If mudshits are going to kill innocent people for their message, how should we answer back?
Extreme Anti-Arab Thread
>tfw non-muslim arab
We're still hated for being associated with muslims despite being their biggest victims.
We shouldnt kill them. If you kill your enemy they win
Start by cutting off your alliance with Wahabi Saudis, and follow it by cutting support for islamists against secular nationalists in other countries
You don't reason with the followers of Satan
The roach is right. I really mean it.
The French sure are winning a lot lately.
>1 arab person murders 80 people
>wtf I'm zionmissile now kill the arabs
>1 jew person murders 1,000 people
>greatest ally
but we only kill your stormcucks (see: Jewish Bolsheviks)
guess he doesnt want to die
No, we needs the oil. No oil no modern society.
Honestly it would be better if we genocide all the Saudis and just take their country & resources.
why not genocide the Jews repossess all the reousces they hold?
Hello FBI
Megaton class warheads
Fuck the entire Middle East - arabs, jews, whatever else there is in that shithole. Just nuke them.
Then round up the traitors and send them to Romania, we know what to do if you're too pussyfied to impale them.
Goodluck dodging the bullets, tape it if you can
Don't sink to their level. Just deport them. Let them kill one another inside their shithole countries, as they always did.
There's a difference between being part of a group, and killing directly because you're part of a group.
That's as dumb as saying that we should ban white males to stop American mass shootings because most of them were committed by white males.
If the attacks were caused directly by their being white and male, then yes it would be reasonable. Too bad they're not. They're caused by other factors (which I'm not discussing because that's another big issue altogether), not by being white and male.
Muslim attacks on the other hand, are caused directly by their being muslim, so it's fair to put the blame on the ideology that caused the attack.
We're only discussing this because it's a popular religion.
If Islam was a small cult/sect, nobody would have a problem recognizing how bad of an ideology it is.
In times of crisis the Romans used to elect a dictator to be able to respond more swiftly and decisivly...
This is not the Guardian here.
We already know who's pushing the muslims in. Do we really have to repeat it every single time?
holy shit is this thread a terry trap?
that's the terry trap guy, isn't it?
i'm clenching my butthole in anticipation
Cincinnatus and Washington were a much different breed of MEN than the kike infested cunts we have today. Times have changed, you can no longer trust any politician (no, not even Trump) to do what is right AND relinquish power after the deed is done.
>Muslim attacks on the other hand, are caused directly by their being muslim, so it's fair to put the blame on the ideology that caused the attack.
They represent ISIS not Islam or Muslims.
Some arabs are ok desu senpai. But most are stupid. But thats ok If you're a good guy you'll get into heaven after the Yuros kill you.
>ISIS are the only ones committing islamic terrorism
Islamic terrorism doesn't exist, individuals with ties to criminal organizations such as ISIS are such.
>to do what is right AND relinquish power after the deed is done.
But agreed. Revolutions by nature essentially require genuine Great Men, but once it becomes the status quo 'game' the kind of people you'd ideally want to rule have no desire to do so.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
>But most are stupid
That's a bit of an understatement kek
>ISIS are not real Scotsmen
>I'm srs guyz, not all Scotsmen
Terrorism is an invention by the media and democratic owners in order to facilitate political action, see 9/11.
Preventing terrorism is code word for political action either taking away rights or invading another nation, it is purely political and has nothing to do with rational crime and death rates/prevention.
You're literally arguing about semantics, so let me rephrase it so you're happy:
>ISIS are the only ones committing attacks based on the islamic faith, that we call "terrorist attacks".
Don't do any reprisals, what the system after Brexit is deathly afraid of is the eurosceptic parties like FN and AFD. Attacks against Muslims alienate the dumb apolitical normies .
>ISIS are the only ones committing attacks based on the islamic faith
ISIS are people who call themselves Islamic and do criminal activity, Muslims do not give them authority nor are under their authority.
Islam has been trying to genocide Christianity since it's very conception. It's what Islam is.
Maybe stop bombing the middle east, overthrowing governments and killing thousands of civilians with your world police bullshit you fucking dip
To pin point this people is to pin point criminal Muslims the same as pin pointing criminal Christians.
The highest stake is reserved for the likes of you.
Nothing more disgusting than traitors and infiltrators.
>bomb nations and kill hundreds of thousands
>for 15 years
>mostly muslim countries
>people full of rage attack western civilians
>oh god why do they hate us we dindu nothing
>look they are muslim that's why!
You're a bunch of fucking dindu nuthins. By blaming this on islam, you're just trying to wash your hands of what was done to the middle east.
>some arabs are ok but most are dumb
yeah i get you, but this shouldnt be too hard to change.
just adopt the NAP and raise iq through selective breeding.
