With the recent rash of terrorist attacks in France, we all know what the ultimate target is.
How much longer will it remain standing?
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You're to slow
Don't even put this out there user. Don't underestimate the power of meme magic. But it'll be gone by 2020 at the latest.
Good, maybe something will change then.
…And when it's gone they gonna built a Mosque and Minaret on it's place… how tolerant…
Gone by the end of the year for sure
How would you even go about doing something like that?
Bombs at the base. They've got plenty.
How much explosives does it take to bring something like that down anyway?
>inb4 haha nice try chaim
A more realistic target would be the French parliament or the residence of the president, not some overrated meme tower no one gives a shit about. Even one of Hitler's general stationed in Paris did not burn it down. It's that irrelevant.
You'll only need to take out one pillar at the bottom, and she'll come crashing down
But seriously, it would take them planting a shitload of stuff underneath a heavily secured location. Not like Times Square where trucks pass freely
Tear it down and replace it with a Grand Cathedral to celebrate the restoration of the French Monarchy.
I think so too. But it might take a huge amount of explosives because the base look quite solid to me. Some islamists already tried to crash a plane on it in 1994 but the GIGN stopped them.
France will be truly finished once it falls.
I think it would take atleast two legs to fall
Why would they destroy it and not keep it to show off after the war, also they didnt need to demorilize the populace, the invasion was good enough
Hitler never wanted to burn anything down in Paris.
>He doesn't know the "is paris burning?" quote from Hitler
I hope it falls. People need to realise the damage islam causes. Stop burying their heads in the sand and just fucking deport these animals.
That thing is solid steel, it would take a rather large attack to topple it.
Like...Jet Fuel?
Kek wills it
If I have dubs, it will happen.