Who here works in the movie/television industry?

who here works in the movie/television industry?
I know some of you do and have posted before

I want some stories and need some advice


If you're not a Jew who was born into the industry, don't bother. It's not what you think it is.

i browse Sup Forums so that is a testament to how shitty of an industry it is

any intredasting stories?

SAG eligible actor here, haven't joined the union yet because i don't live in ny or los angeles yet and i'm in a smaller city where there are more non-union projects, plus it's good to build up the resume with credits

vast most director's i've seen are pretty on top of their shit

sound guys are pretty chill dudes and under appreciated

cinematographer/experienced camera operators are by far the knowledgeable and probably smartest dudes on a set

how much of a joke is film school vs say, classes in communications (I.E. media/tv/movie production)?
I like the idea of film making but id rather get a more hands on job in the production of it first. Those were my two majors to pick from in college and film school seemed to risky

where abouts do you live? I really dont want to move to LA or NYC but ive heard some places are on the rise for filming like Boston or Atlanta

so its not a joke that theyre literally running out of ideas in hollywood, or do you come for actual critic on your own ideas

I'm in LA and work as a gaffer/grip. Slowly working my way toward camera department.

This is what I've learned in my 2ish years working in the industry. Everyone wants to be a director. Everyone is always looking for more work, no matter how long you've been working in the industry. And most importantly, don't turn down two calls from a producer and expect a third call.

It's an amazing industry to work in, especially if you've been a movie/tv fan your whole life, but it's hard, long, and consuming work.

i mean i've met/socialized with a bunch of celebrity filmmakers and actors discussed here. i'm lucky enough to know the quirks of two of the emmas but won't share them because i am a good guy.

hollywood hasn't had a new idea in 40 years. but it's really about investors and the corporate money men not wanting to take any risks and beating formulas (both in terms of what gets made, and how those things get made) beyond death.

literally everyone here works in the entertainment industry except for you

>know the quirks of two of the emmas

you have any projects coming up?
and who have you worked with?

i'm on the east coast, do you want to be in front or behind camera?

atlanta has a bigger film industry but it's kinda shitty if you're an actor i heard, mostly just good for extra work which is meme tier. you can get some parts there/in the region i'll assume, but if you're good enough to consistently book, then go to new york or la

of course, behind the camera/production would be a whole different story obviously

it's funny how most people don't know what the hours are. it's a long ass day. and a lot of it is just waiting around, it's mind-killing boredom.

also, seconding your return calls. almost every producer i've met is cordial. they're not assholes but they're too fucking busy and have lots of shit on their plate, and they do remember, so NEVER piss one off

the business is weird. you can be working on a triple A 8 figure studio film for a few months, with crazy catering, professional hair/makeup, awesome stories, having fun. and then a few months later do some ultra low budget shit that makes you want to die and anything in between

people forget though, it's work. 95% of the people who work in the business are just doing it as a regular job and don't have crazy lifestyles

id some day like to be in front of the camera, but im a but camera shy and ive never done any acting what so ever. I plan to one day, but id rather have a secure job in the feild first and ive heard there is a lot to be done behind the scenes. I just dont know if a communications degree will help me stick out or not
thanks for the input

>who here works in the movie/television industry?
>I know some of you do and have posted before
>I want some stories and need some advice
My serious advice is to work hard and go into TV - TV is a much better way to work and make money then movies right now since Amazon and Netflix is throwing silly money to produce TV shows, and it driving the cost up for everything.

Movies on the other hand are about 4 years away from full crisis as the studios are having a hard time producing stuff that people will pay to watch.

>TV story one.
In one major show, where the leads where married to each other, the actor was caught fucking his costar who was not his wife on the fucking set. his dick almost ended 4 years of paycheck for crews. There a reason why he kinda disappeared while his Ex-wife who was a trooper and acted even if she at the end of the day would sob will for years get work for being a pro.

Also the hours are long, and the Union battles are rough, you have to focus on your one job, as if you see something that needs to be done, if you do it some union folks will freak out since it there job.

The reality TV is mostly un-unionized, and it actually kinda nice to work in as there less standing around doing nothing, and you can do something if it needs to be done.

>Before you ask, I am a tech who works on movie camera's, and can fix both film camera's and digital camera's, but I not had to work on a film camera on set for a few years now.

done various acting gigs for a few years now. met some people, been on some semi famous sets.
Ask away

what do you do and who have you met?

what is that exactly and how did you get it

>Typical day (tech guy)
Sit on a set in a warehouse and wait in case the red breaks, which it most likely won't. One day I might be a big budget with super catering. 2 days later I might be at a low budget film and on a union break run to get pizza for the tech guys.