94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the United States from 1980 to 2005 have been by non-Muslims
14,700 murders in the USA in 2015, very few were done by Muslims.
I'm not seeing the need for political actions against Muslims, only seeing the vast resources of the propaganda machines to control narratives and politics.
It's not the people who are doing all the things you've mentioned that are dying, but actual innocent people who have probably no involvement in politics and probably even too lazy to vote.
According to your logic we should be killing Syrian refugees instead of terrosits then.
I will not discuss the arbitrary label of Terrorism, I will discuss deaths.
That's not what I meant.
I meant that plenty of other non-ISIS muslims frequently commit "terrorist" attacks throughout the world.
Yesterday the spotlights were on Al-Qaeda, Hamas, or the Muslim Brotherhood. Today it's ISIS, and tomorrow it will be some other group.
This has been going on since Muhammad was still alive.
Don't pretend it's not their religion telling them to act like this.
If the Christian religion told Christians to do what the Islamic one tells Muslim to do, then it would be completely fair to say the same things about them.
Too bad it's never Christians doing things in the name of their religion, unlike Muslims who do.
Muslims being violent against others is not a new thing buddy. It goes way before the west started to fuck their countries up.
Western attacks only had a partial influence on their acts. Without Islam they would have never done what they keep doing.
Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/Al-Qaeda All are forms of Islam, all are Muslim.
Therefor Islam/Muslim is Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/Al-Qaeda.
>If mudshits are going to kill innocent people for their message, how should we answer back?
>Murrica will continue liberating the oil with American lives
>Murrica will continue delivering freedom pops with American tax money
>While we just chill and send the overflowing not real muslims to some smelly island
Sit back and enjoy the show. My car will benefit from the American lives and my .webms will enjoy the American taxes.
Thanks Familam. Muchos-gracias!
>I meant that plenty of other non-ISIS muslims frequently commit "terrorist" attacks throughout the world.
They aren't under the authority of any Islamic organization and thus are regular criminals.
>If the Christian religion told Christians to do what the Islamic one tells Muslim to do, then it would be completely fair to say the same things about them.
Any religion can be interpreted any way to facilitate crime.
>Muslims being violent against others is not a new thing buddy. It goes way before the west started to fuck their countries up.
Western attacks only had a partial influence on their acts. Without Islam they would have never done what they keep doing.
The west was very friendly with Muslims prior to the racist state of Israel who wants to exterminate and destroy all the stable Muslim states.
>over 1400 years of terror/murder committed by muslims
>no need for action
And it's not political action that is needed but the military kind. Starting with Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Btw political action is the kind that is treating maybe the only relatively normal countries in/around the Middle East (Syria+Iran) as enemies.
You can not find a single mention of "Islamic terrorism" under the Ottoman Empire or in history really, it is simply propaganda.
stop comparing satanists with these cunts
The vast majority of "islamic terrorism" is from Wahhabist funded by the Saudis. You're being played into lumping all Muslims together to hide the fact that Our Greatest Ally is behind all of these attacks.
A little refresher: Sunni and Shia hate each other. Saudis are Sunni, Iran is Shia. Much is made of the Iranian funding of terrorism, but as you see from the numbers, Shia terrorism accounts for far fewer casualties than Sunni.
It's all a shell game to keep you off the Saudi trail.
>Still, donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.
>because there was never war in the area before that....
Fucking retard.
*by killing innocent people*
Cenk is that you?
Haven't you been told you have to be over 18 to be on Sup Forums?
turn the entire middle east to glass
Criminals kill people, Muslims did not have the authority over his actions, he is a criminal only, PERIOD.
Reported. I can't wait to see the smug look on Merkel's face when she watches you go through sensitivity training.
Romania knows whats up
Wew lad, do you believe everything Obama spoonfeeds you during his """""speeches"""""
Its shills, burger
Don't bother with them.
>slay the idolaters wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush
>And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out
>Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.
>As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.
>Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority
>They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.
I got more...I mean...you got more Muhammad.
Or it's all sunni's because:
a) they are arab, the shia's are mostly persians. Throughout history it's been proven that there is a vast difference in quality of culture.
b) shia's are only 25% of the muslim world, there are three times as many sunni's as there are shia's.
I agree with you that the main source of financing can be trailed back to KSA, but the Israeli's have close to nothing to do with these terrorist attacks, but it's so convenient and easy to throw the blame on them though.
>They aren't under the authority of any Islamic organization and thus are regular criminals.
Do they have to be done by someone under control of a main organization to be considered islamic attacks, even if they do it in the name of their God and prophet?
What kind of argument is that?
>Any religion can be interpreted any way to facilitate crime.
Yes but it would require some intense mental gymnastics.
With Islam there's no need to, as it's pretty explicitly telling them those things.
