'I was raped' - Amy Schumer

>"My first sexual experience was not a good one," she said to Marie Claire.

>"I didn't think about it until I started reading my journal again. When it happened, I wrote about it almost like a throwaway. It was like, And then I looked down and realised he was inside me. He was saying, 'I'm so sorry' and 'I can't believe I did this.'"

>The star continued to reveal that it wasn't just a one-off incident, as it happened to her again. "I had another time with a boyfriend where I was saying, ‘No, stop,' and it was just completely ignored."

source: mirror.co.uk/incoming/amy-schumer-opens-up-losing-8425405

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She was rapeworthy in her youth to be fair

Whats going to be her next excuse for being fat?

In the rest of the world this would be shrugged off by any woman just thinking you're a cunt. In America, its something you look back on 20 years later as a tragic event.

Feminism, which was created to give women power and make them strong has now got them all weak and feeling like victims 24/7.

>"Haha yeah I was totally raped but I didn't react the same way literally every single person who is raped by closing up and suffering extreme mental stress Na I totally brushed it off...."
>"Why didn't I file a police report? Umm...because the system is totally against w-women and wouldn't listen to me anyway, DUH"

Isn't this the bitch who bragged about raping some guy?

>she says she raped a man
>she says she was raped

The modern woman sure makes it fucking hard to not becoming a full blooded misogynist just peel back their voting rights and treat them like we used to back in the 1920's

I raped my gf the first few times we boned. She was like no teehee and i was like yeah

Its not rape if you don't resist tough, i bet she even came.

how do you not know if you have a dick going into you?

>I looked down and he was inside me

This bitch is truly stupid.And why is she even telling this to the public?

>i was raped
yeah no, she ended up having sex in both those scenarios of her own accord

Yep but it is ok because muh soggy knee.


Choose one, and only one.

Isn't she the one who molested her little sister and raped that guy?

>Isn't she the one who molested her little sister
That was Lena Dunham. Easy mistake; she's another fat Jew who lied about being raped.

No one would fuck her consensually

The success of Amy Schumer and her cousin Chuck (the senator from NY/Israel) are living proof that the Elders of Zion exist and practice nepotism worse than the Borgias (who were also Jews) and get away with it.

Friendly reminder that she dated this guy.

So woman and a man lay naked in bed on top of each other with him i would guess having a erection and her being wet and a woman can still twist the shit into a "omg how could he have stuck it in" bullshit

Quick quiz for Sup Forums

Have you ever known a girl who hasn't claimed they were raped at some point during their teens?

Literally all girls I've gone out with or know socially have told me some version of either sexual assault or rape that happened by a boyfriend or family member.

Is it just attention seeking?

It is because of idiots like this guy that girls are so entitled! This is why I have to fuck 4 and 5s when I'm a 6 myself!

No, you just don't want to believe in rape culture. 1 in 4... ONE IN FOUR!

>a bearded man ripped the top off the reporter and began slapping her face and breasts. He then pinned her to the ground, and by this time she stopped resisting, apparently accepting the fact that she was overpowered. The bearded man then removed her pants and masturbated in front of her before raping her. He also reportedly clawed at her breasts with his hands. At least six men raped her vaginally, and a number of men also raped her anally as well. She was reportedly masturbated on and urinated on by some men as well. beatings might have lasted anywhere from 20-30 minutes on the short side, and as long as about 3 hours on the other hand. It was also claimed that her left breast might have been bitten or had the left nipple bitten off as well. One report claims that somewhere from 6 to about 50 men might have sexually assaulted or beat the attractive reporter.

Lara Logan

I've literally met one chick who talked about rape and people mostly laughed about it.

good, now stop making "comedy"

Look at her, she was probably born with a puffy vagina.

She broke up with Dolph because he was too athletic in bed for her

It is just attention seeking.

she says this right after her show's ratings take a nose dive

well done amy, well done

>Lack of enjoyment = rape
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is feminism in 2016.

Thats whats happens when female comedians havent been in the news for a week.

yes, many women i've been with say they were sexually assaulted. even knew a lad whos GF told him her ex forced himself on her and raped her. he went to smash the guys head in, ended up getting arrested for assault. turns out the cunt made the whole story up

This girl is so ugly ...

Misogynist virgin. This is what a real woman looks like.

>the attractive reporter.
>Lara Logan

Obvious mistaken identitiy.

She has the body of my father. (he shaves his body)

How can you be raped by a blind man?

>I didn't think about it until

is this like the default story to trot out when your 15 minutes are over and the culture has mostly wandered off and stopped paying attention to you? Not even the SJWs are watching the latest season of her show.

It's perfect if you think about it, because you can't disprove what she's saying (not enough identifying information about the 'attackers') and no-one is going to be ballsy enough to risk scrutiny for publicly saying she's lying.

Wasn't her first sexual experience shoving rocks in her little sisters vagina?

Why do you care what this cunt has to say?
You're feeding her attention, and that's exactly what she wants, be it positive or negative.