>my day I hated
Small action film, not even sure if it was a direct to video or might of never gotten a real release, the director in two shots takes out 4 cameras. Not only do I have to call the office to get more cameras, including renting one from another company and then renting it out to the film, that night I had 4 ruined cameras, and I and a woman had to get 3 of them up and running by the next day. Fixed the 3rd one in the van driving too the set, and then had to spend 12 hours up praying it didn't break.

I slept well that next night.

is the pay at least decent? how about social lives, are you guys married to the job?
do you sleep around with co workers

What do you want to know boi? Used to work at a studio

what are the best jobs (most stable and opportunity for advancement to other fields) and how do I get them and do that

production assistant. Some days im just running errands back and forth, other days im handling final cuts of the film and have to deliver to some place, just to transport it to another place
its not so bad if you dont mind being a mule. ive met
>kate mara
>paris hilton
>david fincher
>lorne michaels
>fred armistan
>bob dylan
>alexis bledel
>kevin bacon
>lindsey lohan
I use their term met loosely, most of these people it was just in passing

>tfw relative of 2 actors you've all probably heard of
feels good being a Jew

>is the pay at least decent? how about social lives, are you guys married to the job?
The pay is good if you are working. Some jobs (Makeup techs) do not get paid well. For example, there was a makeup tech who got a 3 line acting role on a made for TV movie/pilot.

The show went on for five seasons and this is the 20+ episode seasons.

He made more for those three lines then 5 years of makeup tech.

There is three types of workers in shows/movies.

The people working for the occasional big payday, say if you are a writer who not a staff writer. You might go 1-2 years but then get 200k or more when it sold.

Then there is the people who work on set, be actors, or grips, and so on. When you are working the hours are long, but you are paid well, but when you are not working you don't do much. They are always hunting down work.

Then there is the Rental houses (Camera or Prop houses for example) you show up to work every day to work on something, even if it just maintaining your investments, then you may be called out on a set and that is when you earn your money. My job is much like a normal job and I have to make sure my unit makes enough money to make payroll and invest in new gear. I wish we never went to digital, hurts my bottom line.

I married a nurse, but my main coworker married someone who he met at a prop house.

If you are working on set,forget a social life that day. So for example, if you get hired for a 2 week shoot, forget doing anything social for those two weeks.

Not that user, but Gaffer is head of lighting department and are control of setting up lighting rigs and shit.

Grips work on anything that makes the camera move simply put (like crane shots, dollys, etc). On real low budget shit, you would be lucky to see a grips as there will usually be nothing too advanced, however I was on a TV ad which the Cinematographer brought his own crane and it was set up by just the 3 piece camera crew.

but the only advice I can really give for getting those jobs is work for free and make as many friends as you can.

you ever get jobs, sex or drugs from them?

we get paid enought to live a comfortable middle class (ish) life style. Really its the amount of work you do and how good you are at it
its like any 9-5 job with occasionally something or somebody cool happening. 90% of the work is just that, grunt work
then maybe your work gets nominated for some prestigious award at a circle jerk ceremony you have a 50% of attending and a 5% chance accepting the ward if you even win. then the next day its back to the grind

jobs and drugs, but it's mostly just favors and knowing the right people that has helped. I have the same last name as them which helped during film school

>the director in two shots takes out 4 cameras

what the fuck? how do you manage that? how bad was the damage?

I don't plan on ever trying to get into the industry, but how did you guys do it?

Was it pure connections? Did you make your own movies and show it to someone? Or did you just send out a shit ton of applications online?

Chief lighting technician, works closely with the director of photography to light the scene.

Depends what kind. You can be working closely with the camera department setting up track/dollies, or you can be working the the lighting crew rigging up rigs for lights or flagging light. On low budget sets you're doing everything.

Something where people start to believe you are an irreplaceable part of film or tv making-- if not a director, then a line producer or UPM. Or production designer, vfx supervisor. People that green light movies don't really know that much about how to actually make movies

Dropped out of college and started taking shitty craiglist jobs. Photographed a bunch of weddings, filmed a bunch of corporate crap, all the while applying to random PA/editing jobs with no success.

