
Fuck barb and fuck him

WHAT SOME BABS, NIGGERS?????????????????

good post

not him but a bit rude

She's so fucking lewd

I wish he'd get banned or at least jannied, avatarfagging doesn't stop being avatarfagging just because it's in the catalog and not a single thread

>What is his problem?
At least it's a girl, imagine if it was some MLP, furry or other disgusting bullshit

Same girl??

Someone draw anime pics of Barbara and help our brother in need

Use a cartoonizer app barbposter

>nigger still doesn't understand the gimmick

Since when having good taste is a problem?

what gimmick


Not feeding your insecurity today

good post

It's a problem for those who don't realise the only reason it's done is to annoy them.

but why would anyone get annoyed

He thinks people are as gullible and shortsighted as him and get triggered as easily

She is perfect

Because they're fucking autistic and easily wound-up.

Like this dense fucking nigger who lost his shit the other day and sperged out for 12 hours.

>ywn have your bollocks obliterated by barbara palvin

>followed me.for 3 hours after In apologized to him like I would a child
>finds a semblance of an identity in actually spamming on an anonymous forum
>needs to defend it even in front of posters
How pathetic can one be?

>babs will never suck yer bellend in a cheap hotel room

This thing is going to be on here 'til 3 in the morning screeching about muh autism, fucking hell.

Anyway, back to Babsposting, fuck the odious nigger and his lack of self-awareness.


probably some autist who spends his days spamming barbara palvin on a racist anime website
no need to get reeled into his tragic affairs mate just ignore or report it if you must

>Does it dedicatedly to annoy people but literally confesses he can't handle the annoyance of me posting in his thread

tbf you've been screeching just as much if not more itt

Imagine getting this upset over fucking Babsposting

But he's clearly very passionate about it, wouldn't want to take away his pet project

nigger's gonna nig.

I have yet to see a local that could rival her looks.

Because you're flooded with Africans .

Like London

well he didnt reply to my other post so i can only assume he needs to vent in one way or another

No no I'm talking about Maltese girls. The Africans are mostly male anyways.

pakis and coons don't like whitey

>The Africans are mostly male anyways.
We can't say that here. Bobbies might be reading.

I understand. Barbara is a goddess and it pains me that locals are ugly.

Maybe they all fled when the """"cultural enrichers"""" from Bongo Bongoland arrived.

Let's see then


>Victoria's Secret model was seen sneaking out of a flat at 5am after partying in the early hours with Brazilian footie star Neymar after Lewis Hamilton brought them together.

No, we're just ugly people.

Post more lewd Barbara

Why is that then?

Dunno, we're just ugly people.

Just have Lewis Hamilton pimp her out to you, she's into black men for some reason and wanted Neymar

Too hard on yourself m8, coptic friend spoke highly after visiting

Fair enough then, fella.

They are more white than black. It would be my nightmare if she got her pussy destroyed by full black pornstars.

What did your friend praise?

Didn't stop the British colonizers to mix with us though.

Do Maltese have a district ethnic identity? I always assumed you were mostly a mixed bunch

Sicilians. Mostly.

He said you tend to be loud and passionate but in a very positive way, also the newer generation has a very international outlook (too many foreigners?)

Also the older one under British rule is very strict and disciplined and you tend to assist people beyond the language barrier (he appreciated this a lot). One thing though that we share are inheritance court problems, dunno how much but he gave me the impression it happens frequently there

Whatever happened to the days of the 'one drop rule' though?

>They are more white than black.
They don't look or act white. They aren't culturally or ethnically white, so shut the fuck up. mong.

He's a massive fan of coalburning gold diggers desu

He's right, maybe except for the older people being disciplined. part. Siblings fighting over
inheritance is unfortunately common here. And yes, too many foreigners.

>being this triggered
Where does your personal definition of white extend to?

Thank you for the nice insight, rare on Sup Forums these days

Knew about the coalburning part but what about gold digging?

>lewis hamilton and neymar

never ceases to amaze me this place

I like it when someone decides not to shout "arab" at me.

No such poor village slut becomes a supermodel without having to suck off old rich sugar daddies

Palvin started this off in Japan and soon after started seeing her career fly. How coincidental it is, from modelling to acting? It's not.

$2m they can make sleeping with Arab manlets in the Middle East apparently.

Lol no wonder OP thinks she's a trigger-meme and the Hungarians hate her so much, the epitome of a slut