They are european?

They are european?

Of course

what does even mean "european"? europe is nothing more than an arbitrary portion of ground that has no particular features to make it different from what is 1km outside the line that ends europe
turks are subhumans tho

Western Russia is European.

Russia = Europe
Cyprus = Europe
Armenia = Asia
Gerogia = Asia
Azerbaijan = Asia
Turkey = Asia

But Cyprus is geographically in the Middle East

All big Islands in the Med were historically considered as part of Europe. It's a recent thing that cyprus was called a part of Asia.


yes of course. just because they colonized the far east does not mean anything

Only Russia is in Europe

pretty much this

admit armenian genocide

Don't be sad that it's over, smile because it happened.

we attacked and killed europeans for centuries, and we are ready to do it again
a wolf (us) cannot be counted in with the group of cattle (eurofilth)

Parts of Europe that no European countries have taken over.

Kazakhstan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia, Greece, and Georgia (NOT ARMENIA) are part in Asia and part in Europe. They are all BOTH European and Asian, HOWEVER, of these Russia/Greece have bulk of their population in Europe, Turkey/Kazakhstan/Georgia/Azerbaijan have the bulk of their population in Asia.


Also Cyprus/Israel are 100% in Asia. Israel has a lot of European diaspora Jewish people living there but it doesn't make Israel European just like Canada/USA/Australia aren't European just for having white people.

>we attacked and killed europeans for centuries
And in all those centuries you only ever managed to defeat shitty balkan countries.
Really makes me think.


Neither are half the white ones to the east of Germany.

ottoman rulers were tolerant and soft cucks who allowed people of the conquered to live and do whatever they want, instead slaughtering them by the whole.
eventually those minorities revolted and weakened the empire.
not to mention they even allowed foreigners like sobieski to study our military traditions and stratagem.

Eastern Russia is not different.

>ottoman rulers were tolerant and soft cucks
as are all Turks

Good posts


no, only the rulers
some greek football fans shouted "constantinople is greek" or some shit a year ago and got stabbed in the leg, police had to save them
try your luck

white = europe
red = not europe


You can't say the country is European solely because its political borders ended up inside the politically defined borders of Europe. To answer the question, you need to know what Europe is. Geographical definition of Europe comes from the cultural and ethnic distribution of Europeans. So, we have 3 basic factors that make one European: Culture (religion included), people (race, looks) and then comes the geography. If one's deviation from all three factors isn't far from an average European, then they can be said to be certainly European.

Using the 3 factors mentioned above, we can define whether the said countries are European:

Russia - culturally close to average European, they look European, and geographically western Russia falls under Europe. So we can say that western Russia is certainly European;

Kazakhstan - culturally distant from Europe, racially distant, geographically also distant. So Kazakhstan is certainly not Europe;

Georgia - culturally not so distant, but not very close either; racially not so distant, nor very close; geographically not very distant, nor close. So Georgia's European status is questionable, which leaves it to politics to decide.

Azerbaijan - culturally distant, racially distant, geographically distant. So it's certainly not Europe.

Armenia - culturally farther than Georgia, but not as distant as Azerbaijan; racially farther than Geo, but not as far as AZ; geographically distant. So Armenia can be said to not be Europe.

Turkey - culturally distant; racially mixed, but mostly distant; geographically not so distant. So Turkey can be said to be not Europe.

Nowadays culture is global. Thats why everyone is on an American website sharing the same memes, probably listening to the same or similar music, watching the same movies and tv. Culture is no longer local at all, not that Europe ever had a shared culture outside maybe Christianity (not exclusive to Europe).

Nowadays too, globalism means that "racial" differences are becoming a thing of the past, there are plenty of people who are ethnically Turkish living in Germany or ethnically South Asian living in the UK. Europe never really shared a single "race" anyway outside of having light skin (not exclusive to Europe).

Europe is a piece of land, just the same as Asia, with a variety of cultures rapidly melting into a single global culture, and a variety of races.

no, we are """"""""""""""""""european""""""""""""""""".

>murican globalised culture
burgers have no culture

just because you don't know about cultural differences between countries it doesn't mean it doesn't exist

Europeans are not dictatorships, so Russia and Turkey aren't actually europeans.

>Europeans are not dictatorships

europe literally enslaved and colonised the rest of the world

Indeed, globalization is a thing, and it's a thing of the 21st century, while most of the population living in Europe was born and raised in the 20th century. So the identity which rests on culture and race is still alive and dominant.

And this is why Swedish vermin needs to be physically exterminated

>European education

tu quoque

which makes us european