>The west was very friendly with Muslims prior to the racist state of Israel who wants to exterminate and destroy all the stable Muslim states.
>You can not find a single mention of "Islamic terrorism" under the Ottoman Empire or in history really, it is simply propaganda.
Do you really believe that?
Or maybe you're still using semantycs like a child to feel like you're right.
Have you ever considered that maybe terrorist tactics aren't the only type of attack?
Do you seriously believe that muslims would have been peaceful little darlings without whe west attacking them?
You're either lying or you simply don't know what you're talkign about.
We already know that.
Muslims being shitheads doesn't stop at that though.
"Normal" muslims that aren't affiliated with such groups still mostly act and think like those who do, and I challenge you to find a single place where muslims coexist with other people in the same country/area without problems caused by muslims basically hating everybody.
Why are you posting a picture of him
You can interpret it however you want.
I don't think I would like playing "here comes the Airplane" with a U.S President. Look what happened to New York.
By virtue signalling our tolerance for people that hate us on social media and by repeating soupy mantras of the Church of Liberalism like "love needs to overcome hate".
Did you have something else in mind, bigot?
Massively scale up domestic intelligence while increasing cooperation with other european int. agencies. Achieve common immigration policy and controls at an European level.
And, obviously, stop with this stupid "religion of peace" rhetoric. While I believe that the root causes of these attacks reside further away from religion, Islam still provides the perfect justification for violence. It is still intrinsically incompatible with western values and we should secularize it as we've have done with any other religion. There are many good muslims, but if their religion still produces so many fanatics you can tell there is a cultural problem that goes beyond socio-economic conditions.
>Do you seriously believe that muslims would have been peaceful little darlings without whe west attacking them?
No Muslims with bombs killing civilians.
>>Any religion can be interpreted any way to facilitate crime.
>Yes but it would require some intense mental gymnastics.
>With Islam there's no need to, as it's pretty explicitly telling them those things.
Islam is explicit in its rules for warfare, everything ISIS does is criminal by Islamic law.
Now you're just trolling.
You can't expect us to take you seriously when you say stupid shit like that.
>wherever you find them
My 1st language is not english (yours neither I bet) so please enlighten me on the possible interpretations. I humbly await the fruits of your intelligence.
And all jewish (read: christian) sects in Europe have been murdering eachother for centuries. 13 million germans died because some wanted to serve the kike carpender while sucking the pope's cock And others without sucking.
All abrahamic religions are poison
I did NOT want to to remember that shit's face. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Islam is portrayed as a religion of “terror” and “killing”, yet this is just one of the most widely held misconceptions about Islam. Allah Almighty states unambiguously in the Quran (what means): "Nor take life -- which Allah has made sacred -- except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)." [Quran 17:33]
Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of any crime. At this point, we would do well to remember the distinction between the Quran and Sunnah, and the Muslims. Only the Quran and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and the action cannot be claimed to have been committed "in the name of Islam."
>No Muslims with bombs killing civilians.
They even do that to their own people in cases where the west isn't even part of the picture.
>Islam is explicit in its rules for warfare, everything ISIS does is criminal by Islamic law.
Only some of the things they do are against islamic law. Most of the brutal things they're hated for are even less than what Muhammad himself used to do when he was alive.
Is this Taqiyya?
A 3:1 population ratio doesn't explain a 34:1 terrorist attack ratio. The fundamentalist Sunnis of the Wahhabism variety are the biggest perpetrators of terrorism against the West. Saudis are complicit with these groups and we turn a blind eye because the Saudis have paid off our politicians.
I don't know about the Israeli role in the attacks. I doubt they have one.
I know for a fact that we funded, armed, and trained the predecessors to both Al Qaeda and ISIS. Our goal since at least 2012 was for ISIS to establish a caliphate "to isolate the Syrian regime."
Pic related is from a 2012 Defense Intelligence Report.
>biggest perpetrators of terrorism
This can be done by any intelligence agency, because it disregards the actual people and regards only the agents.
>czeck'd & hitler'd
You're right - our true european religions have nothing to do with the zombie jew.
But it just so happens that one of those abrahamic delusions is a little more dangerous than the rest. Last time a christian did anything threatening to me for not believing in their zombie was.......yeah....never happened...in a country that is over 95% orthodox christian.
Not believing in Allah is just cause... Nice try mate
It is up to the Caliph's government to determine crime, not individuals.
>Takiyya is defined as dissimulation about ones Muslim identity. It comes from the verse in the Quran that says, “Let believers not make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful – he that does has nothing to hope for from Allah – except in self-defense (illaa an-tattaqu minhum tuqah) (Surah 3:28). This “self-defense” justifies dissimulation. Islamic Sharia Law provides, “When it is possible to achieve an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and lying is obligatory if the goal is obligatory.” (Reliance of the Traveler, Para r8.2) Examples include lying to protect Islam or a Muslim.
