Not a single day in college

>not a single day in college
>420 million USD in a year and a half from her cosmetics line

Where's the Canadian who fell for the 'Sup Forums college' meme?

She is not even beautiful, just a regular girl, what's wrong with this world?

Wh*Te privilege


Literally who

Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but never trust an Armenian.

I thought they are armenians.

Haven't heard of Armenian Jews, Azerbaijan's biggest nemesis? I think they managed to get the crane poster

She is not white, you gr**k sub-human.

She is white, You polak subhuman

Khadashian have a Armenia DNA, Not for Kylie and Kendall who both are white.

There's a reason they are successful and worship KARA BOGA


I wonder how much money did she pay for her surgery

>this is considered white in america

White is a general term used to describe people of European origin in the new world, and Armenia isn't European.

Armenians are white you jackass

So are Persians and Georgians

I'm here, and there are no thing as armenian jews. Armos are jews themselves, they just followed a rolling coin to the church.

As i said, Her and Kendall’s parents are both white, They Aren’t realted to Armenian. Only Khardashians have a Armenian blood. Is even simple search different to you guys??


No, fuck off.

Nice try Russell.

>420 million USD

yes Kenyans are white too bro

and Europeans are black obviously

Wew m8, was hoping you'd be back

The German anti-homo poster would very much appreciate your thread today

The thing is though, there's been so much Black and Armenian DNA in her mothers pussy that it permanently changed her genetic code so all her children have it too.
I don't remember what this phenomenon is called but it's a very real concept which MRA activists often warn unsuspecting cucks about.


>integration of foreign DNA without any pathology
How does this work?

Stop pretending you've done 5 minutes research on indo Europeans

They don’t look like they have a Arab and Negro Dna unlime Kim khardasian though before they become famous.

>Stop pretending you've done 5 minutes research on indo Europeans
I'm Turkish

I know the Arm*nian race more than anything

they're brown as shit and look like darker Jews

Persians are tanned as well, like Turks, not anywhere near as dark as ugly Armo scum though

hahaha, no. absolutely not.

white people don't even accept you, why try so hard? it makes you look sad =(

Judging by the amount of make up american girls use today, I'd say about 420 girls bought her products.

you guys realized how much money women spend on cosmetic it's abyssal, all this mantenance, thanks god im born man

I love when girls have a lot of make up on like that

it gets me diamonds, anyone know of pornstars or a genre I can find normie girls like that

all pornstars i know barely have any makeup on

But that's haram!

reddit com/r/makeupfetish

She looks a lot better now.

same, i also love cheap perfume and dumb slut attitude. the flesh is weak

>Not a meme
Armenians are not European. Genetically, culturally and geographically.

same i dont know why

but these girls get me diamonds, prob because when i was younger everyone in my family dismissed these hot girls as cheap ugly sluts but i always thought they were hot as fuck

bless you

>b-but theyr hristyan!1111111111111111

>non-whites get wh*Toid privilege
Didnt even think this was possible

Why are suggesting racist things everyone can have white privilege