How do you suddenly look down and realize your pants are off, your legs are spread wide and a man has had time to strip naked and enter you?

>give me attention please please
>I-I was RAPED!!!
>You Can Tell Because My Crotch Is On Fire And I Look Sad!!!!

Desperate roastie trying her best to stay relevant

First time I've ever laughed at this fat bitch

Raped by a box of donuts maybe lmao

stop making amy schumer threads you fucking retards. Discussing any subject may it be negative or positive, any publicity is good publicity.

That doesn´t explane why she sucks as a comedian

>'I was raped' - Amy Schumer
Yeah, and I'm transgender.

I'm not saying it's bullshit, but I see a motive for exaggeration, if not outright lies.

If she were actually raped though, at least she'd have an excuse for her wickedness and vulgarity.

>"I had another time with a boyfriend where I was saying, ‘No, stop,' and it was just completely ignored."

id bet everything i own on the fact that she giggled as she said, "no stop", and then enjoyed the pretend rape wrasslin sex

Thought the same until I met a ""rapist"".

Turns out girls love to omit details.

>oh no my 15 minutes of fame are up
better tell everyone i was raped so i get more attention!
Fucking cow needs to fuck off and die.

It's like she tries to look like miss piggy, truly amazing.

>implying anyone wants to stick his dick into that whale
>implying it wasnt her that raped her bf

>My 15 minutes is almost up.
>Time to play the victim.
I am sure this is right out of the publicist playbook.

Is this the jist of female comedy? It's pretty good!

Seriously though are there actually any funny female comedians?

Miss Piggy is a fucking improvement.

>"I had another time with a boyfriend where I was saying, ‘No, stop,' and it was just completely ignored."

meaning he doesnt have much of a dick from too much steroid

Reminder he dated her as a way to get into standup.

>Whats going to be her next excuse for being fat?


Not surprising. Hollywood is full of damaged people who seek enablers for their narcissism, drug use, and other pathology they acquired through trauma.

I guess George Carlin was right. Rape IS funny.

Yikes, no, please I enjoy being in your friendzone.

Who would rape this fat slut lmfao

I "raped" an ex gf once. She was crying and slightly pushing me away but she was enjoying it because it was rough sex

how do ugly women manage to get this much attention...

some one had bad taste in women.

>i regret it therefore it was rape

More common than people would like to admit.

Some women want to fight you off them just to be overcome.


good post.

First time I've actually laughed at Amy Schumer.

You can easily prove she was raped because her rapists penis smells like pork.

Why is she so disgusting?

>I was raped
>But it wasnt traumatic enough, in fact I wasnt even really raped until I read my journal and decided I was.

Is this bitch serious?

>'I was raped' - Amy Schumer

wow, she finally said something that made me laugh


sure she was

She was mildly skinnier before she blew up, pun intended, and was everywhere. She used to be pretty bang able I my opinion. Now she's just a chunky little gremlin troll

I was raped by Amy Schumer.

Her fat is penetrating my eyes.

women complain about it but at the end of the day they still actively choose to date rapists and abusers

I want to give that whale all kinds of cummy snatches!

>You want a detailed account of what happened? I CONVENIENTLY SPACED OUT

>become an hikikomori, the only interaction with people is via IRC
>meet this girl from Barcelona
>after some years chatting I add her on windows messenger, start chatting with webcam on
>one night, having some fun together, I ask her "Hey Anonette, are you virgin?"
>She stop laughing, she had this sadness in her face "No, I was raped when I was 14 yo"
>I was shocked as fuck, she noticed it and told me to not worry that she overcomed it long time ago, but her face told me a very different thing
>I started feeling impotent, angry and mad as fuck, but since I couldn't do nothing, I cried powerless trying to understand why some one would do something like that to such amazing person

steroids shrinks the balls, not the dick lol.

keep trying to feel better about yourself small dick china man

lol says the retard that raped a guy and mocked him on social media

I know that feel bro. I was raped too. The real world buttfucked the shit out of me while life nutted all over my face.

I'm still coping with it.

Mist be desperate for attention


this disgusting pig slut is a perfect example of everything wrong with the world



That can happen, but only if she's wet as hell and bucking and grinding on your dick

t. Has had sex

She fucking ugly

Incredibly offensive to women who've been actually raped

*dubZ*** id
dubs post number. nice

regretting it 10 years doesn't count as rape

she was persuaded into it. her body wanted it even if her surface-level words were saying the opposite. unless she was physically restrained and in fear of her safety (which is about 1% of these sorts of cases), she didn't resist, ergo she consented

you can't look back on a sexual encounter that happened in the pre-cuck days were rape didn't mean someone calling you a cunt on twitter, and put 2016's standards on the 90s

disney animation is so fucking smooth

Women probably lie about getting raped or greatly exaggerate it because they like to be in the center of attention

They're also always unattractive. They want to bring attention to their genitals, but their looks don't allow it to happen the natural way, so they find alternatives.