I ended up meeting a gaffer/steady-cam operator on a crappy, but well paying, Craiglist job. Said he'd get me on set. Didn't believe him because I've heard it before a few times and everyone was a phoney. A few weeks later I was helping him on a commercial starring Danny Glover. Things snowballed from there and I ended up working with a few more gaffers before being taken under the wing of one. Ended up working on two feature films and tons of music videos my first year.

just work hard and your dreams will come true !

no but seriously I went to school for a technical skill job, applied, did some interviews and got hired on my 3rd or 4th attempt. Its not that hard to get into this line of work, just be willing to be a grunt and actually work. Its the people that throw all their money into being an actor and getting discovered that dont make it 99% of the time (unless you have connections or lots of money to burn) and say hollywood is a scam

what jobs and what drugs? Is movie making really all about nepotism or do I stand any chance at all?

any good work stories ?

Grip / Gaffer / Rigging assistant work on a bunch of movies, as well as some set building on TV.

It's not glamorous, especially when you're B unit and basically setting up and packing down before and after the main crews. Still, the pay was good and it was fun for how long and hard you work.

script editing, other desk jobs, LSD/pot/speed

It isn't too hard to break in if you become someone's assistant or go the festival route

what do you do now?

i currently work for a studio and am curious how people transition out

The director set it up and I (being the Camera tech and minority owner of the company) said "I think our camera's will get hit with this stunt."

Director refused to change the shot, and low and behold, the car crashed into the cameras.

We had two spares on the contract, so we put them out. And picked up the pieces, and insisted that they be moved out of the way.

Director gave the stunt driver bad instructions (think My right vs. your right) and the driver didn't see the the camera's till it was too late. Two more camera's out of commission.

I called the producer at this point, and I had to get our two camera's in the office plus rented another one from our rival and take the parts home.

It was 2 35mm camera's and 2 Super 16 cameras. One of the super 16s was a complete loss.

One super 16 was a simple fix (But a expensive one, as it took out the lens) One 35mm I had to get our spare frame and take part by part and test and install it. That had all sorts of stuff broken in it. Think a complete rebuild.

The other 35mm was broken but it was hard to figure out what it was outside of needing new motors. Turns out that the Gate was just slightly warped, so I was fixing it in the van going to the next day shoot (for another movie) so we could meet the contract.

Digital cameras are less fun to work with. Film Cameras where works of industrial art that you would keep running. Digital if it starts going bad you just buy a new one to replace the old one, which is getting outdated anyways.

Not really. I worked on a much memed upon here movie

Working for a financier now
Tell me who you hate most in the business user. I probably know them or of them

anyways, night.


Yes I'm a huge gay pornstar. Cocks vanish into the cavernous unending abyss which is my anus. I have sucked over 1,000 penises just this year alone. I am The op

>much memed upon here movie

you gotta tell us

Space Cop

if youre not going to bother telling us then dont bother bringing it up


Best and worst people you've worked with?

im impressed

just so you know, I often give my legitimate input and ideas on here on the off chance somebody sees them and ill see an idea I had get made
even if I dont get credit for it, I have no chance of my ideas getting anywhere anyway

Step 1: be jewish

I work with publicists so I get to meet a lot of stars. what do you need to know?

I work in PR so I help organize after-parties of award shows. The perks are that, of course, I get to see a lot of celebrities. The cons are that I see them at their worst. As in, literal worst. There are few celebrities I haven't seen puking and trust me, it doesn't matter how good-looking they are. They all look like shit when they're drunk and heaving into some bush.

I'm legally not allowed to let anything leak from the parties though but for example Awards season is when we're busiest, with Oscars night being the busiest night of the year because we help organize Elton John's oscar viewing party then right after that go to Madonna's ex's house to help throw her Oscars after-party. There are a shit load of A-listers at either one too and you really get to know who the nice ones are because they'll talk to commoners like you, whereas others will only speak to those who are as famous as them.

> Also the hours are long, and the Union battles are rough, you have to focus on your one job, as if you see something that needs to be done, if you do it some union folks will freak out since it there job.

this is always the most maddening thing for me when i'm on a set. like i'm a pretty nice guy, i don't mind helping at all, but i'm not allowed to even move a sandbag or some shit that's in a pa or grip's way or i'll have 5 different people yell at me.

sometimes the dudes who need help get mad too, like a guy needs a screwdriver, i or another actor see the one he wants on a stand, but he makes sure only the grips can pick it up and hand it to them because then they'll get in trouble for letting us touch it

stupid rules keks

who have you met, what are they like, best/worst stories how can I get a job like that

and do you even like the job, Im getting a real unhappy vibe here from some of the other guys

>this many hollywood types browse Sup Forums

you all are either lying or that means people in the industry actually come here, which cant be because this place is retarded

how many of them know about Sup Forums

I've worked as an extra for a few shows, had speaking/supporting roles in a few plays (off-off Broadway, not even in the same city for that matter), and between that I have a whole heap of auditions, breakdowns, casting calls, etc. that I've attended - so many I've completely lost count.

