Buffy/Angel General

We have had a Buffy thread every day for the past four days and we are in the middle of a Buffy renaissance with rumors of a reboot or new series continuing Angel/Buffy after the reunion photoshoot.

Lets keep this rolling.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Buffy continuation or reboot
it'll never happen


Nor do we want it to happen.

Would Trachtenberg lose weight and be hot again?

The Vampire Diaries is as close to a sequel as should ever be made.

I wouldn't want anything not rated-R anyway.

>sacrifice yourself to save the world and your sister
>so tired from endless struggles and tragedy all you really feel is relief
>feel yourself lifted up
>you died a hero's death and end up in heaven
>feel nothing but overwhelming joy, love and peace
>you got your eternal reward
>suddenly a jarring jolt runs through you, your "best friend" is casting a necromancy spell to bring you back to life
>your "friend" doesn't think the spell works, so she walks out of the graveyard and gives up
>you wake up in the coffin they buried you in
>you dig yourself out of your own grave, and find yourself in a graveyard in the middle of the night all alone
>having been ripped out of heaven this mortal world is nothing but pain and you can't feel anything but suffering, for a long time you can't speak, when you can your first words are "Is this Hell?"
>your sister became a klepto while you were dead and is having trouble in school
>your former boyfriend married a hot doctor while you were dead
>your "friend" was put in charge of your late mothers estate because you were dead and ended up spending all the money
>she never got a job even after the money ran out and spends her days snorting pixie dust and lezzing out with her thicc witch girlfriend that she never even bothered to marry, not even in a pagan ceremony
>you never even graduated highschool because it was destroyed by a hellmouth on graduation day, so its real hard to get a job
>to support your klepto little sister and pay rent you have to get a job flipping burgers at a burger joint called the doublemeat palace, the pay is garbage, it stinks and your boss is an asshole
>every day the memory of being in heaven and being ripped out of there fills you with despair while you walk home at night stinking of burger grease and being attacked by random vampires while thinking about what you lost

Rumors of a reboot? wat? I havent heard this

That sounds like a terrible idea



I'm just sad Faith and Buffy never got together.

>why didn't two straight girls randomly hook up

Tumblr slow tonight?


>Joss Whedon on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reboot: "I Don't Rule It Out"

Everyone knows it'll happen eventually. He doesn't have the rights for it.

I'd rather she was a jew.

Half the people interviewed about it in the reunion article with the photo shoot said they would only do it if Joss was running it.

Why would you even need a reboot. Just make it about another slayer. I mean there is always a slayer to replace the next one, even before buffy activated them all.

Poor Buffy

Not that I even like Buffy much to begin with, but can you imagine how cancerous it would be if it was made today? No, this is a very bad idea. Leave it alone

They've said that since it went off-air. None of them are going to do it. They just pass the ball back and forth.

None of that changes that Whedon doesn't own the rights and a studio could reboot it without him. They tried it a few years ago but the script was a dud or something. With all the reboots and shit, it will happen eventually.

There is one reason only to want a revival: To wipe these fucking things out of existence.

Buffy hooks up with a chick in the comics.

This is what happens when you have nobody telling Joss 'no'. You get this shit. He's only a good writer when there's people around willing to reign in his bullshit.

THen goes right back to bouncing on dick.

See: Also

>implying the comics are canon


>Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT.

You don't really mean that

Joss is a good "big idea" guy not a day-to-day idea guy

Finding out shes welsh is like losing fred all over again. Except this time sho doesnt come back as a cosplay fetishest... Shes just welsh.

Goodbye cruel world.

Technically she's Texan, which is the most important thing here.

Texas girls are the best girls

I've met more beautiful women from corpus christi than any other place

I don't think Buffy can keep going, I thought SMG had a huge falling out with many people.

If it's a new series would the continue from the comics which I think are still ongoing? I gave up on the comics after seeing giant naked horse dawn

If a new series had to happen I'd think all the shitty comics would be disregarded as non-canon. If anything a new series would be a reboot.
With a black Buffy, obviously

Why would it, it was made for its time.

There have been at least 3 black slayers. The primal slayer, Kendra, and the principals mom.

Don't listen. They have been talking reboots and spin offs since 2004
are you gay? He is not asking why spike did not get dped by xander and his twin

Was Buffy black?

I for one like the jews

she was transracial, so yes. prove me wrong if you disagree

She got blacked.

She had a lot of problems working with other actors but her biggest problems were with directors, in multiple interviews people who directed episodes said she would just ignore them and if they pushed she would yell "You're not the boss of me!" or "Don't tel me what to do!" etc. Just really difficult. Now that she's not as hot anymore and not as famous I'm sure she's a lot easier to work with.

Gladly, here's your proof. Not black.

If they reboot it she'll be played by Idris Elba.

Most uncomfortable looking reunion pic

Do you even know what transracial means? it means she was black in spirit, its like transgender but with race

xander and willow aged ok. buffy took a lot of make up too look anything like her old self. spike looks like someones dad and most everyone is unrecognizable

But if you were transracial, wouldnt you atleast make an effort to try and look black?

It doesnt count if you're not trying.

well there is no one way of "looking black" also many trans gendered people don't plan to make their body fit their mental gender and it is also possible to have have a female gender in a male body but for that female gender to have manly tendencies. meaning she can be trans black while "looking" and "acting" white

>With a black Buffy, obviously
And muslim/fat willow, Giles is a woman because girls don't need no men to watch over them, Xander is gender queer, Dawn is a hermaphrodite etc

>dat Trachtenboing

Xander is straight. he likes taking anya's strap on up the ass and does not like when anyone questions his manhood. His subplot is overcoming his toxic masculinity

I hope it never happens.

Wesley doesn't look too bad. He just looks like a slightly chunkier version of his old self.

Amy Blackedacker goes back and forth on the cock carousel

Who's #4?

no giles

why is mom in a spot that is so easy to crop out

Fred and Gunn's relationship was so cringeworthy

when did she get blacked?

because Wesley didn't expect her to know about the bbc

oh, i thought we were talking about the actress. thats a relief

i liked fred and gunn together though

Yeah, really forced and horrible. Felt completely fake. Faith's coal burning felt really forced as well.

It did feel a little forced, but I didn't mind it, because it was all for a good purpose.

Giving us punished wesley

yeah exactly. I'll admit, bm/wf interracial makes me uncomfortable normally, but that's not what's bad about the relationship. It's just not believable

Angel is superior though

Top 3 things I hated about Buffy/Angel:
- Niggers
- Feminism
- Ted

>some new asspulled word to describe someone's identity

How to spot an SJW 101.