>be european
>get invaded by radical islam
Be european
Muslims aren't radicals, they are peaceful. If those Isis terrorists were really muslim, why would they kill other muslims? They are a fraud and are not representing real Islam. In islam, people are told to be compassionate and be generous to others. This is mentioned in the 5 pillars. Terrorists dont follow that hence why they aren't muslims. Do actual research instead of believing in storm weenie delusions on this board.
>be leaf
Aparently Canada learnt to use proxies
>telling the objective truth is shit posting
>be European
>get Truck'd by Mohammad
Can't make this shit up.
Don't worry Canada, with a PM like yours you won't be "left" out for to long...
right, Islam is really about peace and loving eachother. The Prophet once said - peace and blessings be upon him, mashallah - that killing one fellow human being is exactly like killing humanity as a whole. words of wisdom, inshallah.
See the message here is, go ahead and kill everyone you want as it's all the same to me. (me being Allah, may his prophet be drawn everywhere)
Time to realize that Islam is like cancer, best cut it out of the body before it kills you.
You mean invited? It's what the people asked for, who are we to complain.
do you really wanna play this game?
"No true Scotsman" fallacy, retard.
Who are THEY?
>fucking leafs have to use proxies now
> Be Dutch
> Nothing happens
>be a non-country
>nothing happens
sounds about right
Kek, in a video conference like shit an imam said they must help Europeans peacefully into the other world. Aka murder them. So you know, they are just trying to help.
If anyone remembers which vid that was, link it faggot.
>1111199 nice digits
>be canadian
>have to prep wife's bull daily
Islam has been trying to genocide Europe for hundreds of years.
Islam is a religion of hate created by Satan
> Be a shit up shot up country
> Have blacks protest every day and attack white people
> Have corrupt media
> Have corrupt president
> Be a massive cuck on the internet
sounds about right
there is only one way out for america
It's mainstream Islam, nothing radical about jihad
In islam there is no question whether you should or shouldn't preform jihad, its a moral and ethical duty of every muslim
no im pretty sure they would kill non sunni muslims
This is true. Now stop fucking around and tell the kikes here to remove them