I've "met" some celebrities in the sense that I've been in the same room with them or said hello to them on set. Among them, Terrence Howard stands out as especially based and down to earth.

I also once hung out with Jesse Spencer at his apartment along with a handful of other extras/nobodies like myself, he's incredibly cool and his place was hands down the best apartment I've ever set foot in.

hate to break your secret little club bubble but this place isnt that anonymous, not since like 2007-8 at least

yes, some people browse here. quite a few have checked it out. Imagine how often a regular person sits online, then imagine how boring a set is in between takes. sometimes youre literally hanging around for hours to do a 10 minute scene. Theres not a lot for people to do but be on their phones or computers. Sup Forums, reddit, imgur, twitter, youtube, ebay ect all the usual sites you could think off

I dont know for sure who browses and I can my power level in check and not bring it up

how true is pedo wood

whats it like being a bodyguard for somebody

oh uh, the #pizzagay trumpfaggots are here

my cousin worked on a set and got me the job. I didnt meet the director or producer or anything, I doubt they even knew I got hired. My cousins boss was the head camera man and needed a bitch boy for Manuel labor. It paid me well through the summer and I didnt have to work at burger king


like everything else, its a day to day job. Most of thr guys doing that seem to do more assistant stuff then being a badass bodyguard, with the added chance of having to take a bullet for that person. if you like the person then I guess its ok. it pays about the same unless you have some A list client

bumping my question

Pedophile detected

any good jobs for former military memebers

and current police officers

Im picking come night school courses and want something feasible. Ill also bumpbecause it was an option for me as well and seems promising

Industry loves you guys. DP I work with hires them all the time.

I really enjoy film editing/cinematography in particular, any way to move towards those roles specifically or is it basically the same where I start out as a PA and work my way up?

so what should I look for, communications a good feild?

>work on your own low budget projects, put it out as much as you can (film festival, social media) and hope it gets noticed
which is a gamble but an arguably better way to reach your immediate goal. Or
>get a job on set like these other guys, prepare to work more on that then your own projects and try to make time for them
hopefully after a while you can make connections and get help or have your project get noticed that way. But if you havent noticed you will have to work a lot so you better save some energy for your hobby

No one gives a shit about your degree. Haven't been asked for one in my two years working. So long as you have a basic knowledge of the equipment and terminology you'll be okay. Be friendly and don't complain and people will teach you along the way.

How easy would it be for me to get a job there considering I'm English and British actors are very popular over in America, do you feel there is a biased towards hiring Americans over Brits?

well, I dont know anything about the equipment or terminology aside from the basics

there are a few websites Ive found that supposedly help vets get jobs on set. But I dont know if its a scam or not. I also dont want to wear my service on my sleeve, I didnt know if id be shot down immediately for being in the army

nobody gives a rats ass what you sound like. ive met people from all over with different accents, its the work and willingness to work that sets you apart. that goes for acting as well, if thats what you meant

Get some books on the subject.

If you end up working G&E

>Set Lighting Technician's Handbook: Film Lighting Equipment, Practice, and Electrical Distribution
>The Grip Book: The Studio Grip’s Essential Guide

If you want to work in the camera deparment

>American Cinematographer Manual
>Painting With Light

Some other general books

>The Production Assistant's Pocket Handbook
>Movie Speak: How to Talk Like You Belong on a Film Set

As far I've seen, most productions will suck your dick for being ex-military. You don't have to wear it on your sleeve.

Depends on what you wanna do. Writer/director/producer are the hardest, because you need certain skills that most likely if you don't have already you won't be able to acquire. You could learn to be a DP or an editor, but the best assistant director could be the worst director.

I've directed two features that didn't get distributed theatrically in the US, but that's really hard to do with foreign films. Before that, I worked as editor, post-supervisor, assistant director, sound editor, composer and made various short films.

My advice is this:
- become someone's apprentice
- have rich friends
- practice your craft
- watch films, read, be very smart

AMA if you want