>Tawriya is defined as concealing, and it could be called “creative lying”. It is OK to break the intent of the oath, as long as you don’t break the letter of the oath. (Reliance of the Traveler, sections o19.1 and o19.5) How does this work? Suppose someone protests that Surah 1 of the Quran demeans Christians and Jews, because it is a supplication Muslims make to Allah seventeen times a day to keep them from the path of “those with whom God is angry” and “those who have lost their way”. A Muslim might respond, “Surah 1 never mentions Jews or Christians.” He is practicing tawriya, because while Surah 1 does not mention Jews and Christians by name, but he knows full-well that the words “those” refer to Jews and Christians.
Another example would be when a Muslim responds to your greeting of “Merry Christmas!” He might say, “I wish you the best.” In your mind, you think he has returned a Christmas greeting. In actuality, he has expressed his wish for you to convert to Islam; he wishes the best for you which, in his view, is becoming a Muslim.
Last time a Muslim did anything threatening to me for not believing in their zombie was.......yeah....never happened...in a country that is over 95% christian.
Taqiyya is only a Shia practice.
>Kitman is characterized by someone telling only part of the truth. The most common example of this is when a Muslim says that jihad really refers to an internal, spiritual struggle. He is not telling “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”, as witnesses are sworn to do in U.S. courts. Often, kitman results in a gross distortion of the truth. In the example given, the Quran uses jihad and its derivatives 59 times. Of those, only 16 (27%) could be considered “internal” with no object as the target of the struggle based on the context of the surah.
>Another common form of kitman is to quote only the few peaceful passages from the Quran, knowing full-well that that passage was later abrogated by a more militant, contradictory verse. Here is an example:
>“There is no compulsion in religion” (Surah 2:256) Early Medina
>“Are they seeking a religion other than Allah’s, when every soul in the heavens and earth has submitted to Him, willingly or by compulsion?” (Surah 3:83 Later Medina)
>Another example:
>“Permission to take up arms is hereby given to those who are attacked, because they have been wronged.” (Surah 22:39) Late Mecca
>“When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” (Surah 9:5) Late Medina
>Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings. The justification for this kind of deception is a somewhat bizarre interpretation of Surah 2:106, which says, “If we abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, We will replace it by a better one or similar.” Thus, Muslims may forget some of the commands in the Quran, as long as they are pursuing a better command. Muslims striving to advance Islam, therefore, can deviate from their Islamic laws in order to cause non-Muslims to lower their guard and place their trust in their Muslim counterpart.
>At times, Muslims practice muruna in the same way a chameleon changes colors to avoid detection. Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims. Nothing is more valuable these days to the Islamists than a blue-eyed Caucasian Muslim willing to engage in terrorism.
>Another common way of using muruna is for a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim or to behave like a non-Muslim so their true agenda will not be suspected. The 9/11 hijackers visited strip clubs and bars during their off-times while taking classes in the U.S. to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House. Many Americans believe Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, married Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner at least in part to burnish her security credentials so she could infiltrate the highest levels of the Administration.
drops bombs like Hiroshima
Russia has oil. The US has oil. Northern Europe has a shit load of natural gasses.
We'll be fine.
>book literally telling people to kill and torture those who do not embrace islam
>I-it's a message about peace g-guys :)
Too bad the Quran is a mess of inconsistencies and it's easy to take things out of context to make them seem good, ignoring all the parts where it clearly tells you to commit atrocities (even in context).
Also it has some parts where it's peaceful and some others where it's violent. It's very easy to say it's a peaceful religion when you can do such tricks.
Also you seem to be muslim. I invite you, if you understand Arabic, to look into Zakaria Botros and check his critique of Islam and why he's the most wanted man on the world (Al-Qaeda got tired of him converting so many muslims they put a $60 million bounty on his head).
>1400 years of Islamic war against Europe
>ISIS is now 2 years old
"It's ISIS u guys, not Islam!!1!"
I am not Muslim and not Arabic, I am a Christian who has a heart for Justice, and these people are innocent.
>If you're a good guy you'll get into heaven
Holy shit an Israeli Catholic.
You might want to have a word with:
Robert Adams, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman, Damian Meins, Tin Nguyen, Yvette Velasco, Patrick Baccari, Amanda Gaspard, Nicholas Koahou, Anies Kondoker, Jennifer Stevens, Julie Swann-Paez.
And that's the result of just 2 muslims.
I have met Muslims, not a single one is a criminal or a """terrorist""" aka cia agent.
>Catholics are Christians
>Hitler was Christian
Holy shit are you a Buzzfeed writer?
Criminally underrated
We must unite with muslims and create twitter hashtags to strongly condemn violence.