This is a good movie

This is a good movie.

Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

Why the fuck did they have to cast a while male lead?

It's okay but it caters too much towards Boomer nostalgia. I don't know if it will stand by itself two generations from now.

It can only ever cater to boomer nostalgia

because it fails the Beschdel test

Basically this. It only works for audiences in the 80's Since teens at the time watched a fun movie with Michael J Fox. And their parents got to reminisce about the 50's and enjoy the music.

No on else really gets much out of it

Millenials like it and they hate anything that caters to boomers.

>Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

If I ever, EVER, meet anyone that hates BTTF I'll literally do absolutely nothing, but, I'll be very annoyed at their lack of appreciation for good 80's movies and that's all I'll say on the matter.

>Spoiled white guy lead
>women fawning over men and not good for anything else
>subservient black guys
>acting as if the 1950's were some wonderful golden era
>racial and homophobic slurs used throughout

It's a tad too problematic for modern audiences to stomach

Dishonest film making.

I was born in 1985 and it caters to my nostalgia because the 85 scenes give me a sense of the year I was born.

George and Lorraine were Silent Generation, born in the late 30s. Marty was Gen-X. Aside from a necessary setting that looks authentic, I don't see how much nostalgia plays into the movie. Later movies are right up there in quality and one uses the old west while the other uses a goofy yet surprisingly accurate future.

The thing that lasts from BTTF is how different generations see themselves. This could be remade in 2350 in whatever technology they have and it will probably still work.

>50s homages
>50s retrofuturism homages
>50s spaghetti western homages

>Spoiled white guy lead
How is he spoiled?

>>acting as if the 1950's were some wonderful golden era
Weren't they? Aside from communist infiltration and war that is.

Maybe that's what the Bobs thought when making it, but this what what someone born in the late 70s saw:
> 50s look boring - no video games and color TVs, but everyone does appear nicer and the town is cleaner
> Whoa, cool future. I want to live to see that.
> This is a pretty gritty and accurate depiction of how the west was. That bluegrass band that sounds like ZZ top is funny sounding. Did music really sound like that back then? Woo, cool train.

>Why does Sup Forums hate it again?
We don't, anyone who does is just shitposting.

they didnt watch it at the theater, back when crablegs in my popcorn werent a thing saddly.

I don't think steampunk played heavily into spaghetti westerns. Besides, you didn't need to see Eastwood movies to know about the chest shield gag. It was given to audiences in BTTF2 when Biff was watching "great friggen flick"s in his penthouse suite.

>not enough LQBGOTTTTTTSD womyn of color

>Besides, you didn't need to see Eastwood movies to know about the chest shield gag.
Doesn't not make it a homage. Is it special needs hour on Sup Forums?

No it isn't not.

The sequels are better.

It is an homage with some new sci-fi elements thrown in. This is obvious. How does this affect later generations and their enjoyment of the flick? I mean, Star Wars is pretty much timeless mythology and was also heavily based on westerns.

Half true. BTTF2 > BTTF1 > BTTF3

Did Gone with the Wind only cater to Civil War veteran nostalgia?

This is the correct order.

I like trains, so 2 > 3 > 1

Yes, they werent for everyone but we're pretty top for white American males.

Always that one faggot using nostalgia as an """argument""".

you seem very confused, "muh nostalgia" is the argument commonly used, wheres that guy just pointed out the nostalgia factor of the movie.

I didn't like Doc's romance. It took up way too much screen time and Clara was performed cheesily
> golly

Do you think Doc Brown ever used the time machine for cum sharking? He could just go back in time and fly over women.

most brainlet post I've read all day

>Why does Sup Forums hate it again?

They are all buttmad because this movie forces them to accept the fact that Chuck Berry owes his entire career to Marty McFly.

I enjoy it merely for the 'parents are full of shit' jokes.
That and it's one of the best paced flicks of all time.

This is literally a perfect movie. One of the greatest of all time


I'm glad the 3rd movie was more about Doc, since the first 2 movies were all about Marty's family. I'm glad Seamas and Maggie weren't the focus of III.

Steenbergen is based too.

80s nostalgia is bigger than ever with Stranger Memes and shit like that, so the part of the movie that wasn't meant to be nostalgic fulfills the nostalgia part now.

I like it.
Wonderful music, witty writing and great comedic performances and chemistry across the entire cast.

Only three real flaws I can see are some time-travel plot-holes, a lack of nostalgic attachment for anyone born after 1980 (1992 here) and some of the VFX don't really hold up.

what was the edit here?

Maggie's form slowly and awkwardly blocking MJF handing the baby to himself

Oh neat

oh they ruined the shot in the western part

Boomers didn't become culturally relevant until the 60's

the time travel doesnt make sense